Muğla Travel Information
::: Conference Location
::: Hotel Information
::: Airport Transportation
::: Transportation In Akyaka
::: Contacts in Turkey
::: More Tourist Information
Conference Location
The conference will take place in the Atatürk Kültür Merkezi (Ataturk Culture Center), on the main campus of Muğla University in Kotekli/Muğla, just South of the Muğla city center.
The conference hotel are a half-hour drive south of the University, in a small coastal village called Akyaka. This town has around 1500 residents during the winter season; the population doubles in the summer tourist season.
Buses will arrive at 8:20am each morning to transport participants from the hotels to the conference site. Buses will also be available to take participants back to their hotels each evening. It is also possible to take a public bus (see this link: http://goo.gl/oDc18) or a taxi to Muğla University. Some information about this is provided below; participants are also encouraged to ask the hotel staff or a friendly villager for more information.
Hotel Information
The conference is paying for the cost of your hotel (Mon-Fri). If you would like to bring one or more guests, you are responsible for paying the cost of adding your guest, around 15 USD (11 EUR) per night.
The conference hotels are located in the coastal village of Akyaka, Turkey, 30min by bus to the conference location at Muğla University. There are two conference hotels. Both hotels have wireless internet.
Below is the link to the PDF with your hotel assignment, followed by the contact information for the hotels.
Hotel Assignments (PDF)
Hamle Hotel, Akyaka, Turkey (Google Map)
Volkan Street
Akyaka / Muğla / Turkey
Web: www.hamle48.com/otel/tr
Email: hamlehotel@hamle48.com
Phone: +90 252 243 40 00
Erdem Hotel, Akyaka, Turkey (Google Map)
Zambak Street No. 8
Akyaka / Muğla / Turkey
Web: http://www.erdemotel.com/index_en.htm
Email: evrerdem@hotmail.com
Phone: +90 252 243 58 49
The two hotels are only a short distance away from each other, so it will be easy to visit with fellows attending the conference. Follow this link for walking directions between the two hotels: http://goo.gl/oDc18.
Airport Transportation
We will be running shuttles between the Bodrum-Milas airport (BJV) and the conference site. You may wish to plan your flight so as to be able to catch one of these shuttles. The planned shuttle schedule is the following.
- Monday, 11 June 2012, from BJV to Conference Site
- Shuttle 1: Departs airport at 11:00am.
- Shuttle 2: Departs airport at 8:00pm.
- Friday, 15 June 2012, from Conference Site to BJV
- Shuttle 1: Will have you at the airport by 7:00am.
- Shuttle 2: Will have you at the airport by 5:00pm.
The shuttle schedules are being finalized. Fellows who requested shuttles now have a spot reserved; please contact us immediately with your travel information if you have not yet done so and would like a shuttle. If you are not able to take a shuttle, you have two other options. First, you can order a taxi to take you between the airport and Muğla City Center for approximately 80 USD (60 EUR). Second, you can hire a taxi for around 9 USD to take you a short distance between the airport and Gulluk, where you can take a bus to Muğla for another 9 USD. Be warned that the latter option requires enough flexibility to work with the bus schedules, with buses spaced as long as 4 hours apart.
Transportation in Akyaka
Taxis are in abundance in Akyaka. You can ask your hotel to call one for you, or call for a taxi yourself: +90 252 243 51 94.
Rental cars are also available within walking distance from the hotels, at a location called Vali Car Rental. Visit: http://www.valicarrental.com/
Buses Leave from the corner half-way between the two hotels, indicated on the walking map: http://goo.gl/oDc18
Contacts in Turkey
Before the conference, please continue to address your correspondence to the Center for Philosophy of Science. Once in Turkey, your contacts there will include Mehmet Elgin (contact information provided in email correspondence of 7-April-2012) and Bryan Roberts (bwr6@pitt.edu).
More Tourist Information