Importance of KOINS:
See Economics Explained for when a TEAM or
PRIVATEER falls to or below zero KOINS
Please click
for details |
Order of Grid Admittance: |
Joining as spectator
is not allowed - even if there are open
grid spots. |
all teams will be allocated 2 reserved
spots for the first race of season, with remainder open spot for
Any open grid spots after all team
drivers have joined (at time server is launched) Privateer(s)
with the least Championship points may join the server. if openings still
exist, the next lowest Privateer may join. If you are uncertain,
check the Standings!
privateer in standings have first option.
> can D2s can race up if they
are substituting for a missing D1 ?
only d2/G4 or g3 may race D1 - first for a missing TEAM member,
> can D1s can race
down (d2) if they
are substituting for a missing D2 ?
order of entry to any race then is:
1) 2 team drivers (one of which might
be from the other Division)
2) privateer
depending on grid spots still open
3) team driver of lowest in
team standings as a 3d driver >> see * right >>
4) privateers may not race
up -
even if there are openings
5) if there is still
a spot open, that the next to last place team will also be allowed to enter
a 3d car, but only if the point gap to 3d team from last is ... '10' points
(or more) in other words, only if the gap is large. if its less than 10,
then no 3d car for the next lowest team in Standings.
there is NO last place team for the first D1 race.. but will be one for the following D2 race.
determining last place will be by total team points, if tied then the team that had the lowest
placed driver per Replay/Analyzer.
If there are no privateers, or all privateers have joined and there
are still openings, then the team in last place, can enter a 3d car,
if the team has a 3d car.
In D1, the driver can be a the teams D2/g4/g3 driver |
1) team drivers (max 18+1
Privateer -
2) Privateers (based on
Standings - lowest first)
3) #3 drivers
(based on Team standings, lowest first) only D2/g3&4 may race up.
WHEN does a driver have to appear
in the chat room to claim his grid spot, before it is given to another?
as a team driver, you have a reserved
spot until the server is launched.
unless you have notified me, or your TL to alert me, that you'll be arriving
'late'....failing to notify us, I cannot keep it open for you.
When: |
Saturdays (see RACES for dates). The server will be launched by 10.30am Eastern
USA, for 25
minutes of qualifying. Then the final 5 minutes is for full fuel laps. The race follows immediately. |
Racing outside assigned Division |
A driver racing outside
his own Division does not exclude him from racing in
any/all of his own division races. |
Qualifying: |
Normal Qualifying can be done if the
total is above zero. If not, then limited (see
KOINS fall to or below zero)
The qualifying
session is 25 minutes long. Each car is allowed to go out as often
as desired, run
as many laps as you wish, but if you cannot return to
the pits your session is over. the last 5 minutes will be OPEN
TRACK, and intended for RACE FUEL laps. However, choosing to run
fast laps is allowed and will count. Chat is permitted ONLY in the
final 5 minute session.
There is no stopping and no ESC on track, to try
again. you Must return to the pits, in order to exit again.
Exception: when exiting your
pit box, if someone should appear in their pit box as you are leaving and you cannot
continue, and/or before you take pit exit there is contact with
another driver, you may ESC to try again.
To avoid this, cars exiting their pit
box should make every effort to leave their pit box at the most extreme angle possible.
not just driving forward as if the pit box lane was a traffic lane.
When you
exit the pits on your out lap, get off the racing line, and stay off
the racing line until you are certain no hot lapping car is
If you
are on a hot lap, stay to the outside of the pits when approaching
the pit exit. It may not be the best line... just do it!
on their out lap MUST be aware of oncoming fast cars,
and MUST yield.
If you are negatively
affected by another driver, you may go out again in the last 5
if you feel it worth a
protest, inform the Chief Race Steward.
If you crash, or press <ESC> and continue again. You are
finished, and you cannot try again that session. However you may go out again in the last 5
If you forget and go again you will be required
to do a stopNgo in a pit box at the end of lap1 or start the next
race from the back of the grid.
There may be occasions on which a driver wishes to relegate
himself to the back of the grid.
If, after gaining a grid
position in Qualifying, the driver wishes to serve his penalty by
starting at the back of the grid,
instead of doing a
Stop&Go during the race, he may Disqualify himself before the green
To DQ (disqualify) yourself, drive in reverse at any point on the
track, preferably in pit lane, and out of everyone's path. (Even
off-track, on the grass is known to work.)
DQ'ing yourself does not eliminate you from racing, only relegates
you to the back of the starting grid.
Alternatives are:
- to start from the pits, or
- to take the green flag from your qualifying position, but then do
a Stop&Go in the pits at the end of lap 1.
Failure to DQ yourself under such a condition will result in the
penalty of starting from the back of the grid in the next race.
In other (briefer!) words:
-- Driver presses ESC during qualifying while NOT in a pit box ==> qualifying
session immediately over, but driver may return to track with 5 minutes left (i.e. the warmup session). Driver starts from earned grid position. No penalty incurred.
-- If said driver returns to track before the warmup session, he starts from his earned
grid position, but must do a stop&go at the end of lap 1 or start the next race from the
back of the grid.
- TOP -
Racing: |
MUST all understand the importance of holding a straight line at
the start until you at least establish visual contact in your
mirrors |
D1 G8 /
G7 /G6 / G5 races are PRO settings, 50% distance.
D2 G4 / G3 / G2
/ G1 races are PRO settings, 50% distance.
IF a race is not completed for any reason (such as mass disco) it
must complete at least 1/2 the scheduled laps to be official. if
less than 1/2 it will be rescheduled or replaced with an alternate
a MASS disco=everyone - and the result would be
"re-run, re-run on alternate
track, or cancel event." that decision to be
determined after the race.
major disco=1/2 or more but not 'all'
simultaneously disco
before 1/2 way= 1/2 points to finishers
at or after 1/2 way=results stand
minor disco= less than 1/2
simultaneously disco
before or after 1/2 way= results stand
for 1/2 points on odd numbers, the points will be rounded up
(meaning 9pts would = 5)
KOINS on the other hand for those that had their race end while
running (!) are being penalized unfairly..
So, if you suffered a MINOR or MAJOR disco While running, tell me
the race/lap and i'll check it and add back lost KOINS
Under no circumstances will there be a restart for car collisions,
regardless of the number involved. the opening laps are the most
dangerous. anticipate and attempt to avoid such situations, but even
then they will occur.
In race DQ's due to GPL's 'reversing on track' interpretation is a pain.. if you suffer
this result, from a innocent 'infraction' (example: being off track and only option is
to reverse to a point of entry) continue racing. GPL and R/A will cause stats to stop
being counted, but your finishing position can be determined from the replay. |
Chat: |
Is not allowed until (1st) all
drivers have finished the 25 minute qual session of qualifying. Chatting is
allowed after the 25 minute qual session, during the last 5 minutes of qual, to just prior to drop of
the green flag. Typing "po" or "pi" is acceptable, not required nor
is it penalized. Chat during qualifying will be penalized in
accordance with the amount of chat.
If there is
a complaint against any driver, please handle it in
private or if you think it a serious violation, do let me know about it. but
please do not flame, bash or bad
mouth fellow drivers in the race, or in chat. It's not acceptable. I
will review the replays and run the Replay Analyzer. So please be
i sincerely
dislike being the racing police.
PLEASE as much as we
would all like to - do NOT discuss real F1 qualifying.. many of us
(me) record the session and don't watch till after the oAo race and
Stats are uploaded. Thank you!
From the GPL v1.2 patch readme file:
can now issue private chat messages to any one of the players connected
to the server.
Begin your message with "/", followed by the name of the player (or
#car number),
followed by the message. Example message >>>>
/ #16 'message'
Good READING on the
subject! |
flags: generally means a faster car is approaching.. .be alert.
in GPL, it narrows that meaning to you are being a approached by a
faster car that is lapping you.
I'm not 100% sure, but it is believed that the Flag is only shown to
the car getting it, not the faster car behind.
at first read this does not say - move over - in fact it is a
gentlemen's understanding that if you are about to be lapped,
why make
things more difficult to someone that is having a better race than you? HOWEVER,
once you ARE lapped, any subsequent BLUE FLAGS should be obeyed and
you should allow cars to get by at the earliest / safest place
i do not expect you to move over at the first sign of a BF.. but if you
aren't pulling away from a car that has gained on you,
you ARE
expected to resign the position at the earliest, safest moment. move
over for a faster car,, that is lapping you.
you do not need to move
over when doing so gives up that position.
Still not clear? then
try this:
1. IF you are on the lead lap and ABOUT to be lapped, by the leader,
you are NOT required to move aside.
2. IF you have ALREADY been lapped, then when the leader or any car
in the positions after the leader come around again, then you MUST
move aside - preferably w/in 3 corners or as absolute soon as
possible or be subject to a protest and penalty.
Re-entering after a spin:
Whenever possible pivot your car, and if at all possible
DO NOT reenter the track at a steep angle!
Picture shows 90deg reentry, and is BAD, the right hand view is a
gradual parallel reentry and makes me happy.

(Thanks to VOR league for graphic)
When to move: pulling over approaching a turn is not the best. as this is a prime area for passing, and
you are likely to cause a crash by doing so as most
passing is done to the inside of a turn. it is preferable to allow a pass after the turn.
Backmarkers have to allow a pass:
-AFTER a turn is by far the better way to allow a pass, hugging the
inside and slowing progressively as the faster car goes wide and
-Ease up along a straight, moving out of the normal race line
slowing progressively.
if you
are being lapped, drive like you would want someone to drive if the
situation were reversed. pretty simple 'ey?
Attention fast cars:
as the car that is lapping someone, you have to give the backmarker
the time to allow a pass safe... show me patience and I'll show you a clear road!
<>Slipstreaming: the shortest (quickest) distance between to
(corners) is a STRAIGHT line.. .(not a weaving one) -
with the driver behind if equal in car and ability, attempting to break
the draft is a small if any advantage, especially compared
to the potential risk. if he is quicker in either sense you are only
trying to avoid the inevitable, or being unsportsmanlike~
fun for the lead car, is not fun for fellow racers (respect) attempting
to pass.
the driver ahead has the choice of line, and the car behind the
responsibility to make a clean pass, once you choose a line, stick to it.
the advantage of being
the lead is the choice of line, to even consider
weaving (blocking) is against the intent of racing in oAo and will
be penalized.