# the double pendulum # doubpend.ode # th1 is the angle between the pivot and the first mass # th2 is the angle between the first mass and the second mass # mu is friction # L1-2, m1-2 are the length and mass. th1' = th1p th2' = th2p th2p' = -mu*th2p+1/(L2*(m1+m2*(sin(th2-th1))^2))*(-(m1+m2)*g*sin(th2)-\ (m1+m2)*L1*th1p^2*sin(th2-th1)+cos(th2-th1)*((m1+m2)*g*sin(th1)-\ m2*L2*th2p^2*sin(th2-th1))) th1p' = -mu*th1p+1/(L1*(m1+m2*(sin(th2-th1))^2))*(-(m1+m2)*g*sin(th1)+\ m2*L2*th2p^2*sin(th2-th1)+cos(th2-th1)*(m2*g*sin(th2)+\ m2*L1*th1p^2*sin(th2-th1))) # parameters par L1=.1,L2=.1,m1=.028,m2=.04,g=9.8,mu=.01 init th1=0,th2=0,th2p=31,th1p=0 @ total=30,dt=.01,meth=qualrk,bound=100000 done