INFSCI 1072/TELCOM 2700: Introduction to Wireless Networks

Spring 2014: Syllabus

The objective of this course is to provide an understanding of various wireless networking technologies ranging from cellular networks to wireless personal area networks and how they differ from wired networks (e.g., signal transmission, interference, mobility, etc.). The course will cover the architecture and protocols of cellular networks (1G, 2G, 3G and LTE), IEEE 802.11 networks, and IEEE 802.15 networks. Deployment issues will be discussed. Physical layer details are provided as necessary, but will not be the primary focus. There will be a brief treatment of satellite systems and positioning technologies.

Prerequisites (concepts):

Digital Modulation, Calculus, and Probability

Contact Information:

Prashant Krishnamurthy
Office: DIST 718
Phone: 412-624-5144
E-mail: prashant AT mail DOT sis DOT pitt DOT edu
Course webpage:
Office hours: Wednesdays: 10:00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. or by appointment
GSA: Xin Wang


No Textbook is Required: Lectures will be drawn from several sources (books, articles, papers) as most available texts do not cover all of the course material

Recommended: Mobile Communications, 2nd Ed. - Jochen Schiller, Addison Wesley, 2004

Also recommended: Matlab Students Edition with Simulink/Communications Toolbox


  • Principles of Wireless Access and Localization, K. Pahlavan and P. Krishnamurthy, John Wiley and Sons
  • Wireless Communications, Andreas Molisch, John Wiley and Sons
  • Wireless Communications and Networking, Jon W. Mark and W. Zhuang, Pearson Ed.
  • WCDMA for UMTS, H. Holma and A. Toskala, John Wiley and Sons
  • Papers from magazines and journals
  • Grading:

    Homework/Labs 15%
    Quiz 15%
    Midterm 20%
    Final 30%
    Project 20%


  • All work must be the student's own unless collaboration is explicitly permitted
  • Late assignments will not be accepted unless there are exceptional circumstances.
  • Homework is due ONE week after it is assigned unless otherwise mentioned.
  • Homework will be assigned every week unless otherwise mentioned.
  • Check for homework on the webpage even if it is not explicitly mentioned in class
  • Labs (where assigned) will be due TWO weeks after assignment
  • Students are responsible for doing the labs and submitting the reports to me
  • Check for lab instructions and changes on the webpage regularly
  • Keep checking the webpage for other changes regularly
  • All written work must be legible and clear to receive credit. Vagueness in your work leading to misinterpretation is not a valid reason for credit.
  • Course Outline:

    This schedule is only a guideline and is subject to change depending on the progression of the course.

  • Week 1: Wireless Systems; Introduction
  • Week 2: Wireless Applications; Speech Coding; Location Services
  • Weeks 3-4: Architecture and Operational Details of Wireless Networks
  • Week 5: Radio Propagation
  • Weeks 6-7: Signal Transmission
  • Week 8: Midterm exam;
  • Weeks 9-10: Medium Access, Network Deployment and Traffic Engineering
  • Week 11: Radio Resource and Power Management
  • Week 12: Mobility Management
  • Week 13: Location Based Services
  • Week 14: Security
  • Week 15: Final Exam