Board of Directors meeting called
to order at 1035 by President John Miller.
Board members
present included: President John Miller, Secretary Peter McCabe, Keith Conover,
Tom Hirchak, and Mike Norris. Directors not present were Vice President Joe
Thrash, Treasurer Carole Skipper. President Miller announced that Andy Appel,
Board Director for the eastern region, and Jay Cooke, at-large Director had
resigned from the Board.
John Miller again
reported the role of PSARC Regional Representatives will be filled by Board
The new PSARC
Treasurer (absent today due to a search in their program area) is revising the
dues billing procedure.
The development of
two northern regions in the Council; the northeast region and the northwest
region will require a By-Laws change. This is being referred to the Council's
By-Laws Committee.
There was
discussion about the Volunteer Organization in Disaster (VOAD) program that is
being re-emphasized by PEMA. VOAD programs include emergency services
components of the American Red Cross, and other private non-profit emergency
services support organizations.
DCNR is considering using a limited
number of civilian SAR training instructors from voluntary SAR teams in
Pennsylvania. In this regard, there may be opportunities for the PSARC to
nominate individuals to become SAR instructors with DCNR. DCNR standards for
Field Team Member and Field Team Leader are completed and awaiting internal
approval in Harrisburg. Approval is expected in January 1999. At this time the
DCNR SAR Task Force is not developing an FTL test.
considering development of standards for Incident Staff, and Dog Handler.
DCNR has provided
the PSARC with a map of their SAR zones (see attached), and will provide a list
of their trained personnel on a county by county basis. Plans are underway for
the DCNR regional SAR representative to meet with the PSARC regional
DCNR continues to
look to the PSARC to identify other non-Council volunteer SAR teams to both
their organization and PEMA.
A motion was presented, seconded
and approved for the following Council meeting dates:
February 20, 1999
at State College May 16, 1999 at Eastern SAR-EX August 15, 1999 at State
November 21, 1999
at either State College or Western SAR-EX if that is held Financial &
Business: Several decisions were announced or voted on:
It was announced
that dues statements will be mailed directly to each PSARC member by the
treasurer with dues payments to be mailed directly to the Treasurer.
It was announced the PSARC account will be moved for easier use by
the new Treasurer.
It was moved, seconded, and approved by majority vote to place
$2,000 into CD's on the following schedule: $500 for 3 months, $500 for 6
months, $500 for 9 months and $500 for 12 months.
It was moved, seconded and approved by majority vote that 1999
membership dues will be $25.00.
There being no
other business, the Board of Directors meeting was adjourned at 1127 hours.
With no additional
PSARC member team delegates present the Quarterly Council Meeting was not held.
Respectfully submitted:
Peter McCabe, Secretary