The initial value problem for ordinary differential equations of the previous labs is only one of the two major types of problem for ordinary differential equations. The other type is known as the ``boundary value problem'' (BVP). A simple example of such a problem would describe the shape of a rope hanging between two posts. We know the position of the endpoints, and we have a second order differential equation describing the shape. If the two conditions were both given at the left endpoint, we'd know what to do right away. But how do we handle this ``slight'' variation?
This lab is concerned with two of the most common approaches to solving BVPs as well as a combined IVP-BVP for a partial differential equation. The extra credit problem introduces a third approach to solving BVPs. The discussion in this lab is limited to relatively simple approaches in a single space dimension and is intended to give the flavor of these approaches, each of which could easily be the subject of a full semester's course. Except for the extra credit exercise, these methods are easily extended to two and three space dimensions.
The approaches included in this lab are the following:
A one-dimensional boundary value problem (BVP), is similar to an initial value problem, except that the data we are given isn't conveniently located at a starting point, but rather some is specified at the left end point and some at the right. (We're also usually thinking of the independent variable as representing space, rather than time, in this setting).
We will be using the following problem as the illustrative example
for several of the following exercises.
The clothesline BVP: A rope is stretched between two
points. If the rope were weightless, or if it were rigid, it would lie along a
straight line; however, the rope has a weight and is elastic, so it
sags down slightly from its ideal linear shape. We wish to determine the curve
described by the rope. We will use the variable
to denote
horizontal distance and
to denote height of the rope
at the point
The equation for the curve described by the rope can be derived (this is not a proof: it is a description of why you should believe the equation) in the following manner. Suppose that the tension in the rope is (a constant because the rope is in equilibrium), and consider a tiny piece of the rope of length , and with mass per unit length . The total mass of the differential piece of rope is , so that the force due to gravity is directed downward and is given by . This piece of rope observes forces on each of its ends. The magnitudes of these forces are equal to the tension, , and the directions are given by the slope of the curve at the ends of the differential piece. Hooke's law says that the tension is proportional to the amount of strain in the string, , where is a constant of proportionality (Young's modulus). Hence, the equation can be written as
Dividing both sides by and letting yields the equation
. There is no reason that the ``constant'' of proportionality cannot change from place to place. For the sake of definiteness, assume varies as , for constant , representing a rope (or spring) whose stiffness varies from end to end. The result is the equation
When , this equation is called the ``Poisson equation'' and also describes the distribution of heat in a solid bar, among other common physical problems.
For the sake of definiteness, take
, the left end of
, and the right end height of
Thus, the system to be solved is
The ``derivation'' presented above for the shape of the rope is suggestive of a way to solve for the shape, called the ``finite difference method.'' Assume that we have divided the interval up into equal intervals of width determined by points. Denote the spatial points , . Approximate the value of by . Also approximate the Young's modulus function as .
Now, consider the interval as if it were the differential piece of rope mentioned in the derivation. Using the standard finite difference approximation for a derivative, the slope of the rope at the left of the interval could be approximated as and the slope on the right of the interval could be approximated as . The difference between these is an approximation of the second derivative
Along similar lines, approximate the first derivative as
Both approximations (of and ) have the same Taylor-series (truncation) error of .
Put all these together into (1) to get
and, as above, and . We can associate this equation with the solution value at , except for and (do you see why?). Conveniently, those are the points at which we have boundary conditions specified.
In particular, let us look at approximating our rope BVP at 6
points. We set up the ODE at points 1, 2, 3, and 4, and associate the
boundary conditions with the
solution values. Note
. I also
multiplied through by
to make things look nicer:
Actually, in Equation (2), the quantities and are not really variables, being fixed by the boundary conditions. Hence the only variables are , , and . The system can be rewritten as
and this system has been formatted to suggest the matrix equation
By discretizing the differential equations we have created a set of linear algebraic equations that have the symbolic form . To set up and solve the equations (3) in Matlab, we could type:
N = 4; C = 0.05; RHOG = 0.4; % N interior mesh points, N+1 intervals dx = 5.0 / ( N + 1 ); x = dx * (0:N+1); A = [ -2*(1+C*dx) +(1+1.5*C*dx) 0 0; +(1+1.5*C*dx) -2*(1+2*C*dx) +(1+2.5*C*dx) 0; 0 +(1+2.5*C*dx) -2*(1+3*C*dx) (1+3.5*C*dx); 0 0 +(1+3.5*C*dx) -2*(1+4*C*dx) ]; ULeft=1; URight=1.5; b = [ RHOG*dx^2-(1+0.5*C*dx)*ULeft RHOG*dx^2 RHOG*dx^2 RHOG*dx^2-(1+4.5*C*dx)*URight]; U = A \ b; U = [ULeft; U; URight]Make sure you understand the first and last components in b. You should recall that the backslash notation is shorthand for saying U=inv(A)*b but tells Matlab to solve the equation A*U=b without actually forming the inverse of A.
Remark: The vector x is a row vector and the vector U is a column vector! This is the convention that has been followed for the _ode.m files and will be followed throughout these labs.
Remark: The exact solutions , , and can be used as exact discrete solutions and verification tests only when the approximation expressions for first and second derivatives are sufficiently accurate. Because the mesh is uniform, the approximate expressions used here for the derivatives yield the same values as using the usual continuous expressions so long as is a quadratic (or lower) polynomial, so there is no truncation error and solutions are correct to roundoff.
The purpose of the previous exercise is to verify that you have copied the code correctly and to illustrate the powerful verification strategy of checking against known exact discrete solutions. You should always use a small, simple problem to verify code by comparison with hand calculations. If possible, you should also compare results with theoretical results and with results achieved using a different method. In the next exercise you will be modifying the above code to handle the case of large N and solving a slightly more realistic problem. Of course, you don't want to bother typing in the matrix A if N is 100 or more, so you will be writing Matlab code to do it.
function [x,U] = rope_bvp(N) % [x,U] = rope_bvp(N) % comments % your name and the date
Remark: You may wonder why the four-point mesh solution and the 119-point mesh solution seem to agree at the four common points. This behavior is highly unusual. It happens because the solution of the differential equation is almost quadratic and the difference scheme exactly reproduces quadratic functions. For larger values of , the solution looks less like a quadratic, and the solution for agrees less well with the solution for . Try it, if you wish.
In the previous section, you saw an example of the finite difference method of discretizing a boundary value problem. This method is based on a finite difference expression for the derivatives that appear in the equation itself. The finite difference method results in a list of values that approximate the true solution at the set of mesh points. Approximate values between the mesh points might be generated using interpolation ideas, but the method itself does not depend on any such interpolation. The reason that was chosen for comparison with in the previous exercise is because the four values in the case appear among the -values in the case.
An alternative approach, called the ``finite element method'' (FEM) is based on approximating the unknown as a sum of simple ``shape functions'' defined over the mesh intervals. Since the finite element solution is actually a function, it is defined over the same spatial interval as the true solution and much of the machinery of functional analysis is available for proving facts about the method and solutions that arise. As a consequence, the FEM occupies a large part of the mathematics literature. You can find the FEM discussed in Quarteroni, Sacco, and Saleri, Sections 12.4 and 12.5.
In this section, you will see the FEM applied to a particular boundary value problem. The problem is somewhat simpler than the clothesline problem discussed above, but contains the same essential features. Consider the equation
To approximate the function , choose an odd integer and a set of functions for , defined on the interval , that form a basis of some reasonable approximating function space. For most finite element constructions, these functions satisfy the following characteristics:
Assume that an approximate solution to (6) can be written as
In the following exercises, you will write Matlab functions to construct the basis functions in (7) and (8), to evaluate the matrix elements and vector components in (10), and solve the matrix equation (11).
Remark: When the FEM is programmed, the integrals in (11) are typically performed element-by-element. This is particularly important in multidimensional cases. Nontheless, we will be using a conceptually simpler approach to the integrations.
In the Matlab functions below, you should regard the variable x as a scalar value, not a vector. Attempting to write vector (componentwise) code only complicates matters here.
function z=phi(n,h,x) % z=phi(n,h,x) % Lagrange quadratic basis functions % your name and the date if numel(x) > 1 error('x is a scalar, not a vector, in phi.m'); end if mod(n,2)==0 % n is even if (n-2)*h < x & x <= n*h z= ??? code implementing first part of (7) ??? elseif n*h < x & x <= (n+2)*h z= ??? code implementing second part of (7) ??? else z=0; end else % n is odd ??? code implementing (8) ??? end
N=7; h=1/(N+1); x=linspace(0,1,97); mesh=linspace(0,1,N+2); for k=1:numel(x) y3(k)=phi(3,h,x(k)); y4(k)=phi(4,h,x(k)); end plot(x,y3,'b') hold on plot(x,y4,'r') plot(mesh,zeros(size(mesh)),'*') hold offYou should observe that each takes the value 1 at a single mesh node (x(k), indicated with an asterisk), takes the value zero at all other mesh nodes, is continuous, and is parabolic or zero between any two mesh nodes. Please include this plot with your summary file.
function z=phip(n,h,x) % z=phip(n,h,x) % derivative of Lagrange quadratic basis functions % your name and the date
In the following three exercises, you will write m-files to construct and verify the three pieces of the matrix A in (10). Following that, you will construct the full matrix A and solve for the finite element solution of the given problem (4).
In order to do the integrations, you will be using code that I give you that provides a uniform way to do the required integrations.
function q=gaussquad(f1,k1,f2,k2,h,a,b)This gaussquad function will provide the exact value, not merely an approximate value, of the integral for the cases considered in this lab: piecewise low degree polynomials.
norm(A1-A1','fro')is zero or roundoff. Add this code to exer4.m.
N=7; h=1/(N+1); v=(1:N)'*h; % v=x A1*vshould yield a vector that is zero except in the positions . Add this code to exer4.m and verify that it does.
function z=rhs4(n,h,x) % z=rhs4(n,h,x) % your name and the dateto compute the constant function equal to (-2) everywhere. (This is an almost trivial exercise. It is needed so that gaussquad.m can be used.) Add code to exer4.m to use the gaussquad.m function to compute the vector components and call the resulting vector RHS4. Since the quadratic function satisfies the boundary conditions, it can be written exactly as a combination of the ! Hence, the following code should yield the zero vector.
N=7; h=1/(N+1); xx=(1:N)'*h; % the variable x has already been used. v=xx.*(1-xx); v-A1\RHS4 % should be zeroAdd this code to exer4.m. Please include the values of RHS4 in your summary.
The tests in exer4.m construct and test the matrix A1, so you should now be reasonably sure that A1 is correct. In the following exercise, you will construct and test A3. In the subsequent exercise, you will construct and test A2 so that you have all of the matrix A.
function z=rhs5(k,h,x) % z=rhs5(k,h,x) % your name and the dateto compute the function . Add code to exer5.m to use rhs5.m and gaussquad.m to compute the (column) vector , and call the resulting vector RHS5. Include these values in your summary
function z=rhs6(k,h,x) % z=rhs6(k,h,x) % your name and the dateto compute the function . Add code to exer6.m to compute the (column) vector , and call the resulting vector RHS6.
Remark: Writing test scripts like exer4.m, exer5.m and exer6.m allows you to re-test your work at any time. This strategem helps you maintain confidence in your code and also allows you to propose and test modifications easily.
function [x,Y]=solve7(N) % [x,Y]=solve7(N) % ... more comments ... % your name and the datethat performs the following tasks:
N h error ratio 7 1.2500e-1 ________ ________ 15 6.2500e-2 ________ ________ 31 3.1250e-2 ________ ________ 61 1.6129e-2 ________ ________ 121 8.1967e-3 ________Remark: The rate of convergence appears higher than expected from theory. This rate is an artifact of the way the error is computed. To do it properly, one needs to compute integral errors that involve more than just the node points. Convergence at the node points is one higher order than expected, a feature called ``superconvergence.''
A partial differential equation (PDE) involves derivatives of a function which depends on more than one independent variable. One interesting PDE is the one-dimensional Burgers' equation, which is a one-dimensional nonlinear equation whose nonlinear term is similar to the one in the Navier-Stokes equations of fluid flow. In this case, the variable will be called and it is a function of space ( ) and time ( ), . The variable is called ``velocity'' in the Navier-Stokes equations. Burgers' equation on the spatial interval can be written as
To get an idea of what the solution to Burgers' equation might look like, first imagine that and also that the coefficient is a constant, so that the equation becomes the wave equation
If , this equation represents a right-going wave that moves without changing shape. To see this, note that for any given function of one variable, , is a solution of the wave equation. Changing to a small, positive number means that the wave propagates as before, but slowly spreads and decays to zero. Finally, since the coefficient is not constant, the wave propagates faster where is larger and slower where is smaller. Thus a wave that is larger to the left and smaller to the right will steepen as it propagates to the right.
Look at (16) and pretend, just for a moment, that time is frozen. The equation suddenly starts looking like the boundary value problem (1) that we solved before, only with a extra term on the left and with replacing the right side. This observation is the basis for the ``method of lines,'' wherein the spatial discretization is performed separately from the temporal. Consider the function , but think of it as a function of first. The resulting BVP can be written with primes denoting spatial differentiation so it looks more like what we have been doing.
where we are focussing on the left side for the moment, along with spatial boundary conditions and
We solved a BVP a lot like this one above. We broke the interval into subintervals and labelled the resulting points . Next, we defined as being the approximate solution at . Keep in the back of you mind, though, that is really still a function of , . We will denote the vector of values by , because we have already used the unsubscripted to denote the continuous solution. Keep in mind that is a function of time. We will use the same finite difference discretization as before for the term
But we remain on familiar ground: (19) is just a system of IVPs! We know a bunch of different methods to solve it. It turns out that the system is moderately stiff, and will become more stiff when N is taken larger and larger. We will use backwards Euler to solve this system. Recall that backwards Euler requires an m-file to evaluate both the function and its partial derivative (Jacobian)
In Matlab notation, the variable will be a matrix whose entries approximate the values . In Matlab notation, for the time interval, U(:,k) represents the (column vector of) values at the locations x(:). The initial condition for U should be a column vector whose values are specified at the locations x(:).
function [F,D]=burgers_ode(t,U) % [F,D]=burgers_ode(t,U) % compute the right side of the time-dependent ODE arising from % a method of lines reduction of Burgers' equation % and its derivative, D. % Boundary conditions are fixed =0 at the % endpoints x=0 and x=1. % A fixed number of spatial points (=N) is used. % The variable t is not used, but is kept as a place holder. % U is the vector of the approximate solution at all spatial points % output F is the time derivative of U (column vector) % output D is the Jacobian matrix of % partial derivatives of F with respect to U % spatial intervals N=500; NU=0.001; dx=1/(N+1); ULeft=1; % left boundary value URight=0; % right boundary value F=zeros(N,1); % force F to be a column vector D=zeros(N,N); % matrix of partial derivatives % construct F and D in a loop for n=1:N if n==1 % left boundary F(n) = ??? Function, left endpoint ??? D(?,?)= ??? Derivative, left endpoint ??? elseif n<N % interior of interval F(n) = ??? Function, interior points ??? D(?,?)= ??? Derivative, interior points ??? else % right boundary F(n) = ??? Function, right endpoint??? D(?,?)= ??? Derivative, right endpoint??? end end
F(n)= ??? Function, interior points ???with the discretization for F(n) given in (19).
D(?,?)= ??? Derivative, interior points ???with the values D(n,n), D(n,n+1), and D(n,n-1) according to the formula that was given above in (20) and is repeated here.
(21) |
F(n) = ??? Function, left endpoint ??? D(?,?)= ??? Derivative, left endpoint ???with the expressions for F(n), D(n,n) and D(n,n+1).
F(n) = ??? Function, right endpoint??? D(?,?)= ??? Derivative, right endpoint???with the expressions for F(n), D(n,n) and D(n,n-1).
N=500; % must agree with value inside burgers_ode.m x=linspace(0,1,N+2); x=x(2:N+1);and we will assume an initial velocity distribution that looks like a shallowly sloped wave.
results burgers_ode(0,UInit) n F(n) D(n-1,n) D(n,n) D(n+1,n) 1 2.9761711475 -499.01396011 498.51296011 2 2.9465759259 1.99800798 -499.02590030 497.02789232 250 0.0976958603 219.12262501 -501.24899902 282.12637400 499 2.395210e-05 251.00094622 -502.00194821 251.00100199 500 1.197605e-05 251.00098406 -502.00198406
[t,U]=back_euler('burgers_ode',[0,1],UInit,100);The solution should converge at each step. If you get the ``failed to converge'' message, your derivative (D) is probably wrong. To help with grading, please include the value of U(200,50) in your summary.
plot(x, U(:,k) )where x is the value assigned above. Please include this plot for the choice k=50 with your summary.
plot(x,U(:,1)) axis([0,1,0,1.5]) for k=2:100 pause(0.1); plot(x,U(:,k)); axis([0,1,0,1.5]) endYou should be able to see the ``wave'' steepen as it moves to the right. Please include the final frame of this sequence with your summary.
Shooting methods solve a BVP by reformulating it as an IVP, using initial values as parameters. The BVP is solved by finding the parameters that reproduces the desired boundary values. For this exercise, we return to considering the BVP of a hanging rope.
Taking as our example the rope BVP (1), how much violence do we have to do to it in order to make it look like an IVP? Well, we expect to have two conditions at the left point and none at the right point. So let's temporarily consider the related problem, where we have made up an extra boundary condition at our initial value of :
The following exercise attacks this system using a method called ``shooting.'' The strategy behind this method is the following.
As you know, the ODE (1) can be written as a system
of first order differential equations. This is done by
, yielding the system
For this exercise, you will be using built-in Matlab ODE routines to solve the initial value problem that arises from a guessed initial condition and then you will use the Matlab function fzero to solve for the correct initial condition.
function fValue=rope_ode(x,y) % fValue=rope_ode(x,y) computes the % rhs of the first-order system % your name and the dateNote that since we plan to use ode45 there is no need to add the Jacobian matrix to rope_ode.m! This is a great convenience, but in many cases you would have to provide a function for the Jacobian or ode45 (or ode15s, etc.) might fail. In that case, setting an option allows the Jacobian computation.
function F = rope_shoot ( alpha ) % F = rope_shoot ( alpha ) % comments % your name and the dateand this code should do the following:
) first and
second the vector [alpha1,alpha2]
of the two values of
that you just found
for which
has opposite signs. What is the value of
alpha you found?
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