These instructions were obtained from the OSU math department web site

The best way to use XPP is from the command line as this gives you many more options and much more flexibility.

Here is how to do it.

Customizing defaults

You may want to customize your defaults so that XPP looks the way you want it to when you run it. I generally get rid of some defaults (such as the Bell) and make the fonts bigger so I can see them. This is done by creating a plain text file in your HOME directory called .xpprc . You can use Notepad or any plain text editor to create the file but make sure it is plain text and make sure that the .txt extension is left off. If you are using the commandline, then there is a very simple text editor called edit that can be called from the commmand line is is perfect for this sort of thing. I provide the following example ( .xpprc ) in Windows:

@ bell=0,grads=0,dwcolor=ffffee,forecolor=222200

@ ps_lw=15,ps_color=1,ps_font=Helvetica,ps_fsize=18

@ tutorial=0

This automatically turns the bell off, the fancy menus (grads) off, and the tutorial off. I also change the drawing window color from white to a kind of ivory and the drawing foreground color to a brown. Finally, I change some of the postscript defaults. You can find out more about these options in the xpp_sum.pdf document. The only way to change the fonts and the colors of XPP is via the .xpprc file or through the command line since these are processed before the X11 server starts. Sorry.

Creating your own ODE files

ODE files are just descriptions of what you want to solve. They are plain text files that have the extension .ode but can have any extension you want as XPP ignores it. There are a few rules that are really important to understand: Look at the many examples to see how to construct your own ODE files.
There are many XPP tutorials out there to help you get started