INFSCI 0015 "Data Structures and Programming Techniques
(Spring 2001, CRN 28006)
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Assessment and Grading
Components of the Final Grade
Course assessment includes quizzes that will be offered throught the course, homework programming assignments,
and two exams - midterm and final. The final exam is not cumulative.
You final grade has three components: work over the duration of the course, midterm exam grade, and final exam grade.
Each of these components will be evaluated separately using 100pt extended Letter Grade scale (0-20 is F range, 20-40 is D range, 40-60 is C range, 60-80 is B range and
80-100 is A range). After that the final grade will be calculated as 40% course + 30% midterm + 30% final.
Grade for the work over the duration of the course is a sum of your assignment grades, quiz grades
(two lowest quiz grades will be excluded) and activity points. Your progress will be measured as a percentage of the max possible points:
(assessment_points + quiz_points + activity_points)/(max_assessment_points + max_quiz_points) * 100%. Using this formula you can always check
where you are standing. Score < 50% corresponds to F, 50-62.5 is D range, 65.5-75 is C range, 75-87.5 is B range, and 87.5-100 is A range.
The formula to convert this score to 100pt extended Letter Grade scale is (X-37.5)/12.5*20.
Activity Points
You can earn bonus "activity points" for several things such as asking a good question in a discussion forum, providing a helpful answer in a discussion forum,
helping during the lecture, attending additional "catch-up" sessions, finding errors in slides and examples. Activity points will be added to your assessment/quiz results.
Submitting and Naming
All assignments has to be submitted in paper form on the due date before or after the lecture has to be in instructor's hands by 4pm on the due date. Submit a printed copy of the program code and a sample output (starting from assignment #3).
In addition, the program code of the asigment in ascii form has to be submitted electronically using CourseInfo or CourseMaster systems at any time by or on the due date (your submissions are time stamped).
Naming conditions for electronic submissions are strict.
The link should be named programX_Y where X is assignment number and Y is problem number within the assignment.
You will lose 1/2 point for every misnamed link.
All submitted work should bear the number of the assignment/quiz and the author's name in printed form.
You will lose 1/2 point for every solution that lacks this data.
By submitting work under your name, you are indicating that you
have completed the assignment. This means that you should be able to completely
explain every line of code in your program. Failure to be able to account
for your coding decisions will be reflected in your
Course Policies
Academic Integrity
You are expected to be fully aware of your responsibility
to maintain a high quality of integrity in all of your work.
All work must be your own, unless collaboration is specifically and explicitly permitted.
Any unauthorized collaboration or copying will at minimum result in no credit for the affected
assignment and may be subject to further action under the University
Guidelines for Academic Integrity. You are expected to have read and understood this Guidelines.
A document discussing these guidelines was included in your orientation materials.
Class attendance, while not mandatory, is required if you want to succeed in this course. While most of the
material covered by the lectures could be found in course books, for most of the lectures
the order of presentation does not match any book exactly. Some material is not sufficiently covered by the book.
Finally, all lectures include animated demonstration of examples. If you have missed the lecture, make sure you havea copy
of the slides. Spare copies can be picked up from a folder near the instructor's office or printed from the Web.
Late Submissions and Resubmissions
The due date for assignments is strict. For extreme circumstances you have 5 late days to use at your discretion (i.e. you may use them on a single assignment,
or distribute them over several assignments). Outside of this limit late assignment will not be considered. You can also improve your submission or fix errors in your submission until due date.
Simply upload the new version adding "_v2", "_v3", etc to the name of the link to the program (i.e., program3_1_v2)
The rules for submitting an updated version are the same as for late submissions - by or on the due date or use your late days limit.
No assignment can be submitted or resubmitted after it was analyzed during the lecture.
If you miss a quiz or and assignment, you will received a zero.
There will be no make-up quizzes, but the instrutor will drop the two lowest scores on the quizzes. There are also no make-up assignments since most of the assignments
will be analysed in the class on or shortly after the due date. Missed exams can be made up in cases of
extreme circumstances.
Office Hours
Office hours are an opportunity for you to clarify details you may
have missed in class or to resolve a serious problem you have encountered when working on an assignment.
They are not a place to get a "second run" of the lecture if you missed the class or obtain answers on the
assignment. If you come to office hours with a problem on the assignment,
make sure that you have access to an electronic version of your code.
Special Considerations
If you have a disability that requires special testing accommodations or other classroom modifications, please, notify both the instructor and
Disability Resources and Services by the second week of the term. You may be asked to provide documentation of your disability to determine the appropriateness of
To notify Disability Resources and Services, call 64807890 (voice or TDD) to schedule and appointment. The office is located in the William Pitt Union, Room 216,
Course Overview
- Introduction
- First program, compilation, syntax errors
- Variables, data types, and arithmetic expressions
- Comparisons, simple conditions, while loop
- More Data Types, conversions, constants, for loop
- Conditional statement, complex conditions
- Embedded while and if
- Arrays. Array processing with for
- Array as a data aggregate, linear search
- Multi-dimensional arrays
- Structures, arrays of structures
- Binary search in an array. Analysis of search algorithms
- Functions, parameter passing
- Abstract Data Types. Stacks
- Application of stacks
- Stack Implementation with arrays
- Queue as an abstract data type. Queue implementation with arrays.
- Linked list as an abstract data type
- Pointers
- Linked Lists implementation with pointers
- Stack implementation with linked lists
- Binary trees
- Applications of Binary Trees
Course Schedule
Thursday January 4 | Lecture 0 |
Tuesday January 9 | Lecture 1 |
Thursday January 11 | No class meeting |
Tuesday January 16 | Lecture 2. Add/drop period ends |
Thursday January 18 | Lecture 3 |
Tuesday January 23 | Lecture 4 |
Thursday January 25 | Lecture 5 |
Tuesday January 30 | Lecture 6 |
Thursday February 1 | Lecture 7 |
Tuesday February 6 | Lecture 8 |
Thursday February 8 | Lecture 9 |
Tuesday February 13 | Lecture 10 |
Thursday February 15 | Lecture 11 |
Tuesday February 20 | Lecture 12 |
Thursday February 22 | Lecture 13 |
Tuesday February 27 | Lecture 14 |
Thursday March 1 | Midterm exam |
Tuesday March 6 | Spring Recess |
Thursday March 8 | Spring Recess |
Tuesday March 13 | Lecture 15 |
Thursday March 15 | Lecture 16 |
Tuesday March 20 | Lecture 17 |
Thursday March 22 | Lecture 18 |
Tuesday March 27 | Lecture 19 |
Thursday March 29 | Lecture 20 |
Tuesday April 3 | Lecture 21 |
Thursday April 5 | Lecture 22 |
Tuesday April 10 | Lecture 23 |
Thursday April 12 | Lecture 24 |
Tuesday April 17 | Lecture 25 |
Thursday April 19 | Lecture 26 |
Wednesday April 25 | 10:00-11:50 AM Final Exam |
Copyright © 2001 Peter Brusilovsky