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Prin= ter Friendly Version
Updated 12/06/1= 2
Area/Dept School Last_Name First_Name Department Telephone_No. Location E-Mail
31012 Dental Medicine Gallagher Gloria Dean's Office 648-5410 SALK 342 gjm= 11@pitt.edu
31012 Dental Medicine Hirosky Dave Dean's Office   SALK   <= /span> hiroskyd@pitt.edu
35203 Medicine McMullen-Bowers Barbara Anesthesiology (Clinical Trials)  623-7864 532 S Aiken Ave Suite 407 mcmullenbs@upmc.edu
35203 Medicine Hill Bonnie Anesthesiology 647-8141 532 S Aiken Ave Suite 407 hillbb@upmc.edu
              &nb= sp;
35242 Medicine Cecchetti Robert Biomedical Informatics 692-2785 The Office at Baum - Suite 400 = cecchett@pitt.edu
35242 Medicine Flaherty-Thomas Celeste Biomedical Informatics 648-6769 The Office at Baum - Suite 400 cgf1= @pitt.edu
35242 Medicine Szczepaniak M. Cleat Biomedical informatics - RODS 648-6827 The Office at Baum - Suite 400 cl= eats@pitt.edu
35242 Medicine Wilson Julie Biomedical Informatics 648-8702 The Office at Baum - Suite 400 jm= w157@pitt.edu
35248 Medicine Drewery Ken Cardiovascular Institute 647-9084 PRESB F345 drewerykh@upmc.edu
35248 Medicine Masse Jodi Cardiovascular Institute 647-3432 PRESB F345 = m= assejl@upmc.edu
35248 Medicine Schwoegl Kirsten Cardiovascular Institute 647-5363 PRESB F345 = schwoeglk@upmc= .edu
35248 Medicine Hainaut Katie Cardiovascular Institute 647-9085 PRESB F345 hainautk@upmc.edu
35248 Medicine Yost Angela Cardiovascular Institute 647-2509 PRESB F345 yo= staa@upmc.edu
              &nb= sp;
35216 Medicine Bigi Christine Cell Biology & Physiology 383-7752 BSTWR S366 big= ic@pitt.edu
35216 Medicine Conway Sue Cell Biology & Physiology 383-8888 BSTWR S367 s= conway@pitt.edu
35216 Medicine Simeone Maureen Cell Biology & Physiology 648-9439 BSTWR S366 = msimeone@pitt.= edu
              &n= bsp;
35259 Medicine Butch Anna Center for Vaccine Research 383-5462 BSTWR 3 - 9019 bu= tcha@pitt.edu
35259 Medicine Mehalic Mike Center for Vaccine Research 383-5352 BSTWR 3 - 9018 = mmehalic@pitt.edu
              &nb= sp;
35258 Medicine Miciak Ann Computational and Systems Biology 648-3229 BST3 3064 amiciak@pitt.edu
35258 Medicine Schwab Marcia Computational & Systems Biology 648-3342 BST3 - 3064 m= schwab@pitt.edu
              &nb= sp;
35296 Medicine Ryan  Linda Critical Care Medicine (Safar Center) 383-1901 HILL 100 ryanlt@upmc.edu
35296 Medicine Christ Rosalyn Critical Care Medicine 802-6833 SCAIFE 601A christr2@upmc.edu
35296 Medicine Early Barbara Critical Care Medicine (MACRO) 647-9745 SCAIFE A1020 earlybj@upmc.edu
35296 Medicine Engel Linda Critical Care Medicine 647-6843 SCAIFE 642B engelr@upmc.edu
35296 Medicine Fetsick Amanda Critical Care Medicine 383-7753 SCAIFE 642 acaito@pitt.edu
35296 Medicine Kushon Kim Critical Care Medicine 647-5990 SCAIFE 642B marascok@pitt.edu
35296 Medicine McConegly Mike Critical Care Medicine 864-1685 SCAIFE 642 mjm116@pitt.edu
35296 Medicine Unikel Dan Critical Care Medicine 647-0498 SCAIFE 600 unikeld@upmc.edu
              &nb= sp;
35xxx Medicine Gaber Michael Dean's Office 648-8985 SCAIF M245 mike@medschool.pitt.edu
              &n= bsp;
35227 Medicine Russell Cassie Dermatology 648-9972 BSTWR W1041 russellc2@upmc.edu
              &n= bsp;
35322 Medicine Beatty Barbara Developmental Biology 692-9735 8111 Rangos Research Center b= eattyb@pitt.edu
35322 Medicine Galvin Debra Developmental Biology 692-5696 8112 Rangos Research Center dgalvin@pitt.edu
              &nb= sp;
35256 Medicine Grabowski Christine Drug Discovery Institute 648-3882 BST3 10044 &nb= sp;
    fax   Drug Discovery Institute 648-9009   &n= bsp;
35236 Medicine Morgan Maureen Emergency Medicine 647-3078 MCKEE PLACE - SUITE 400 = morganma@upmc.edu
35236 Medicine Wesoloski Beth Emergency Medicine 647-0517 MCKEE PLACE - 5TH FLOOR wesoloskiba@upmc.edu
              &nb= sp;
35211 Medicine Baker Jim Family Medicine/Clinical Epidemiology 383-2352 3518 FIFTH AVENUE ba= kerj@pitt.edu
              &n= bsp;
35210 Medicine Barry Matt Immunology 648-7607 BSTWR E1045 mrb190@pitt.ed= u
35210 Medicine Porter Darlene Immunology 383-8735 BSTWR E1040 dfp5= @pitt.edu
              &nb= sp;
35295 Medicine Harris Marla McGowan Institute for Regenerative Med (MIRM) 624-5207 450 Technology Dr, Suite 300 harrism3@upmc.edu
35295 Medicine Gannon Joe McGowan Institute for Regenerative Med (MIRM) 624-5215 450 Technology Dr, Suite 300 gannonj@upmc.edu
35295 Medicine Kacin Melissa McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine (MIRM) 624-5223 450 Technology Dr, Suite 300 kacinm@upmc.edu
35295 Medicine Smith Brian McGowan Institute for Regenerative Med (MIRM) 624-5224 450 Technology Dr, Suite 300 smithbm@upmc.edu
35295 Medicine Hall Alison McGowan Institu= te for Regenerative Medicine (MIRM) 450 Technology Dr, Suite 300 hallae@upmc.edu
              &n= bsp;
35207 Medicine Rago Lynn Medicine - Center for Research on Health Care 692-4858 230 MCKEE PLACE SUITE 600 ragolm@upmc.edu
35207 Medicine Reitz Patrick Medicine - Institute for Clinical Research Education 692-2018 CNPAV 300 reitzpm@upmc.edu
35207 Medicine Coyne Terry Medicine - Endocrinology 383-8607 BSTWR E1140 coynet@dom.pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Baumann Amanda Medicine - Gastroenterology 578-9513   aab39@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Radulovich Nichole Medicine - Geriatrics 692-2375 KAU 500 nir2@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Smith Jill Medicine - Geriatrics 665-8055 KAU 500 jcsst63@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Moschetti Debbie Medicine - Infectious Diseases 648-6402 FALKC 3A moschetti@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Shriane Michael Medicine - Infectious Diseases 648-6496 FALKC 3A mshriane@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Churilla April Medicine - Infectious Diseases 648-6399 FALKC 3A alc116@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Boyden Marsha Medicine - Research Office 383-1604 FACNT mab136@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Campbell Dave Medicine - Research Office 383-1632 FACNT drc27@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Weaver Jennifer Medicine - Research Office 383-1626 FACNT jlw1@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Conrad * Marcie Medicine - Research Office 383-1628 FACNT conradm@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Evansky Tom Medicine - Research Office 383-1605 FACNT evansky@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Hegedus * Anastasia Medicine - Research Office 383-1636 FACNT ath4@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Hixenbaugh Kathy Medicine - Research Office 383-2216 FACNT kmh@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Hughes Ed Medicine - Research Office 383-1437 FACNT eah20@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Javor Mike Medicine - Research Office 383-1760 FACNT mej13@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Jarvis Jim Medicine - Research Office 383-1603 FACNT jpj14@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Rosol Jason Medicine - Research Office 383-1593 FACNT jmr6@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Strope Nancy Medicine - Research Office 383-1663 FACNT nls18@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Ursida Jennifer Medicine - Research Office 383-1592 FACNT ursidaj@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Margaros Anne Medicine - Rheumatology 383-8937 FACNT margarosa@pitt.edu
35207 Medicine Stephanie Andy Medicine-Research Office 3831633 FACNT ars70@pitt.edu
              &n= bsp;
35233 Medicine Centralized email =   Microbiology and Molecular Genetics   BRDG2 mmg-grants@mmg.pitt.edu
35233 Medicine Borowski Jim Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 648-9272 BRDG2 527 jimb@pitt.edu
35233 Medicine Causgrove Adam Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 648-9548 BRDG2  523= .3 apc23@pitt.edu
35233 Medicine Policicchio Davina Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 648-1885 BRDG2 526 dap47@pitt.edu
35233 Medicine Rakow Kathy Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 383-7268 BRDG2 529 rakowkm@pitt.edu
35233 Medicine Ross Kristin Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 624-7386 BRDG2 523.1 krr40@pitt.edu
              &nb= sp;
35201 Medicine Fitzgerald Susan Neurobiology 383-8910 BSTWR E1440 sfi= tz@pitt.edu
35201 Medicine Heinzel Karen Neurobiology 383-2237 BSTWR E1440 = kheinzel@pitt.edu
35201 Medicine Jacoby Kim Neurobiology 383-7075 BSTWR E1440 k= jacoby@pitt.edu
35201 Medicine Louderback Carolyn Neurobiology 648-9536 BSTWR E1443 <= span style=3D'font-family:Arial, sans-serif;mso-font-charset:0'>clouder@pitt.e= du
              &nb= sp;
35222 Medicine Hindman-Kyles Amber Neurological Surgery 647-6775 PUH B400 hindman-kylesa= b@upmc.edu
35222 Medicine McGivern Darla Neurological Surgery 647-0956 200 LOTHROP-SUITE B400 mcgiverndj@upmc.edu
35222 Medicine Quirin Patty Neurological Surgery (CIRCL) 648-8068 SCAIF 532 = quirinpt@upmc.edu
35222 Medicine White Chris Neurological Surgery 647-0981 PUH B400 <= span style=3D'font-family:Arial, sans-serif;mso-font-charset:0'>whiteca@upmc.e= du
              &nb= sp;
35219 Medicine Schwerer Michelle Neurology 624-0366 BSTWR S548 misiakm@upmc.edu
35219 Medicine Benicky Sheryl Neurology 624-9914 BSTWR S548 benickysa@upmc.edu
35219 Medicine Snyder Judy Neurology 648-2361 BSTWR S548 dls73@pitt.edu
35219 Medicine Dunn Leslie Neurology 692-2731 MONF S445.2 dunll@upmc.edu
35219 Medicine Hlawati Tammy Neurology 648-9367 BSTWR S548 hlawatits@upmc.edu
              &nb= sp;
              &n= bsp;
35213 Medicine Murphy Yolonda ObGyn 647-2509 MAGEE 2235 = murphyym@upmc.edu
35327 Medicine Zarin Umme ObGyn 647-6583 MAGEE 2235 zarinu@mwri.magee.edu
              &nb= sp;
35228 Medicine Liang Alice Ophthalmology 647-2207 EYE & EAR 950 li= angj@upmc.edu
              &nb= sp;
35215 Medicine Bosco Matthew Ortho Surgery (Stem Cell Research Center) 605-3202 Kauf 1011 mattbosc@pitt.edu
35215 Medicine Duerring Mary Lou Ortho Surgery (Ferguson Lab) 648-1090 BST E1641 duerringml@upmc.edu
35215 Medicine Darabant Michelle Orthopaedic Surgery 383-8106 450 Technology Dr meckl@pitt.edu
35215 Medicine McCann Tim Ortho Surgery (Center for Cell & Mole Engineering)<= /td> 624-7639 450 Technology Dr, 2nd Fl, Cubicle 206.10 mccannt@pitt.edu
35215 Medicine Cummins James Ortho Surgery (Cartilage Restoration Center) 648-8547 450 Technology Dr, 2nd Fl, Cubicle 206 jhc13@pitt.edu
              &nb= sp;
              &nb= sp;
35237 Medicine Fournier Jill Otolaryngology 578-9465 IROQU 305 Pittsburgh fournierje@upmc.edu
35237 Medicine Seroky Amy Otolaryngology-Pediatrics 692-6764 Oakland Med Bldg, Rm 118 amy.seroky@chp.edu
35237 Medicine Baldige Alexis Otolaryngology 647-9665 IROQU 305 Pittsburgh baldigeaa@upmc.edu
              &nb= sp;
35206 Medicine George Vida Pathology = 648-9474 BSTWR S414 = georgev@upmc.e= du
35206 Medicine O'Malley Brad Pathology <= /td> 802-6093 SCAIFE A712 omalleybm@upmc.edu
35206 Medicine Vadnais Julianne Pathology <= /td> 648-9509 BSTWR S417 vadnaisja@upmc= .edu  
35206 Medicine Basile Kim Pathology <= /td> 683-7556 SCAIFE A712 basilekm@upmc.edu
    fax     648-1916   &nb= sp;  
35209 Medicine Cline Diane Pediatrics (CHP) 692-6081 RANGOS 3506 diane.cline@chp.edu
35209 Medicine Dee Paul Pediatrics (UP) 692-5818 RANGOS 7 p= aul.dee@chp.edu
35209 Medicine Cozzoli (Dodson) = Tina Pediatrics (UP) 692-8418 RANGOS 3 Tina.Cozzoli@chp.edu
35209 Medicine Emge Cindy Pediatrics  (CHP)  692-6022 RANGOS 3 cynthia.emge@chp.edu
35209 Medicine Harter Nancy Pediatrics  (UP)  692-7487 AOB 3 nancy.harter@chp.edu
              &n= bsp;
35204 Medicine Gergely Holly Pharmacology & Chemical Biology 624-2787 BSTWR W1340 ho= llyg@pitt.edu
35204 Medicine Hohmann Becky Pharmacology & Chemical Biology 648-0128 BSTWR W1340 rjh= 66@pitt.edu
35204 Medicine Sorch Lynda Pharmacology & Chemical Biology 648-9318 BSTWR W1340 sor= ch@pitt.edu
    fax     648-1945   &nb= sp;
35221 Medicine Oliverio Elaine Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 692-4893 KAUF 201 <= /td> oliverioe@upmc= .edu
35221 Medicine Kastriba Edward Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 864-3220 KAUF 202 kastribaem@upmc.edu
35221 Medicine Shane Alisha Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 383-1043 3520 Fifth Avenue cuniffas@upmc.edu
              &n= bsp;
93000 Medicine Covered by UPCI   Radiation Oncology     &nb= sp;
              &nb= sp;
35239 Medicine Antonetti Kathy Radiology (PET) 647-0735 PUH  B938<= /td> antonettikl@up= mc.edu
35239 Medicine Buck Robin Radiology 647-4160 PUH SOUTH TWR 3950 rib= 48@pitt.edu
35239 Medicine Cohen  Tomika Radiology 383-7091 MCGOWAN CENTER tdc= 52@pitt.edu
35239 Medicine Custer Steve Radiology 647-1796 CHP MAIN TWR 3950 = custersj@upmc.edu
35239 Medicine Kelley Kelley Radiology 647-9710 CHP MAIN TWR 3950 = kelleykk@upmc.edu
35239 Medicine Passoth Jay Radiology 647-2599 CHP MAIN TWR 3950 passothja@upmc.edu
35239 Medicine Stalder Jennifer Radiology (Magee) 641-2565 MAGEE 4200 jstalder@magee.edu
35239 Medicine Giconi Sandra Radiology (PET) 647-0736 PUHB938 giconisl@upmc.edu
              &n= bsp;
35231 Medicine Duncan Dean Structural  Biology 383-9800 BST3 1050 <= /td> dduncan@structbio.pitt.edu
35231 Medicine Farrell Amy Structural  Biology 648-9051 BST3 1052 amf= 61@pitt.edu
              &nb= sp;
35208 Medicine Marchetti * Brooke Surgery 647-9278 230 McKee Suite 430 marchettib@upmc.edu
35208 Medicine Christ Rosyln Surgery 647-8141 230 McKee Suite 430 christr2@upmc.edu
35208 Medicine Savage Beverly Surgery 864-2857 230 McKee Place savageb@upmc.edu
35208 Medicine Nwranski Laura Surgery 647-7648 231 McKee Suite 430 nwranskilm@upmc.edu
35208 Medicine Lemal Christina Surgery 647-2508 232 McKee Suite 430 lemalcl@upmc.edu
35208 Medicine Papciak Kathy Surgery 647-0803 234 McKee Suite 430 papciakka@upmc.edu
35208 Medicine Chang Joe Surgery 647-4418 235 McKee Suite 430 joseph.chang3@upmc.edu
35208 Medicine Hughes  Beth Surgery 647-0507 230 McKee Suite 430 hughesba@upmc.edu
35208 Medicine Kihumbu Romeo Surgery 647-0846 237 McKee Suite 430 kihumburm@upmc.edu
              &nb= sp;
35269 Medicine Beasley Toni Transplantation (pre-award) 624-7748 200 Lothrop Street beasleyar@upmc.edu
35269 Medicine Broderick Donna  Transplantation (post-award) 624-8959 200 Lothrop Street broderickdh@upmc.edu
35269 Medicine Hartman Thomas Transplantation-Director of Research Finance 383-5923 BST WR E1546 hartmantj@upmc.edu
              &nb= sp;
35370 Medicine Misera Justin Cardiothoracic Surgery 647-8609 200 Lathrop Street jrm94@pitt.edu
35370 Medicine Shaw Ivett Cardiothoracic Surgery 647-7559 200 Lathrop Street shahit@upmc.edu
              &n= bsp;
35220 Medicine Valenti Beth Urology  623-3919 SHADYSIDE MED CTR-STE G35 valentime@upmc.edu
              &nb= sp;
35308 Medicine Thiel Darlene Systems Neuroscience Institute 383-9878 BST3 4074 d= arlene@pitt.edu
35308 Medicine Vey Jason Systems Neuroscience Institute 383-9878 BST3 4074 jasonvey@pitt.edu
              &nb= sp;
32xxx Nursing Evansky Debbie Nursing Administration 624-8392 VICTO 350 devansky@pitt.edu
32xxx Nursing Stayshich Emily Nursing Administration 624-5965 VICTO 350 erg2@pitt.edu
32xxx Nursing Bond Chris Nursing Administration 624-3898 VICTO 350 dbond@pitt.edu
32207 Nursing Gould Janine Nursing Administration 648-8511 VICTO 350 jsg49@pitt.edu
              &n= bsp;
33203 Pharmacy Fabean Rick Dean's Office 648-8584 SALK 911 rf= t43@pitt.edu
33203/4 Pharmacy Sobchak Robert Dean's Office 648-9753 SALK 911 sobchakr@pitt.edu
33203 Pharmacy Stofka Andrea Dean's Office 648-8670 SALK 110 <= span style=3D'font-family:Arial, sans-serif;mso-font-charset:0'>stofka@pitt.ed= u
              &nb= sp;
36600 SVCHS Lucchetti Tristan Health Sciences Library System 624-4966 SCAIF 200 tll36@pitt.edu
              &n= bsp;
34209 Public Health Bernardon Edi Behavioral & Community Health Sciences (Dept Admin) 624-9594 PARRAN 214 ediber@pitt.edu
34209 Public Health Tokosh Michael Center for Health Equity 624-0676 PARRAN 212 mtokosh@pitt.edu
34201 Public Health Brinza  Renae Biostatistics 624-2151 A432 Crabtree brinza@pitt.edu
34010 Public Health  Tomkowitz Edward Dean's Office 624-3015 CRABTREE A627 etomkowitz@gsphdean.gsph.pitt.edu
34510 Public Health Bongiorni = Karen Public Health Dynamics Laboratory 624-4820 CRABTREE A740 bongiorn@pitt.edu
34202 Public Health DeLuco Linda Epidemiology 624-3733 CRABTREE A516 deluco@edc.pitt.edu
34202 Public Health Carr Dave Epidemiology  624-3479 CRABTREE A515 carr@edc.pitt.edu
34202 Public Health Ochwat Crystal Epidemiology 624-3738 CRABTREE A513 clochwat@edc.pitt.edu
34202 Public Health Blecharz Richard Epidemiology 624-3734 CRABTREE A538 blecharz@edc.pitt.edu
34202 Public Health Leckenby Nicole Epidemiology 624-5992 CRABTREE A512 leckenby@edu.pitt.edu
34202 Public Health Marks Kristy Epidemiology 624-3732 CRABTREE A541 marksk@edc.pitt.edu
34203 Public Health Grossett Tina Health Policy and Management (Dept Admin) 624-2821 CRABTREE  = A618 grossett@pitt.edu
34203 Public Health Bresz Elly Health Policy and Management (Res Admin) 624-3103 CRABTREE A619 ell@pitt.edu
35296 Public Health Lin Vivian Human Genetics 647-9095 CRABTREE <= /td> linv@upmc.edu
34214 Public Health LaValley Michelle Human Genetics 624-3061 CRABTREE A307 mdl@pitt.edu
34205 Public Health Tierno Robin Infectious Diseases & Microbiology (IDM) (Dept Admi= n) 624-3105 CRABTREE A419B rtierno@pitt.edu
34204 Public Health Weaver Matt Environmental and Occupational Health 383-6900 BRIDG 328B msweaver@pitt.edu
34204 Public Health Mitchell Anne Environmental and Occupational Health 383-7687 BRIDG 328C agmitch@pitt.edu
34204 Public Health Schwaderer Jean Environmental and Occupational Health 383-7659 BRIDG 328E jschwad@pitt.edu
              &n= bsp;
36600 SVCHS Lucchetti Tristan Health Sciences Library System 624-4966 SCAIF 200 tll36@pitt.edu
              &n= bsp;
38010 SHRS Burgess Jean Dean's Office 383-6552 FRTOW 4026 jcburges@pitt.edu
38010 SHRS Schwesinger * Ronald Dean's Office 383-6588 FRTOW 4025 rschwesi@pitt.edu
38215 SHRS Harden Jacquelyn Communication Science and Disorders 383-6543 FRTOW 4037 jharden@pitt.edu
38203 SHRS Schwesinger Ronald Health Information Management 383-6588 FRTOW 4025 rschwesi@pitt.edu
38211 SHRS Jackson Christine Occupational Therapy 383-6716 FRTOW 5015 cmr772pitt.edu
38202 SHRS Smith Arlene Physical Therapy 383-6292 FRTOW 6041 asmith1@pitt.edu
38204 SHRS Jarvis Michelle Rehabilitation Science and Technology 624-7730 FRTOW 5037 mjarvis@pitt.edu
38210 SHRS Kornosky Rob Sports Medicine and Nutrition 383-6527 FRTOW 4044 kornosky@pitt.edu
              &n= bsp;
39xxx SVCHS Sidorovich Kathy Health Sciences Administration 648-3179 SCAIF 401 ksidorovich@hs.pitt.edu
39xxx SVCHS Stokes Susan Health Sciences Administration 624-0206 SCAIF 302 slstokes@pitt.edu
39xxx SVCHS Bowler MaryBeth Health Sciences Administration 624-7015 SCAIF 302 bowler@pitt.edu
39xxx SVCHS Downey Sharon Health Sciences Administration 648-9450 SCAIF 302 sld22@pitt.edu
39xxx SVCHS Hartz Jean Health Sciences Administration 648-9510 SCAIF 302 jch44@pitt.edu
39xxx SVCHS Keys Chris Health Sciences Administration 624-0167 SCAIF 302 chk52@pitt.edu
39xxx SVCHS Pickel Lori Health Sciences Administration 624-7406 SCAIF 302 pickella@pitt.edu
39xxx SVCHS Mroziak Joel Health Sciences Administration 383-5411 SCAIF 302 jdm31@pitt.edu
39xxx SVCHS Menzies Erin Health Sciences Administration 624-8663 SCAIF 302 menzies@pitt.edu
39xxx SVCHS Vorp Allison Health Sciences Administration 648-9528 SCAIF 302 avorp@pitt.edu
              &n= bsp;
39074 SVCHS Chioda Patti Clinical and Translational Science Institute   SCAIF 401 pl= c16@pitt.edu
39074 SVCHS Crnkovic Jennifer Clinical and Translational Science Institute 624-0092 SCAIF 401 jcrnkovic@hs.pitt.edu
39074 SVCHS Mathias David Clinical and Translational Science Institute 383-3530 SCAIF 437 dmathias@hs.pitt.edu
39074 SVCHS Sheffey Alzenia Clinical and Translational Science Institute 648-8924 SCAIF 436 = sheffey@pitt.edu
              &nb= sp;
39067 SVCHS Crawford Tracy Genomics and Proteomics Core Laboratories 648-9787 GOLD BLDG, 3rd FLOOR tlc= +@pitt.edu
              &n= bsp;
93xxx UPCI Barrett (Blankemeyer) Gretchen Clinical Trials Accountant 647-0230 Cancer Pavilion, 4th Fl, Rm 458 blankemeyerg@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Calhoun Savannah Research Accountant 647-6583 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE calhounsl@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Chappell Scott Lead Research Accountant 647-0189 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE chappellsa@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Evanko Melissa Research Accountant 648-6053 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE evankoma@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Feather Kyle Lead Research Accountant 647-9911 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE featherkt3@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Hamilton (Morrison) Megan Pre-Award Administrator 647-6749 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE hamiltonms@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Hill  Amanda Pre-Award Administrator 623-3378 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE hillac@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Holleran Joseph Research Accountant 647-6550 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE holleranjm@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Daisley (Hood) Brittany Clinical Trials Accountant 647-6343 Cancer Pavilion, 4th Fl, Rm 458 hoodbl@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Jaworski Jim Lead Research Accountant 647-2254 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE jaworskija2@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Koelsch Courtney Clinical Trials Accountant 864-7659 Cancer Pavilion, 4th Fl, Rm 458 koelschce@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Kennedy John Research Accountant 647-7304 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE kennedyjp@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Lewis Jamie Research Accountant 647-6270 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE lewisjl2@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI McCoy Jessica Pre-Award Administrator 647-0634 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE mccoyjn@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Mora Tanya Research Accountant 623-1312 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE moratl@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Popochock Cari Research Accountant 647-7303 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE popochockcl@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Quinn Mary Assistant Director for Finance 647-6335 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE quinnmc@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Webb (Franczyk)* Nicole Grants & Contacts Pre-Award Manager 647-9751 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE webbn@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Smith (Williams) Jenna Research Accountant 647-0007 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE williamsjk@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Yarkowski (Patterson) Melissa Clinical Trials Supervisor 647-0330 Cancer Pavilion, 4th Fl, Rm 448 pattersonm2@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Yee Kristie Clinical Trials Accountant 647-0183 Cancer Pavilion, 4th Fl, Rm 458 yeek@upmc.edu
93xxx UPCI Zacher Donna Research Accountant 647-0269 100 SHADYSIDE PLACE zacherdl@upmc.edu
              &n= bsp;
90555 WPIC Berkhoudt* Tom Research Office 586-9198 Parkvale Building 507 berkhoudtt@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Beck Carol Research Office 586-9201 Parkvale Building 506 beckca@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Berneburg Rich Research Office 246-6828 Parkvale Building 515H berneburgra2@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Evansky Megan Research Office 586-9190 Parkvale Building 512A evanskyml@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Flory Burnie Research Office 586-9193 Parkvale Building 509 florydb@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Godard Kasey Research Office 246-6795 Parkvale Building 504C antolka@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Howard Mark Research Office 246-6639 Parkvale Building 501 howardmj@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Jackson Grant Research Office 586-9194 Parkvale Building 512F jacksonjg@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Kasunich Cathy Research Office 586-9186 Parkvale Building 512B kasunichcm@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Kuo Nick Research Office 246-6938 Parkvale Building 505B kuos@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Lape Ginnie Research Office 246-6805 Parkvale Building 502 lapegl@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Lewis Scott Research Office 246-6896 Parkvale Building 504B lewiss2@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Miller Michael Research Office 246-6897 Parkvale Building 514 millerm6@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Mohr Justin Research Office 246-6895 Parkvale Building  500 mohrjp@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Nalevanko Aniko Research Office 246-6891 Parkvale Building 505 evanal@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Rieke Mariana Research Office 586-9093 Parkvale Building 513 riekemp@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Stoner Ryan Research Office 246-6892 Parkvale Building 515-A stonerrd@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Taggart Kelsie Research Office 246-6893 Parkvale Building 512-G taggartk@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Trosky Denise Research Office 647-5411 HR Plaza Forbes Tower graczykdl@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Wallace Sonia Research Office 246-6899 Parkvale Building 518 wallacesl@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Woodward Hermi Research Office 586-9199 Parkvale Building 503 woodwardhr@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Yute Liz Research Office 586-9051 Parkvale Building 517-B yuteea2@upmc.edu
90555 WPIC Receptionist   Research Office 586-9196   &n= bsp;
    Fax     586-9418   &n= bsp;
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