Jiantao Pu, PhD
Professor of Radiology and Bioengineering

University of Pittsburgh


3240 Craft Place, Suite C-321

Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: 412-641-2571
Fax: 412-641-2582
Email: jip13 AT pitt.edu
Web: http://www.pitt.edu/~jip13

Our AI systems: http://www.pu-lab.com




(1)    We are launching our developed AI algorithms on Amazon Web Services (AWS) at http://www.pu-lab.com for demonstration purposes. Stay tuned for upcoming algorithms in the future. Building upon these algorithms, we offer a diverse range of quantitative image analysis services customized to meet any specific needs of the community. If you're interested, please don't hesitate to reach out. Our services are FREE!


(2)    There are postdoctoral positions in our lab. Any candidates with experience or interest in image process and machine learning are welcome to send their CVs to me. We also welcome students and international visiting scholars who have an inclination towards medical image analysis and artificial intelligence (AI) and aspire to enhance their skills in these domains.


Research Emphasis

My research emphasis is on developing novel computational tools for enabling non-invasive, quantitative, and accurate assessment of pathological conditions, ultimately advancing a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanism of diseases and facilitating the development of efficacious therapy methods. 

Education & Training

2005 - 2007       Postdoctoral Scholar,   Stanford University, School of Medicine

2004 - 2005       Postdoctoral Scholar,   Purdue University, School of Engineering

1999 - 2002       Doctor of Philosophy,  Peking University, P. R. China

1996 - 1999       Master of Science,      Huazhong University of Science & Technology, P. R. China

1992 - 1996       Bachelor of Science,   Huazhong University of Science & Technology, P. R. China

Position Held

2023 -                Professor (with tenure), Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh

2016 -2023        Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh

2014 - 2016       Associate Professor (tenure-stream), Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh

2010 - 2014       Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh

2010 - 2014       Assistant Professor (tenure-stream), Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh

2007 - 2010       Research Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh

2002 - 2004       Instructor, National Laboratory on Machine Perception, Peking University, P. R. China

1999 - 2002       Research Assistant, Department of Computer Science, Peking University, P. R. China



1. Singh J, Pu L, Kokenberger G, Chan E, Tong Y, Alaa A, Moghbeli K, Hage C, Sanchez P, Pu J. Predicting post-lung transplant survival in systemic sclerosis using CT-derived features from preoperative chest CT scans. European Radiology. 2024.

2. Xiao D, Kammer, M, Chen H, Woodhouse P, Sandler K, Baron A, Wilson D, Billatos E, Pu J, Maldonado F, Deppen S, and Grogan E. Assessing the transportability of radiomic models for lung cancer diagnosis: commercial vs. open-source feature extractors. Translational Lung Cancer Research. 2024.

3. Zhang J, He L, Han T, Tong J, Ren J, Pu J, Zhang M, Guo Y, Jin C. HRCT findings predict 1-year mortality in patients with acute exacerbation of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies-associated interstitial lung disease. Heliyon. 2024.

4. Pu J. Bados A, Yu T, Wang R, Yuan J, Herman J, Wilson, D. Pulmonary circulatory system characteristics are associated with future lung cancer risk. Medical Physics. 2024.

5. Shi Z, Geng K, Zhao X, Mahmoudi F, Haas CH, Leader JK, Duman E, Pu J. XRayWizard: Reconstructing 3-D lung surfaces from a single 2-D chest x-ray image via Vision Transformer. Medical Physics. 2024.


1.  Fu R, Bandos A, Leader JK, Melachuri S, Pradeep T, Bhatia A, Narayanan S, Campbell AA, Zhang M, Sahel JA, Pu J. Artificial Intelligence Automation of Proptosis Measurement: An Indicator for Pediatric Orbital Abscess Surgery. Ophthalmology and Therapy. 2023.

2.  Pu J, Gezer NS, Ren S, Alpaydin AO, Avci ER, Risbano M, Rivera-Lebron B, Chan SYW, Leader JK. Automated detection and segmentation of pulmonary embolisms on computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) using deep learning but without manual outlining. Medical Image Analysis. 2023.

3.  Ren S, Beeche CA, Iyer K, Shi Z, Auster Q, Hawkins JM, Leader JK, Dhupar R, Pu J. Graphical modeling of causal factors associated with the postoperative survival of esophageal cancer subjects. Medical Physics. 2023.

4.  Gezer NS, Bandos AI, Beeche C, Leader JK, Dhupar R, Pu J. CT-derived body composition associated with lung cancer recurrence after surgery. Lung Cancer. 2023.

5. Singh J, Beeche C, Shi Z, Beale O, Rosin B, Leader J, Pu J. Batch-balanced focal loss: a hybrid solution to class imbalance in deep learning.  Journal of Medical Imaging. 2023.

6.  Iyer K, Ren S, Pu L, Mazur S, Zhao X, Dhupar R, Pu J. A Graph-Based Approach to Identify Factors Contributing to Postoperative Lung Cancer Recurrence among Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Cancers. 2023.

7.  Pu J, Leme AS, de Lima E Silva C, Beeche C, Nyunoya T, Koenigshoff M, Chandra D. Deep-Masker: A Deep Learning-Based Tool to Assess Chord Length from Murine Lung Images. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. 2023.

8.  Beeche CA, Garcia MA, Leng S, Roghanchi P, Pu J. Computational risk modeling of underground coal mines based on NIOSH employment demographics. Safety Science. 2023.

9.  Iyer K, Beeche CA, Gezer NS, Leader JK, Ren S, Dhupar R, Pu J. CT-Derived Body Composition Is a Predictor of Survival after Esophagectomy. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023.


1.  Gorgone M, Singhvi D, Nouraie SM, Finkelman M, Zhang Y, Pu J, Chandra D, Zhang Y, Kitsios GD, Morris A, Sciurba FC, Bon J. Circulating 1,3-Beta-D-Glucan is Associated with Lung Function, Respiratory Symptoms, and Mediators of Matrix Degradation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Journal of the COPD Foundation. 2022.

2.  Beeche C, Singh JP, Leader Jk, Gezer NS, Oruwari AP, Dansingani KK, Chhablani J, Pu J*. Super U-Net: a modularized generalizable architecture. Pattern Recognition. 2022.

3.  Zheng Q, Zhang X, Zhang J, Bai F, Huang S, Pu, J, Chen W, Wang L. A texture-aware U-Net for identifying incomplete blinking from eye videography. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 2022.

4.  Pu J*, Leader JK, Sechrist J, Beeche CA, Singh JP, Ocak I, Risbano M. Automated identification of pulmonary arteries and veins depicted in non-contrast chest CT scans. Medical Image Analysis. 2022.

5.  Beeche C, Gezer NS, Almetwali O, Yu J, Zhang Y, Dhupar R, Leader JK,  Pu J*. Assessing retinal vein occlusion based on color fundus photographs using neural understanding network (NUN). Medical Physics. 2022.


1.  Jin C., Cao X, Gao X, Yu N., Shi M, Wei X, Huang X, Xu X, Pu J, Guo Y. Potential value of expiratory CT in quantitative assessment of pulmonary vessels in COPD. Frontiers in Medicine. 2021.

2.  Wang L, Chen K, Wen Han, Zhang Q, Chen Y, Pu J, Chen W. Feasibility assessment of infectious keratitis depicted on slit-lamp and smartphone photographs using deep learning. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2021.

3.  Pu J*, Leader JK, Zhang D, Beeche C, Sechrist J, Pennathur A, Villaruz LC, Wilson D. Macro-vasculature and positron emission tomography (PET) standardized uptake value in lung cancer patients. Medical Physics. 2021.

4. Wang L, Shen M, Chang Q, Shi C, Chen Y, Zhou Y, Zhang Y, Pu J, Chen H.  Automated delineation of corneal layers on OCT images using a boundary-guided CNN. Pattern Recognition. 2021.

5.  Pu J*, Sechrist J, Meng X, Leader JK, Sciurba F. A pilot study: quantify lung volume and emphysema extent directly from 2-D scout images. Medical Physics. 2021.

6. Fu R, Leader JK, Pradeep T, Shi J, Meng X, Zhang Y, Pu J*. Automated delineation of orbital abscess depicted on CT scan using deep learning. Medical Physics. 2021.

7. Wang L, Gu J, Chen Yi, Liang Y, Zhang W, Pu J, Chen H . Automated segmentation of the optic disc from fundus images using an asymmetric deep learning network. Pattern Recognition. 2021.

8. Pradeep T, Kalra G, Leader J, McCoy J, Dixit R, Dohar J, Tobey A, Sahel J, Pu J*, Fu R. Lesion-mapping software for the measurement of subperiosteal abscess volume for pediatric orbital cellulitis: a retrospective chart review. Ophthalmology and Therapy. 2021.

9. Ashraf SF, Yin K, Meng C, Wang Q, Wang Q, Pu J*, Dhupar R. Predicting benign, pre-invasive and invasive lung nodules on Computed Tomography scans using machine learning. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2021.

10. Wang L, Shen M, Shi C, Zhou Y, Pu J, Chen H. EE-Net: An edge-enhanced deep learning network for jointly identifying corneal micro-layers from optical coherence tomography. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 2021.


1. Yu J, Yang B, Wang J, Leader J, Wilson D, Pu J*. 2-D CNN vs 3-D CNN for false-positive reduction in lung cancer screening. Journal of Medical Imaging. 2020,

2. Pu J*, Leader J, Bandos A, Shi K, Wang J, Shi J, Du P, Guo Y, Wenzel SE, Fuhrman C, Wilson D, Sciurba F, Jin C. Automated quantification of COVID-19 severity and progression using chest CT images. European Radiology. 2020.

3. Wang L, Shen M, Chang Q,  Shi C, Zhou Y, Pu J*. BG-CNN: A Boundary Guided Convolutional Neural Network for Corneal Layer Segmentation from Optical Coherence Tomography. Proceedings of the 2020 5th International Conference on Biomedical Signal and Image Processing. 2020, 1-6.

4. Pu J*, Leader J, Bandos A, Shi J, Du P, Yu J, Yang B, Ke S, Guo Y, Field JB, Fuhrman C, Wilson D, Sciurba F, Jin C. Any unique image biomarkers associated with COVID-19? European Radiology. 2020, 28 : 1-7.

5. Wang X, Yu J, Zhu Q, Li S, Zhao Z, Yang B, Pu J*. Potential of Deep Learning in Assessing Pneumoconiosis Depicted on Digital Chest Radiography. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2020,77(9): 597-602.

6. Zhang J, Du Y, Bai L, Pu J, Jin C, Yang J, Guo Y. An Asymptomatic Patient with COVID-19. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2020 Jun 1; 201(11): 1428-1429.

7. Zhen Y, Chen H, Zhang X, Liu M, Meng X, Zhang J, Pu J*. Assessment of central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC) depicted on color fundus photographs using deep learning, RETINA, 2020, 40(8):1558-1564.


1.  Liu H, Wang L, Nan Y, Jin F, Pu J*. SDFN: Segmentation-based Deep Fusion Network for Thoracic Disease Classification in Chest X-ray Images. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2019, 75: 66-73.

2. Raghu VK, Zhao W, Pu J., Leaser JK, Wang R, Herman J, Diergaarde B, Yuan JM, Benos PV, Wilson D. Lung cancer prediction from low-dose CT scan and smoking factors using causal models. Thorax, 2019, 74:643-649.

3. Zhao W, Liu H, Leader JK, Wilson D, Meng X, Wang L, Chen LA, Pu J*. Computerized identification of the vasculature surrounding a pulmonary nodule. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2019; 74:1-9

4. Wang L, Liu H, Lu Y, Chen H, Zhang J, Pu J*. A coarse-to-fine deep learning framework for optic disc segmentation in fundus images. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2019; 51:82-89.

5. Wang L, Huang Y, Lin B, Wu W, Chen H, Pu J*. Automatic Classification of Exudates in Color Fundus Images Using an Augmented Deep Learning Procedure. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Image Comptuing and Digital Medicine (ISICDM 2019), 2019, 31-35

6. Wang L, Liu H, Zhang J, Chen H, Pu J*. Computerized assessment of glaucoma severity based on color fundus images. SPIE Medical Imaging, 2019.

7. Wang L, Liu H, Zhang J, Chen H, Pu J*. Automated segmentation of the optic disc using the deep learning. SPIE Medical Imaging, 2019.


1. Wang L, Chen G, Shi D, Chang Y, Pu J*, X Yang. Active contours driven by edge entropy fitting energy for image segmentation. Signal Processing, 149: 27-35, 2018.

2. Wang L, Zhu J, Sheng M, Cribb A, Zhu S, Pu J. Simultaneous segmentation and bias field estimation using local fitted images. Pattern Recognition, 74: 145-155, 2018


1. Wang X, Leader JK, Wang R, Wilson D, Herman J, Yuan JM, Pu JVasculature surrounding a nodule: A novel lung cancer biomarker. Lung Cancer. 2017 Dec;114:38-43.

2. Wang L, Chang Y, Wang H, Wu Z, Pu J, Yang X. An active contour model based on local fitted images for image segmentation. Information Sciences, 2017; 418-419 (2017) 61-73.

3. Grace J, Leader JK, Nouraie SM, Pu J, Chandra D, Zhang Y, Sciurba FC, Bon J. Mediastinal and Subcutaneous Chest Fat Are Differentially Associated with Emphysema Progression and Clinical Outcomes in Smokers. Respiration. 2017 Sep 3.  

4. Wilson DO, Pu J. The bell tolls for indeterminant lung nodules: computer-aided nodule assessment and risk yield (CANARY) has the wrong tune. J Thorac Dis. 2016 Aug;8(8):E836-7.


1.  Chan EG, Landreneau JR, Schuchert MJ, Odell DD, Gu S, Pu J, Luketich JD, Landreneau RJ. Preoperative (3-dimensional) computed tomography lung reconstruction before anatomic segmentectomy or lobectomy for stage I non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2015 Sep;150(3):523-8.

2.  Pu J, Jin C, Yu N, Wang X, Meng X, Guo Y. A "loop" shape descriptor and its application to automated segmentation of airways on CT scans. Medical Physics; 2015 Jun;42(6):3076-84

3. Tan M, Qian W, Pu J, Liu H, Zheng B. A new approach to develop computer-aided detection schemes of digital mammograms. Physics in Medicine and Biology; 2015 Jun 7;60(11):4413-27.

4. Zheng B, Qian W, Li L, Pu J, Kang Y, Lure F, Tan M, Qiu Y. A new CAD approach for improving efficacy of cancer screenin. In Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging;  2015.


1.   M. Tan, J. Pu, and B. Zheng, "Optimization of Breast Mass Classification Using Sequential Forward Floating Selection (SFFS) and A Support Vector Machine (SVM) Model," International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2015 9(6):1005-20

2.   M. Tan, J. Pu, S. Cheng, H. Liu, B. Zheng. "Assessment of a Four-View Mammographic Image Feature Based Fusion Model to Predict Near-Term Breast Cancer Risk." Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2015 43(10):2416-28..

3.   S. Gu, R. Li, J.K. Leader, B. Zheng, J. Bon, D. Gur, F. Sciurba, C. Jin, J. Pu*. "Obesity and extent of emphysema depicted at CT." Clinical Radiology. 2015 May;70(5):e14-9.


1.    J. Ju, R. Li, S. Gu, J. Leader, X. Wang, Y. Chen, B. Zheng, S. Wu, D. Gur, F. Sciurba, J. Pu*. "Impact of Emphysema Heterogeneity on Pulmonary Function,"  PLoS One, 2014;9(11):e113320.

2.    Y. Zhen, S. Gu, X. Meng, B Zheng, N. Wang, J. Pu*, "Automated identification of retinal vessels using a multiscale directional contrast quantification (MDCQ) strategy," Medical Physics, 2014; 41(9):092702.

3.    M. Tan, J. Pu, and B. Zheng, "A new and fast image feature selection method for developing an optimal mammographic mass detection scheme," Medical Physics, 2014; 41(8):081906.

4.    M. Tan, J. Pu, and B. Zheng, "Reduction of false-positive recalls using a computerized mammographic image feature analysis scheme," Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2014;59(15):4357-73.

5.    M. Tan, J. Pu, and B. Zheng, "Optimization of Network Topology in Computer-Aided Detection Schemes Using Phased Searching with NEAT in a Time-Scaled Framework," Cancer Informatics, 2014; 13(s1).

6.    S. Gu, X. Meng, FC Sciurba, H. Ma, J. Leader, N. Kaminski, D. Gur, J. Pu*, "Bidirectional Elastic Image Registration Using B-Spline Affine Transformation," Computerized Medical Image and Graphics,  Vol. 38(4), pp. 306-314, 2014.

7.    Y. Qiang, Q. Wang, G. Xu, H. Ma, L. Deng, L. Zhang, J. Pu*, and Y. Guo*, "Computerized Segmentation of Pulmonary Nodules Depicted in CT Examinations Using Freehand Sketches," Medical Physics, 2014;41(4):041917.

8.    S. Gu, J. Leader, B. Zheng, Q. Chen, F. Sciurba, N. Kaminski, D. Gur, J. Pu*, "Direct Assessment of Lung Function in COPD Using CT Densitometric Measures,", Physiological Measurement, Vol. 35(5): 833-845, 2014.

9.    J. Pu*, Z. Wang, S. Gu, C. Fuhrman, JK Leader, X. Meng, J. Tedrow, FC Sciurba, "Pulmonary Fissure Integrity and Collateral Ventilation in COPD patients,", PLoS One, 9(5): e96631, 2014. .

10.    M. Tan, J. Pu, B. Zheng, "A New Mass Classification System Derived from Multiple Features and A Trained MLP Model," SPIE Medical Imaging' 2014, 9035, 2014.


1.    S. Kundu, Z. Wang, S. Gu, J. K. Leader, J.R. Tedrow, F. C. Sciurba, D. Gur, N. Kaminski, and J. Pu*, "Assessment of Lung Volume Collapsibility in Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease Patients Using CT," European Radiology, 23(6):1564-72, 2013.

2.    S. Gu, C. Fuhrman, X. Meng, J. M. Siegfried, D. Gur, J. K. Leader, F. Sciurba, and J. Pu*, "Computerized Identification of Airway Wall in CT Examinations Using a 3D Active Surface Evolution Approach," Medical Image Analysis, 17(3):283-96, 2013.

3.    Z. Wang, S. Gu, S. Kundu, J. K. Leader, J. R. Tedrow, F. C. Sciurba, D. Gur, J. M. Siegfried, and J. Pu*, "Optimal Threshold in CT Quantification of Emphysema," European Radiology, Vol. 23(4), 975-984, 2013.

4.    S. Gu, Z. Wang, J. Siegfried, D. Wilson, W. Bigbee, and J. P*, "Automated Lobe-based Airway Labeling," International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2012:382806, 2012.

5.    X. Meng, Y. Q. Qiang, S. Zhu, C. Fuhrman, J. Siegfried, and J. Pu*, "Illustration of the Obstacles in Computerized Lung Segmentation Using Examples," Medical Physics, Vol. 39(8), pp. 4984-4991, 2012.

6.    S. Gu , D. Wilson, Z. Wang, W. L. Bigbee, J. Siegfried, D. Gur, and J. Pu*, "Identification of Pulmonary Fissures using A Piecewise Plane Fitting Algorithm," Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol. 36(7), pp. 560-571, 2012.

7.    J. Pu, J. K. Leader, X. Meng, B. Whiting, D. Wilson, F. Sciurba, J. J. Reilly, W. L. Bigbee, J. Siegfried, and D. Gur, "Three-dimensional Airway Tree Architecture and Pulmonary Function," Academic Radiology, Vol. 19(11), pp. 1395-1401, 2012.   

8.    J. Pu, S. Liu, S. Zhu, D. Wilson, J. Siegfried, and D. Gur, "CT Based Computerized Identification and Analysis of Human Airways: A Review," Medical Physics, Vol. 39(5), pp. 2603-1616, 2012. 

9.    S. Gu, Q. Zheng, J. Siegfried, J. Pu*, "Robust pulmonary lobe segmentation against incomplete fissures,"  In Proc. SPIE 2012, Vol. 8315, 2012.

10.    J. Tan, B. Zheng, X. Wang, J. Pu, D. Gur, F. Sciurba, J. K. Leader, "Classification of CT examinations for COPD visual severity analysis,"  In Proc. SPIE 2012, Vol. 8317, 2012.  


1.    S. Gu , D. Wilson, J. Tan, and J. Pu*, "Pulmonary Nodule Registration: Rigid or Non-Rigid?," Medical Physics, Vol. 38(7), pp. 4406-4415, 2011. 

2.    J. Pu, C. Fuhrman, W. F. Good, F. C. Sciurba, and D. Gur, "A Differential Geometric Approach to Automated Segmentation of Human Airway Tree," IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging,  Vol. 30(2), pp. 266-278, 2011. 

3.    J. Pu, D. S. Paik, X. Meng, J. E. Roos, and G. D. Rubin, "Shape "Break-and-Repair" Strategy and Its Application to Computerized Medical Image Segmentation," IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 17(1), pp. 125-124, 2011.

4.    J. Pu, J. Tan, "Automated Segmentation of Pulmonary Nodules Depicted on CT Images," In Proc. SPIE 2011 Medical Imaging, 7963-106.

5.    J. Tan, B. Zheng, X. Wang, D. Lederman, J. Pu, F. C. Sciurba, D. Gur, and J. K. Leader, "Texture-Based Segmentation and Analysis of Emphysema Depicted on CT images," In Proc. SPIE 2011 Medical Imaging, 7965-59.

6.    J. Tan, B. Zheng, S. Park, J. Pu, S. E. Wenzel, J. K. Leader, "Lung Registration Using Airway Tree Morphometry,In Proc. SPIE 2011 Medical Imaging, 7965-72.


1.    J. Pu, C. Fuhrman, J. Durick, J. K. Leader, A. Klym, F. C. Sciurba, and D. Gur, "Computerized Assessment of Pulmonary Fissure Integrity Using High Resolution CT," Medical Physics, Vol. 37(9), pp. 4661-4672, 2010.

2.    J. Tan, J. Pu, B. Zheng, J. K. Leader, "Computerized Comprehensive Data Analysis of Lung Imaging Database Consortium (LIDC)," Medical Physics, Vol. 37(7), pp. 3802-3808, 2010. 

3.    J. Tan, B. Zheng, S. C. Park, J. Pu, F. C. Sciurba, and J. K. Leader, "Two-dimensional airway analysis using probabilistic neural networks," In Proc. SPIE 2010 Medical Imaging, Vol. 7626, pp. 762612,  2010.


1.  J. Pu, B. Zheng, J. K. Leader, C. Fuhrman, F. Knollmann, A. Klym,  and D. Gur, "Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation in CT examinations Using Implicit Surface Fitting," IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, Vol. 28 (12), pp. 1986-1996,  2009. 

2.  J. Pu, and D. Gur, "Automated Freehand Sketch Segmentation Using Radial Basis Functions," Computer Aided Design, Vol. 41 (12),  pp. 857-864, 2009.

3.  J. Pu, J. K. Leader, B. Zheng, F. Knollmann, C. Fuhrman, F. C. Sciurba, and D. Gur, "A Computational Geometry Approach to Automated Pulmonary Fissure Segmentation in CT Examinations," IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, Vol. 28(5), pp. 710-719, 2009.

4.  S. C. Park, J. Pu, and B. Zheng, "Improving Performance of Computer-aided Detection Scheme by Combining Results from Two Machine Learning Classifiers," Academic Radiology, Vol. 16(3), pp. 266-274, 2009.

5.  J. Pu, B. Zheng, and S. Cheol, "A Visualization System for CT Based Pulmonary Fissure Analysis," in Proc. SPIE 2009 Medical Imaging, Vol. 7261, pp. 726130, 2009.

6.  S. Cheol, W. P. Kim, B. Zheng, J.K. Leaser, J. Pu, J. Tan, and D. Gur, "Pulmonary Airway Tree Segmentation from CT Examinations Using Adaptive Volume of Interest," in Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol. 7259, pp. 72594U, 2009.

7.  J. K. Leader, B. Zheng, C. R. Fuhrman, J. Tedrow, S. C. Park, J. Tan, J. Pu, J. M. Drescher, D. Gur, and F. C. Sciurba, "Association Between Lung Function and Airway Wall Density," in Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol. 7263, pp. 72622J, 2009.


1.  J. Pu, B. Zheng, J. K. Leader, and D. Gur,  "An Automated CT Based Lung Nodule Detection Scheme Using Geometric Analysis of Signed Distance Field," Medical Physics, Vol. 35(8): 3453-3461, 2008.

2.  J. Pu, J. E. Roos, G. D. Rubin, S. Napel, and D. S. Paik, "Adaptive Border Marching Algorithm: Automatic Lung Segmentation on Chest CT Images," Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol. 32(6): 452-462, 2008.

3.  J. Pu, B. Zheng, J. K. Leader, and D. Gur, "An Ellipse-Fitting Based Method For Efficient Registration Of Breast Masses On Two Mammographic Views," Medical Physics, Vol. 35(2): 487-494, 2008.

4.  B. Zheng, J. Pu, S. C. Park, M. Zuley, and D. Gur,  "Assessment Of The Relationship Between Lesion Segmentation Accuracy And Computer-Aided Diagnosis Scheme Performance," in Proc. SPIE 2008 Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, Vol. 6915, 691530, 2008.

5.  J. K. Leader, B. Zheng, F. C. Sciurba, C. R. Fuhrman, J. M. Bon, S. C. Park, J. Pu, D. Gur, "The Relation of Airway Size to Lung Function," in Proc. SPIE 2008 Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, Vol. 6916, 691623, 2008.


1.  J. Pu, and K. Ramani, "Priority-Based Geometric Constraint Satisfaction," ASME Trans. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol. 7(4): 322-329, 2007.

2.  J. Pu, and K. Ramani, "Implicit Geometric Constraint Detection in Freehand Sketches Using Relative Shape Histogram," EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Sketch-Based Interface and Modeling (2007), pp.107-113, 2007.

3.  J. Pu, Y. Kalyanaraman, S.  Jayanti, K. Ramani, and Z. Pizlo, "Navigation and Discovery in 3D CAD Repositories," IEEE Computer Graphics & Application, Vol. 27(4): 38-47, 2007.

4.  K. Ramani, and J. Pu, "Review of a Paradigm for Freehand Sketch Driven Search and Design," Journal of Kikai no Kenkyu (Science of Machine), Vol. 59(1): 211-230, January, 2007.

5.  J. Pu, K. Ramani, "An Integrated 2D and 3D Shape-based Search Framework and Applications," Journal of Computer Aided Design and Application, Vol. 4(6):817-826, 2007.


1.  J. Pu, S. Jayanti, and K. Ramani, "Similar 3D Shape Retrieval Based on Multiple Levels of Detail," in Proc. Pacific Graphics' 2006, Taiwan, pp. 97-104, 2006.

2.  J. Pu, and K. Ramani, "ShapeLab: A Unified Framework for 2D & 3D Shape Retrieval," in Proc. 3DPVT' 2006, Chapel Hill (USA), pp. 324-331, 2006.

3.  J. Pu, and K. Ramani, "A New Design Paradigm Based on Sketch and Retrieval," in Proc. IDETC/CIE 2006, ASME 26th Computers and Information in Engineering (CIE) Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA), 2006.

4.  J. Pu, and K. Ramani, "3D Shape Retrieval Based on 2D Orthogonal View Alignment," in Proc. International Symposium Series on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE' 2006), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2006, pp. 263-272, 2006.

5.  J. Pu, and K. Ramani, "On Visual Similarity based 2D Drawing Retrieval," Computer Aided Design, Vol. 38(3): 249-259, 2006.

6.  J. Pu, R. Geoffrey, J. Roos, and D. Paik, "Correcting Under-segmentation of Juxtapleural Lung Nodules in Chest CT," Radiological Society of North America 92nd Scientific Sessions, Nov. 2006.


1.  J. Pu, and K. Ramani, "An Automatic Drawing-like View Generation Method from 3D Models," in Proc. IDETC/CIE 2005, ASME 25th Computers and Information in Engineering (CIE) Conference, Long Beach (USA), pp.301-320, 2005.

2.  J. Pu, and K. Ramani, "A 2D Sketch User Interface for 3D CAD Model Retrieval," Journal of Computer Aided Design and Application, Vol. 2(6):717-727, 2005.

3.  J. Pu, and K. Ramani, "A 3D Model Retrieval Method Using 2D Freehand Sketches," Lecture Note in Computer Science, Vol. 3515: 343-347, 2005.

4.  W. Liu, Y. Uehara, Y. Liu, J. Pu, and H. Zha, "3DMIRACLES: 3D models retrieval and visualization engine," in Proc. International Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis 2005 (IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging), San Jose, CA, USA, Jan. 16-20, 2005.

5.  W. Liu, Y. Uehara, H. Yu, D. Masumoto, Y. Liu, J. Pu, H. Zha, "Interactive Visual Retrieval System for Large Scale 3D Models Database", in Proc. 11st International Conference on Multimedia Modelling Conf. (MMM2005), Melbourne, Australia, Jan 12-14, pp.458-463, 2005. 

6.  J. Pu, and H. Zha, "The Research on Visibility for Large-scale & Complex Scenes," Journal of Computer Research and Development, Vol. 42 (2), pp.234-246, 2004.  (in Chinese)


1.  Y. Liu, J. Pu, G. Xin, H. Zha, W. Liu, and Y. Uehara, "A Robust Method for Content-based 3D Model Retrieval," in Proc. Pacific Graphics'2004, Oct.6-8, pp. 3-9, 2004.

2.  J. Pu, Y. Liu, G. Xin, and H. Zha, "3D Model Retrieval Based on 2D Slice Similarity Measurements," in Proc. 3DPVT;2004, Thessaloniki, Greece, Sep.  6~9, pp.95-101, 2004.

3.  Y. Liu, J.  Pu, and H. Zha, "Thickness Histogram and Statistical Harmonic Representation," in Proc. 3DPVT'2004, Thessaloniki, Greece, Sep.  6~9, pp. 896-903, 2004.


1.  J. Pu, Y. Wang, W. Chen, and D. Shihai, "FreeVoiceCAD--A Multimodal User Interface Prototype System," Journal of Computer Research and Development, Vol.40 (9): 1382-1388, 2003. (in Chinese)

2.  W. Liu, J. Pu, and H. Zha, "3D Model Retrieval Systems and Algorithms," in Proc. China Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (CCVRV'200), Changsha, China, pp. 546-550, 2003..


1.   J. Wang, H. Shu, J. Guo, and J. Pu, "Experimental Evaluation of Speech-Mouse and Keyboard-Mouse based Multimodal Interfaces," in Proc. 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction (APCHI'2002), November 1-4, 2002, Beijing, China.

2.  Y. Wang, J. Pu, and D. Shihai, "Research of Context Awareness in Handheld & Mobile Computing," in Proc. 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction (APCHI'2002), November 1-4, 2002, Beijing, China.

3.  Y. He, J. Pu, and D. Shihai, "Some Viewpoints on the User Interface Research in Handheld Mobile Computing," in Proc. 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction (APCHI'2002), November 1-4, 2002, Beijing, China.


1.  Y. Wang, J. Pu, and S. Dong, "The advances of handwritten Chinese character recognition and its application in multimodal interface," in Proc. of Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, October 22-24, 2001, Wuhan (China), Vol. 4554, pp.113-117, 2001, China.

2.  J. Pu, Y. Wang, and S. Dong, "Multimodal User Interface Research of CAD System," in Proc. Seventh International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, August 22-24, 2001, Kunming, China.

3.  J. Pu, and S. Dong, "A Task-oriented and Hierarchical Multimodal Integration Model and its Corresponding Algorithm," Journal of Computer Research and Development, Vol.38 (8): 966-971, 2001. (in Chinese) 

4.  J. Pu, W. Chen, H. Wang, and S. Dong, "The Research on the Key Technologies and Trend of Multimodal User Interface," Journal of Computer Research and Development, Vol.38 (6): 684-690, 2001. (in Chinese)

5.  J. Pu, J. Qin, X. Wang, and S. Dong, "Research on Multimodal User Interface," Journal of Computer Application, Vol.21 (5): 4-6, 2001. (in Chinese)


1.  B. Xiao, J. Pu, and S. Dong, "Application of Complex Feature in Multimodal User Interface," in Proc. 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction (APCHI'2000), Singapore, 2000.

2.  B. Xiao, J. Pu, and S. Dong, "Multimodal Integration Using Complex Feature Set," in Proc. Third International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI'2000), Beijing, China, October, 2000.

3.  J. Pu, H. Wang, G. Wang, and S. Dong, "A Graph-Reconstruction Strategy for Geometric Constraint Problem," Journal of Computer Application, Vol. 20, Aug.2000. (in Chinese)


1.  J. Pu, H. Wang, G. Wang, L. Shi, and Z. Li, "The Research on the Scheme for Geometric Constraint Problem," Journal of Computer Aided Design and Manufacture, No.5, May.1999. (in Chinese)


1.  Real-time Renderingwritten by Tomas Akenine-Moller and Eric Haines, translator by J. Pu, Peking University Press, P. R. China


1. J. Pu, "System and method for quantifying the extent of disease from 2-D images."

2. K. Ramani, J. Pu,  "Methods for Retrieval Shapes and Drawings." 

3. K. Ramani, J. Pu,  "Sketch Beautification."


updated June, 2015