Below are links to six pages, each showing different views of six different buildings, each building from a different period. Choose one building (page). Write an essay describing the building, noting such things as its plan, elevation, vault system, towers, interior and exterior decoration. Assign your building to its period and assess the degree to which it is characteristic or atypical. Use the images to answer these questions but write a synthesized essay, NOT an image-by-image analysis.
As a conclusion, assess the contribution of the architecture program you have selected to the overall depend on earlier developments and which play an important role in later periods.
Write 2-3 pages.
Please note that what you hand in must be your own original work. You may certainly discuss the paper with the TAs and your fellow classmates but you must write it yourself. Plagiarised work is not acceptable: if suspicions arise you will be asked to repeat the paper using a different set of slides.
Be neat and grammatical: points will be deducted for poor quality of expression and grammar. If you need help in writing, contact the Writing Center (501 Cathedral of Learning, tel. 4-6556 for an appointment).
Building 1
Building 2
Building 3
Building 4
Building 5
Building 6