Images of Medieval Art and Architecture

Text from The Saints in Art with their attibutes and symbols alphabetically arranged
by Margaret E. Tabor
Fourth Editon: London, 1924

MICHAEL, ST. (the Archangel). (Ital. SAN MICHELE or SAMMICHELE.)
(29th September)

The chief of the Celestial Host, and victor over the powers of evil. Hence he represents the triumph of the spiritual over the material. He is the Lord and Arbiter of souls, and the Guardian Angel of the Hebrews. He appears in Old Testament scenes as the messenger angel. He also announced her death to the Virgin Mary. (See ST. MARY VIRGIN.) He is represented winged, with spear and shield, overcoming the dragon; also with a banner and cross, sometimes with a sceptre; or weighing the souls of men in a balance.

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Updated by Jane Vadnal, February, 1998