The meeting was brought to order at
1315 hours. Board members present were: Peter McCabe, Martha Geary, Ron
Wisbith. Others present included: Steve Houck (Communications Committee), Ken
Boyles (Operations Committee), and Nelson Haas (Northern Region
Representative). A quorum was not present to conduct official business on
behalf of the Council.
The following bullets identify the
issues on the printed Agenda. Following each issue is a summary of the
discussion that occurred.
The need to involve all PSARC member groups, delegates and
delegate alternates in PSARC functions and activities.
Expanding membership in PSARC committees and the development of
team management and empowerment concepts.
It is very difficult to ask people to travel, in some instances,
across a large state to attend PSARC committee meetings. We're lucky to get the
attendance we do.
Suggest revamping the quarterly PSARC meetings to the following:
0900- 1100 Committee
meetings in different meeting rooms
1100- 1200 Committee Reports
iii) 1200- 1500 General Council meeting
This suggestion will be brought before the December 3 PSARC
meeting for consideration.
It is recognized that some Committee work will have to take place
be phone or mail between meetings.
Several efforts are now underway to identify all PSARC team
alternate delegates so as to enlarge the pool of possible Committee members.
While the wish to involve all PSARC member groups, delegates and
delegate alternates in PSARC functions and activities is admirable, the fact is
that people and teams should have enough interest to get involved on their own
initiative; not wait for someone to ask them.
Beginning Discussions -- the process, coordination and timetable
of moving toward uniform operations:
review of the inter-related processes in retrofitting training
programs; and
activating individual accreditation standards; developing or
adopting team/group standards;
There is a need to develop a wide range of training opportunities. For example, the Training Committee should be
in a position to review training proposals from PSARC member teams and comment
on the possibility of other's participating in that particular training.
The PSARC has specific information on topics in its COQ, FTM and
FTL standards that are covered in State Fire Training Academy (SFTA/PEMA)
training modules. Conversely, information is then also available on what
requirements are not covered in SFTA/PEMA training modules.
iii) The Training Committee needs to
review SFTA/PEMA training and other available training to make a compendium of
training opportunities throughout the Commonwealth.
One Pennsylvania team is considering offering a "SAR weekend
college" program. The Training Committee should review this concept re:
the possibility of future "ground search and rescue" (GSAR) colleges,
hosted by PSARC member teams. Suggestion was made for 3 each year.
Regarding developing or adopting team/group standards, the
consensus was "park it. There was discussion that development of standard
operating procedures (SOPS) involving procedures and minimal equipment would
initially probably be more appropriate and timely.
development of arrangements and operational protocols for
state-wide alerting and callout procedures;
the development of a Council "mission coordinator"
paradigm within PEMA to provide coordination and liaison officers (mission
coordinators) to work with the PEMA emergency operations center.
Let's wait to see what develops from the December 2 meeting
between McCabe and Boyles with PEMA.
consideration of units and teams (including non-PSARC members) who
do not want to participate in state-wide operations.
Not discussed.
Proposals of dates for 1995 PSARC meetings.
25 March 1995 20 May 1995
22 July 1995 30
September 1995 18 November 1995 (1995 Annual Meeting)
The meeting adjourned at 1640