Statistics in a Modern World
Time/Place | MWF 10:00-10:50, CL 232 |
Instructor | Dr. Nancy Pfenning |
Office | Cathedral 2710 |
nancypfenning@gmail.com | |
Website | www.pitt.edu/~nancyp/stat-0800/index.html . |
Phone | 412-521-8349 (home, if urgent, before 10 pm) |
412-624-8336 (during office hours) | |
Office Hrs | Thurs 10:00-11:45 and 1:00-2:00 |
additional hours by appointment | |
Teaching Assistant | Matt Klepacz mtk12@pitt.edu |
Office hours Wed. 2:00-2:50, Thurs. 5:00-5:50 in CL 2712 | |
Tutors | Contact the Academic Resource Center 648-7920 for free tutoring by undergrads or visit their website . |
This course introduces statistical reasoning to a diverse audience. The main goal is the understanding of basic statistical principles so that the student can understand research reports involving statistics and applications reported in the media. Statistical reasoning will be taught through the use of examples. An important part of the course will be a non-technical discussion of controlled or randomized experiments. The subject matter will include many examples from the Health and Social Sciences.
MATH 0031 (Algebra) or equivalent. No Computer Science background is needed. You will need a calculator; it doesn't matter what kind as long as you can operate it.
Read the chapters and articles to be covered in Lecture before each class. Try to do as many chapter exercises as you can on your own. Some solutions are given at the end of the book; use these to check your work. This should be done after each lecture in order to keep on top of the material, which is by nature cumulative and CANNOT BE LEARNED BY CRAMMING before exams.
Homework Assignments are to be handed in to me in lecture on the Fridays when they are due. Be neat and attach extra sheets to show your work if necessary. Some of the assignments are long; don't attempt to complete everything the night before they are due! NO LATE HOMEWORKS will be accepted. Answers should not be "shared" with other students---otherwise, credit must also be shared. PLEASE NOTIFY ME AND THE GRADER IF YOU INTEND TO WORK TOGETHER ON SOME EXERCISES. Solutions will be put on reserve in the Engineering Library (Benedum Hall) on the lecture day following the due date.
EXTRA CREDIT assignments are featured regularly in the Lecture slides. These are always due in the lecture directly following the lecture in which they are assigned.
The four IN-CLASS EXAMS are based on material covered in lecture and your textbook. Problems will be similar to the assigned Exercises but at times more comprehensive. They are closed-book, but you are allowed to bring and refer to 2 two-sided sheets of notes. Calculators are also permitted. Your grade will be based on the best 3 of your 4 EXAM scores (plus homework and final exam). There will be NO MAKE-UP EXAMS. For rare exceptions, I may at my discretion administer an exam to an individual prior to the scheduled time.
The FINAL EXAM will be based on all material covered in the entire course. It is closed-book, but 2 two-sided sheets of notes, and a calculator, are permitted.
8 Homeworks | 200 |
Best 3 of 4 Exams | 450 |
Final Exam | 350 |
Total | 1000 |
90-100% A; 80-89% B; etc. Plusses and minuses are used for borderline cases and to ensure fairness and consistency.
Jessica Utts: Seeing Through Statistics, 3rd ed., Duxbury Press
Powerpoint Lecture Slides: Print in advance of lecture, bring to class, fill in Responses.
Note: The material in this course is cumulative in nature. Thus, it is important not to fall behind in your reading or assignments or you will find yourself lost. If you are confused, see me or your TA for help.
Note to Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and Disability Resources and Services, 216 WPU (412) 648-7890, as early as possible in the term. DRS will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course. See their website www.drs.pitt.edu
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