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Nina A. Atanasova
University of Toledo
Fall Term 2018

Nina Atanasova is a Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at The University of Toledo. She is also Secretary General of the International Association for Science and Cultural Diversity. Her research interests are in philosophy of neuroscience, philosophy of experiment, and social studies of science, technology and medicine. While at the Center for Philosophy of Science, Nina will be working on two projects. The first aims at articulating a model of knowledge integration in neuroscience. Her second project uses the versatile applications of the Morris Water Maze test in cognitive neurobiology as a case study to show that Kuhnian views of scientific change, while still the received view in mainstream philosophy of science, are inadequate to capture the dynamics of contemporary science.

Nina’s informal projects while in Pittsburgh include socializing with colleagues, making new friends as well as exploring the local art, music and food culture.



Revised 07/17/2018 - Copyright 2012