# odnet.ode # simple model for occular dominnce # # # cortical interactions: Mexican Hat table w % 51 -25 25 exp(-(.1*t/sige)^2)-c*exp(-(.1*t/sigi)^2) # # convolved with left and right weights special wlcnv=conv(period,101,25,w,wl0) special wrcnv=conv(period,101,25,w,wr0) # eps=0 means independent wlav[0..100]=wl[j]+eps*wlcnv([j]) wrav[0..100]=wr[j]+eps*wrcnv([j]) # nonlinearity f(u)=u+a*u^2 # here are the equations wl[0..100]'=f(cs*wlav[j]+cd*wrav[j])-b*wl[j]*f(wlav[j]+wrav[j]) wr[0..100]'=f(cs*wrav[j]+cd*wlav[j])-b*wr[j]*f(wlav[j]+wrav[j]) # just some initial data to pull off of 0, an unstable fixed point init wl[0..10]=.1 # # parameters par sige=.5,sigi=1,c=.5,cs=2,cd=.5,eps=.2,b=1,a=1 # @ meth=modeuler,dt=.025,njmp=4 done