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Department of Information Science and Telecommunications


INFSCI 0015 - Data Structures and Programming Techniques

(Fall 2000, CRN 20813)

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Short Syllabus

  1. Introduction
  2. First program, compilation, syntax errors
  3. Variables, Data Types, and arithmetic expressions
  4. Comparisons, simple conditions, while loop
  5. More Data Types, conversions, constants, for loop
  6. Conditional statement, complex conditions
  7. Embedded while and if
  8. Arrays. Array processing with for
  9. Array as a data structure, linear search
  10. Multi-dimensional arrays
  11. Structures, arrays of structures
  12. Binary search in an array. Analysis of search algorithms
  13. Functions, parameter passing
  14. Abstract Data Types. Stacks
  15. Application of stacks
  16. Stack Implementation with arrays
  17. Queue as an abstract data type. Queue implementation with arrays.
  18. Linked list as an abstract data type
  19. Pointers
  20. Linked Lists implementation with pointers
  21. Stack implementation with linked lists
  22. Binary trees
  23. Applications of Binary Trees

Course Schedule

Copyright © 2000 Peter Brusilovsky