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Tony Edwards, Ph. D.

My interests in medieval philosophy and theology belong to my wider interests in comparative philosophy and comparative religious thought. I am especially interested in constitutive tropes of Western thought such as vision, presence and form. In my book INTERIOR ACTS: TELEOLOGY, JUSTICE AND FRIENDSHIP IN THE RELIGIOUS ETHICS OF THOMAS AQUINAS (1986) I examined the tensions between the basic Christian metaphors of journey, trial and love as those metaphors are articulated by Aquinas. This led to theoretical work on the problem of religious paradox, e.g. in "Play,Ritual and the Rationality of Religious Paradox" (1993), and on the theory of metaphor, e.g. in "Rorty on the Literalization of Metaphor" (1997). More recently I have been working on problems in the philosophy of the humanities, especially on questions of historicism and anachronism as they bear on the reading of authors in the Western canon.

Email address: tedwards+@pitt.edu


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