//choice is 0=defeat, 1=retire, 2=senate 3=stay, 4=chair// //Democrats regression with senate as the omitted category// use "C:\Users\kanthak\Documents\research\evolution\replication materials\dems.dta", clear mprobit choice dwdist1 dwdist2 legexp law avgroert spend1 gen1 pres1 prim64 term turnover reapportionment cdsinstate higherup, base(2) cluster(number), if pid==1 & deadest==0 //Republicans regression with senate as the omitted category// use "C:\Users\kanthak\Documents\research\evolution\replication materials\repubs.dta", clear mprobit choice gingdist1 gingdist2 legexp law avgroert spend73 gen100 pres43 prim48new term turnover cdsinstate higherup, base(2) cluster(number)