27 - 29 October 2017
Center for Philosophy of Science
817 Cathedral of Learning
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA USA
Keynote Speakers:
Wendy Freedman, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago (via Skype)
Michela Massimi, School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh
Philosophy of astrophysics and philosophy of cosmology are still emerging fields within philosophy of physics and general philosophy of science. The overall aim of this workshop is to bring together philosophers and researchers in the physical sciences to collectively explore epistemological and methodological issues in philosophy of astrophysics and cosmology with particular attention to the contributions of observational and experimental evidence in these fields. Some of the topics with which we aim to engage include: the validity of simulation assumptions, use of models and theories in data processing, considerations invoked when integrating different theoretical and/or methodological resources in one application, potential strategies for constraining theory, and principled constraints on what we can know.
Confirmed Speakers:
Sibylle Anderl, Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble
Yann Benétreau-Dupin, University of Pittsburgh
Wahid Bhimji, NERSC
Jamee Elder, University of Notre Dame
Bridget Falck, University of Oslo
Genco Guralp, Johns Hopkins University
Melissa Jacquart, University of Pennsylvania
Barry Madore, Carnegie Institute for Science
Rachel Mandelbaum, Carnegie Mellon University
Casey McCoy, University of Edinburgh
Helen Meskhidze, University of Western Ontario
Slobodan Perovic, University of Belgrade
Marja Seidel, Carnegie Institute for Science
Sarah Shandera, Penn State University
Matthew Wiesner, Benedictine University
Nora Boyd (HPS, Pittsburgh)
Siska De Baerdemaeker (HPS, Pittsburgh)
Yao-Yuan Mao (Physics and Astronomy, Pittsburgh)
John Norton (HPS, Pittsburgh)
Porter Williams (HPS, Pittsburgh)
The Center for Philosophy of Science