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Knowledge Sea II


Knowledge Sea II is an extension of Knowledge Sea project that was designed as a mixed corpus C programming resource that tries to bridge the gap between closed corpus materials in the form of lecture notes and open-corpus materials in the form of the set of the links to online resources for C programming.

Knowledge Sea II is designed to help users navigate from lectures to relevant online tutorials in a map-based horizontal navigation format. Every cell of the KnowledgeSea map includes links to online material that are related to keyword presented on the cell. The adjacent cells present similar material. The most important feature of KnowledgeSea is facilitating the navigation through providing traffic and annotation based social navigation support.


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Project is Funded by NSF (Information & Intelligent Systems (IIS) ) through Award# 0447083

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


Knowledge Sea II

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Related Publications

Brusilovsky P., Farzan R., and Ahn J. (2006) Layered Evaluation of Adaptive Search. In Proceedings of Workshop on Evaluating Exploratory Search Systems. At SIGIR 2006.[PDF]

Ahn, J., Farzan, R., and Brusilovsky, P. (2006) Social Search in the Context of Social Navigation. Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management 23(2):147-165.

Ahn J., Farzan R., Brusilovsky P. (2006) A Two-Level Adaptive Visualization for Information Access to Open-Corpus Educational Resources In proceedings of Workshop on Social Navigation and Community-Based Adaptation Technologies. At 4th International Conference on Adpative Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-based Systems [PDF]

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Rosta Farzan

  Information Sciences Building, Rm. 2A04
135 North Bellefield Avenue Pittsburgh,PA 15213
Tel: +1-412-624-9437
Michael V. Yudelson © 2005-2008