Piervincenzo Rizzo, Ph.D.
SWANSON School of Engineering
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
3700 O'hara Street, 729 Benedum Hall
Pittsburgh, PA 15261-2294, USA
Telephone: 412-624-9575
Fax: 412-624-0135
E-mail: pir3@pitt.edu
Click here for the full CV
Research interests: nondestructive evaluation (NDE), structural health monitoring
signal processing, NDE methods applied to biomedical engineering.
!!!!!! ****** LATEST NEWS ****** !!!!!!
Dr. Rizzo was recently awarded with two prestigious recognitions: (1) The 2016 CHANCELLOR’S DISTINGUISHED RESEARCH AWARD, Junior Scholar Award. The award includes faculty members who, by virtue of the exceptional quality of their early contributions, have demonstrated great potential as scholars and have achieved some international standing. Candidates for this award must have received their highest degree no more than 12 years before the time of nomination. (2) The 2015 Structural Health Monitoring Person of the Year (SHM-POY) award. The award is selected by the editors and associate editors of Structural Health Monitoring: An International Journal. The POY made an outstanding contribution to the field of SHM that will benefit society. This contribution can be in the form of theory, analysis, applications, education, or other ways that support the discipline of SHM and benefit society. The award is meant to recognize accomplishments within the past year or few years.