Images of Sainthood in Medieval Europe
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991
A collection of essays by leading scholars in the field of hagiography
divided into three parts: I. "Hagiography and History" focuses on the
sociological and historical aspects of twelfth- and thirteenth-century
hagiography. II. "The Language of Religious Discourse" examines how
religious discourse legitimizes or questions the temporal order and how it
was shaped by oral and vernacular traditions III. "Saintliness and Gender"
addresses the issue of gender in male and female spirituality and
Contributors: Kevin Brownlee, John Coakley, Magdalena Carrasco,
Cazelles, David Damrosch, Cynthia Hahn, Klaus Jankofsky, Richard
Kieckhefer, Lester K. Little, Jo Ann McNamara, Elizabeth Robertson, Gail
Berkeley Sherman, Karl D. Uitti, André Vauchez, Evelyn Birge Vitz.
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