Workshop on the
Social Navigation and Community-Based Adaptation Technologies

In Conjunction with Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (AH'06)

June 20th, 2006, Dublin, Ireland


Workshop Proceedings

Individual papers (in alphabetical order by first author):

  • Technical paper presentations: Full and short papers
    • A Two-Level Adaptive Visualization for Information Access to Open-Corpus Educational Resources
      Jae-wook Ahn, Rosta Farzan, Peter Brusilovsky
    • Social Awareness in the iHelp Courses Learning Content Management System
      Christopher Brooks, Collene Hansen, Jim Greer
    • Social Interaction in the CATS Group Recommender
      Kevin McCarthy, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth & Maria Salamo´
    • Using Social Tagging to Improve Social Navigation
      David R Millen and Jonathan Feinberg
    • Semantic Halo for Collaboration Tagging Systems
      Alan Dix, Stefano Levialdi, Alessio Malizia
    • Using Collaborative Filtering in an Intelligent Tutoring System for Legal Argumentation
      Niels Pinkwart, Vincent Aleven, Kevin Ashley and Collin Lynch
    • On the Importance of "Who Tagged What"
      Mark van Setten, Rogier Brussee, Harry van Vliet, Luit Gazendam, Ynze van Houten, Mettina Veenstra
  • Software demonstrations and posters
    • Implicit Culture as a Tool for Social Navigation
      Aliaksandr Birukou, Enrico Blanzieri, and Paolo Giorgini
    • Unobtrusive Data Collection for Web-Based Social Navigation
      Katja Hofmann, Catherine Reed, Hilary Holz
    • Proximo, Location-Aware Collaborative Recommender
      Eoghan Parle and Aaron Quigley
    • Linking in Lurkers: The Comtella Discussion Forum
      Andrew Webster, Julita Vassileva