1313 Sixtieth St., Chicago July 1936: Group photo at the Congress of American Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. HG Pope, President of PAS, 1944 - 1972 Baselev, Ken Warner, and Herb Olsen John Corcoran and Brevard Crihfield Undated photo including HG Pope, left, and Donald Stone, second from right.
Top, L to R: Guy Moffett, Spelman Fund; Clifford Ham, American Municipal Assoc; Fred Hoehler, American Public Welfare Assoc.
Bottom, L to R: Louis Brownlow, Public Administration Clearing House; Mohammed Abdullah al-Araby, Univ. of Egypt, Cairo; Leonard D. White, Univ. of Chicago; Charles E. Merriam, Univ. of Chicago c. 1970: Three Polish Mayors on an educational tour of the United States meet their Chicago hosts at the Center for Public Administration: Stanislaw Panek (Wroclaw), Jerzy Pekala (Krakow), Lloyd Dove (APWA), Herman Pope (PAS), Michael A. Merriwether (PAS), Marian Wozniak (Plock).
1313 Sixtieth St., Chicago