Sabina E. Deitrick

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Current Projects

Outreach Partnership Center

In 2000, the University of Pittsburgh received a Community Outreach Partnership Center (COPC) grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.  This award was followed by a New Directions grant from HUD in 2004.  The University of Pittsburgh COPC has also received continuing support from Chancellor Nordenberg.  The COPC works with community partners in Oakland and Hazelwood on neighborhood revitalization efforts.  To date, over 100 Pitt students have served as COPC interns.  Numerous projects and reports have come out of the COPC.  I am co-director of the COPC with Tracy Soska of the School of Social Work.  See for more information.


Gender Wage Gap Study:

This study, at the University of Pittsburgh Center for Social and Urban Research, is funded by The Heinz Endowments to analyze the gender wage gap in the Pittsburgh region.  The study employs multiple levels of analysis, from occupational and industry data of the region compared to the U.S. and to the 100 largest metropolitan regions in the country.  A brief summary of the findings is available in the Pittsburgh Economic Quarterly (  The final report will be available in early 2007.


Pittsburgh Neighborhood and Community Information System

Housed at the University of Pittsburgh Center for Social and Urban Research, this is a joint project with Carnegie Mellon University Center for Economic Development, the City of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Partnership for Neighborhood Development and 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania.  This information system joins parcel level data with various social, economic, environmental, and administrative datasets to promote revitalization in Pittsburgh neighborhoods.  Information is available at:


PA Cleanways

UCSUR conducts GIS mapping services for PA Cleanways, an advocacy organization against illegal dumping and littering in Pennsylvania.  GSPIA doctoral student Andrew Aurand has been completing each assignment.  (


Steel Suppliers

We are beginning a survey of steel suppliers in the Pittsburgh region, those firms that serve the steel industry in equipment manufacturing, raw materials and commodity supplies, operating services, engineering services, and operating supplies.  The project is under Frank Giarratani and Carey Treado of the University of Pittsburgh Center for Industry Studies and includes Ravi Madhaven of the Katz Graduate School of Business and Chris Briem of UCSUR.  It builds on previous work of the Center on steel suppliers:


Lincoln Institute for Land Policy – Large Landowners

Chris Briem and I are working on a project of the Lincoln Institute on Large Landowners (  Our paper focuses on changes in tax exempt status and the rise of nonprofit organizations in the city of Pittsburgh and its effects on land values and public revenues.  The project will be completed in Spring 2007.


Allegheny Places – the Allegheny County Comprehensive Plan

UCSUR has conducted work for Allegheny Places, the AlleghenyCounty Comprehensive Plan.  Working with Chris Briem and Angela Foster Williams, we completed background and trend analysis for the economic, demographic and housing sections of the plan and are completing the housing element.  Findings have been reported in Pittsburgh Economic Quarterly (