HPS 2682
Phil 2690
Spring 2017
Theories of Confirmation
Theories of Confirmation Credit:
2 points per vote
1 point per vote

Results of Ballot

Color Coding:
15 or more votes
10-14 votes

Principal Accounts of Induction

_9_ Inductive Generalization

_11_ Hypothetical Induction

_14_ Exclusionary accounts. Error statistical methods.

_13_ Abduction: Inference to the best explanation

_11_ Inference to a common cause

_15_ Simplicity and the Akaike criterion

_5_ Reliabilism

_11_ Probabilistic Induction

_13_ A Bayes' Primer

_5_ Bayesian Success Stories

_16_ Subjective versus Objective Bayesianism

_16_ Material Theory of Induction

_17_ The Theory Introduced

_16_ Case Studies of Applications

_2_ Bayesian Topics

_11_ Arguments for Bayesianism

_4_ Savage's decision theoretic justification of Bayesianism

_6_ Scoring Rule Justifications of Bayesianism

_10_ Function Theoretic Representation Theorems

_16_ Likelihoodism

_15_ Measures of Support

_5_ Imprecise Probabilities

_6_ Representations of Ignorance/Completely Neutral Support

_10_ Imprecise Probabilities

_2_ Dilation


__ Gotcha's in Probability

__ The exchange paradox

_4_ The doomsday argument, Sleeping beauty (and self locating beliefs)

_12_ Case Studies in Evidence

_20_ Newton's argument for Universal Gravitation

_11_ Phlogiston versus Oxygen

_12_ Evolutionary Theory

_12_ Quantum Discontinuity

_6_ The Electron

_17_ Evidence for Climate Change

Your Suggestions:_________________________

__ Complaints about Bayesianism

_13_ Troublesome Cases

_9_ Incompleteness of Calculi of Inductive Inference

_2_ Problems of Induction

_8_ The Problem of Induction (Hume's Problem)

_5_ Grue

_13_ Underdetermination

_3_ Hempel's Raven

_8_ Observationally Indistinguishable Spacetimes

More Topics

_3_ Ranking theory

_5_ The Problem of Old Evidence

Your Suggestions:________________________________