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Department of Mathematics

This is an informational page for Math 1550 Summer 6WK1, Vector Analysis, Professor Juan Manfredi, Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh.

We meet at TY 703.

| Homework assignments |

Office Hours

Final Exam Information

The comprehensive final examination will be held on Thursday June 17 during our last class period.

Important deadline :

The deadline for W grades is Friday June 4. Instructors may not assign W grades to students. Students who wish to withdraw from an undergraduate CAS course without penalty must complete a Monitored Withdrawal from by Friday June 4. These forms are available in CAS Associate Dean's Office. 140 Thackeray Hall.

E-mail Addresses

Instructor: Juan Manfredi, manfredi@pitt.edu, CRN 13297, MTWT 6:00 to 7:30, THACK 525.

Teaching Assistants:

Vector Analysis
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Mathematics
Pittsburgh, PA 15260