Aalborg Skakforening, Denmark - Contains online games (java), club journals in PDF.
Aaron's Winboard Page - Articles to help beginners understand and use Winboard Programs as well as cover other Computer Chess Issues for beginners.
AG Numerics Chess Page - Contains games and crosstables from supertournaments beginning in 1980 to the present day.
AjaxPlay - Free online correspondence chess server.
Ajedrez - 365 days of chess news, tutorial, openings, endings, chess players (in Spanish).
Alekhine Game Of The Week - A site dedicated to the Alekhine's Defense. A game viewer updated weekly with the latest games, GM game collections, annotated games and links to various Alekhine's Defense and chess-related sites on the web.
Alekhine.net - About Alexander Alekhine, Solve chess problems.
Aleksander Vaysman - Chess Coach.
All India Chess Federation - Official Website of All India Chess Federation, Chess Rules, Download Games, All About Indian Players, Koya System.
Alwoodley Chess Club - Promotes chess throughout Leeds and Yorkshire.
The American Chess School - The Premier Site for Chess Camps and Coaching!
Annotated Chess Databases - Jan van Reek, composer of endgame studies, annotates a variety of selected events and players.
Anyone4Chess - Online turn based chess tournaments.
Arena GUI - Arena is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for chess programs by Martin Blume.
Arizona's Chess Emporium - A haven for chess players in Arizona. We offer a complete line of chess books, sets, clocks and videos. We also offer 13 USCF rated tournaments per month. Our scholastic program offers many chess activities for children as well.
Arlington Chess Club - The home page for Arlington (VA) Chess Club, which features club information, club ladder, club-local-and national events, WBCA information, regional web tournament clearinghouse, etc.
Associazione Scacchistica Italiana Giocatori per Corrispondenza - Play by e-mail and correspondence chess.
Atlantic Games - Correspondence chess over the web.
Bangkok Chess Club - The Bangkok Chess Club is the only international chess club in Thailand.
The Baysholiss Collection - A compilation of chess memorabilia for collector's and historian's alike.
The Best Chess Tables - Link directory.
Bill Wall's Chess Page - Chess humor, articles, games, miniatures, links, etc.
Biography of Siegbert Tarrasch - Everything about the great player Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch, including his games from tournaments and matches, a photo gallery, statistics, and much more.
Blubbie Chess Server - Free chess server where beginners can challenge the computer online.
Bobby Fischer - Unofficial Home Page.
Bookup - This site supports users of BOOKUP and related software such as ChessBase, Chess Assistant, Chess Genius, Rebel, Zarkov, HIARCS, MChess Pro, etc.
Bridgend Chess Club - Chess club in Wales, United Kingdom.
Bruno's Chess Problem of the Day - Every day you'll find a new chess problem. Different levels of difficulties are available ranging from very easy (checkmate in 1) to very difficult (checkmate in 6 or more). A solution to the problem will be made available the next day.
Buggs Chess Page - Chess Links, Searchable Fide Rating List, Searchable German Rating List, German Rating Calculator, German Chess Leagues and more.
Buy Chess Set.com - Content includes where to find free chess games, the chess rules, how to play chess, as well as info on buying chess boards, chess pieces, and chess sets.
Caissa Cafe - Chess seach, news, software, games.
The Campbell Report - Correspondence Chess - Site contains articles by a variety of different chess journalists and an archive of J. Franklin Campbell's column "The Campbell Report" from the APCT News Bulletin.
Canal Xadrez - Online chess, opening theory, biographies of masters, gallery of photos, problems, news, program downloads. In Spanish.
Charleston Chess Club - Charleston, South Carolina Chess Club.
The Checkmate of the Postman - Hundreds of chess problems, including the "The Checkmate of the Day".
Chesmayne Chess Dictionary - 100,000+ chess-related keywords, melodies, pictures, graphics, tables, A-Z indices, etc.
Chess Area - Two free chess lessons a week, free web hosting and personal trainers.
chessaspirants.com - Play online chess, online chess tournaments, get online coaching, solve interesting problems.
Chess Art Framed Prints - 12 drawings from the studio of artist Justin Michael Jenkins in your choice of two frame styles as giclee prints.
Chess Assistant & Convekta Chess Store - Chess database program including optional training programs for all stages of a chess game:(Opening, Middlegame, Ending, Strategy, Tactics) and for players of all levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced), programs devoted to world champions, encyclopaedias on chess endgame and opening and more.
Chess Assistant Club - A free portal for playing and training including daily tournaments with prizes where grandmasters and masters participate, as well as weekly lectures by grandmasters.
ChessBase USA - The leading US supplier of chess software in the nation, stocking the best software in the world and providing free tech support on all products, including ChessBase 8, many training cd's on a variety of openings, middlegames, endgames, tactics, etc., playing programs such as Fritz, Shredder, Hiarcs, Nimzo and Jr and the Deep Fritz and Deep Jr. Also, House of Staunton pieces, books, score pads, bags and roll up boards.
Chess Books From Europe - US-based discount retailer of chess books and equipment.
ChessBoss - History of chess.
The ChessBrain Network - The ChessBrain project is dedicated to creating a planetary chess computer using the processing power of interconnected machines throughout the Internet.
Chessbug - Improve Your Game - Essays on every stage of the game (openings, middlegame, endgame), book reviews, a weekly chess puzzle and more.
Chesscanada.net - Online chess games.
ChessChat - An email discussion group. Easy to join! Discussions on all aspects of chess welcome.
Chess Commander - Chess game that support multiple computer opponents as well as email and network games.
Chess Comp - Play chess online against people from all over the world.
Chess Computer Store - Handheld and tabletop electronic chess computers.
Chess Database - This chess database (containing 37,000,000 chess positions out of 500,000 games and 700,000 computer analyses) annotates your chess game or position with reference games, sorted by strength of players. Within few moments, your annotated game or position is available for download.
ChessDB.com - The online chess database.
Chess Digest - The largest chess book store in the world, currently carrying about 4000 titles including Chess Digest publications plus many other books, some out of print, some foreign and many new.
Chess Dom - Portal with many sections, photos, videos, games in pgn, etc.
Chess Dominion - Great chess site for learning how to play. Amazing graphics. Has interactive tutorials, chess problems and chess computers that will play you in different games so that you can practice playing with just one piece at a time. Also features an interactive section where you can enter your games for analysis or share in the analysis of someone else's game. Includes a lesson plan for teacher's interested in teaching chess in their classrooms.
The Chess Drum - Highlights the accomplishments of Black players from around the world. Approaching 3000 pages!
ChessDryad - Dedicated to California chess history, 12,667 downloadable calgames for Chessbase.
CHESSeCLOCK - Chess clock and notation software.
ChessExplorer - Program for solving chess problems: Mate, Selfmate, Helpmate with other options (counting number of chess variants, problems of the kind "8-Queens Problem).
Chess For Juniors - National Chess Camps, Colorado's Chess Club For Youth and National Scholastic Chess Internet Training Center.
Chessfriend - Correspondence Chess Server.
Chess Galaxy - Unleashed with a cool photo gallery and everything you wanted to know about chess. Chess classics, chess history and a World Chess Champions photo gallery are some of the interesting features. Chess quotes is the latest addition. Great chess links page.
Chess Games Links - Collection of links to websites all around the world where you can download chessgames in various formats (pgn, cbf, cbv, nic,...) for free.
Chess Guru - Step by step articles for beginner and intermediate players.
The Chesshaven - The place to find a little bit of everything related to chess.
ChessHere - Free Online Chess.
The Chess House - The Chess House offers a 10% discount to everyone. For $20, you can join a 20% discount club, and $40 gets a 30% discount for one full year. Very low shipping costs.
Chess in Colour - Chess variant.
Chess Informant - Every volume of the Chess Informant electronic and printed book brings an up-to-date selection of the annotated games played by the world's greatest chess players. ECO codes, chess language, database, software, encyclopaedias of chess openings, endings, combinations.
Chess (Szachy) in Poland - News, Database, History of the Polish Championship; IM Dariusz Mikrut's website.
Chess Journalists of America (CJA) - The CJA publishes a quarterly journal and conducts the annual competition for the best chess journalism for the year. This web site provides information on the organization: how to join, sample magazine articles and resources for the working chess journalist.
ChessKibitzer - Chessblog discussing everything about the world of chess.
chessKIDS academy - Free interactive lessons and quizzes for kids. Free chess lessons for use in schools and clubs. Resource Center for parents and teachers.
Chess Kit - Free Chess Training and Tutorials, Database of Tactics, Strategy and FEN Positions, Downloads, Software Reviews, Trivia, Quizzes, Classical Games, Openings, Links, Free Email and an Online Chess Engine that accepts FEN.
ChessLab - Move pieces on Java virtual chess board, search by position, etc., analyse. Two million games database (1485-present) updated weekly with thousands of best chess games played worldwide.
ChessLadder - A ladder played via ICC.
ChessLand - Chess games from the latest tournaments, openings, endings, computer chess, grandmasters' greatest games.
Chess Learning Center - Provides a scholastically-based chess learning program in a supportive, relaxed environment for young chess players. Lessons are also available for teachers, parents and chess coaches.
Chess Lecture - Online chess video lectures.
Chess Links - Lots of links.
Chess Live Radio - Live audio coverage letting you listen to masters analyze and watch games from national and international events.
Chess-Mail - Correspondence Chess Server.
The Chess Matrix - Texas chess website.
ChessManiac - Free e-mail chess.
Chess on the Web - Comprehensive chess portal.
Chessplayer - Chess magazine on-line by 1994 US Open Champion Georgi Orlov. Tournament reports, instruction, puzzles, chess books.
Chess : Play or Learn - You may play chess, learn the rules of chess and chess tactics, or examine chess problems and studies.
Chessplayers - German chess site.
The Chess Portal - An extensive, sorted and commented link collection about chess in English and Swedish.
ChessPraxis - ChessPraxis is a website devoted to buying and selling new and used chess books. We do book searches for hard-to-find titles.
Chess Prints - Chess art with a surreal twist.
ChessProb - More than 8000 chess puzzle to solve.
Chess Problems Archives - Dedicated to chess problems, originals and historical. French and English material.
Chess Problems Books - Collection of digital books on chess problems. French and English material.
ChessPuzzles - Drafting of test-yourself chess puzzles and solutions from actual tournament games. Aimed at chessplayers, chess coaches and the media.
Chess Puzzles by GMs - Fifty different GMs are featured at this site with five to thirty crucial positions from their games.
Chess Puzzles Series - Chess puzzle games for kids and training simulators for beginners and intermediate players. Unusual online chess competitions, articles on chess psychology, Loosing chess software, etc.
The Chess Quiz - Test your knowledge of the official FIDE rules with this interactive chess quiz.
Chess Sets City - Italfama producer of Benzoni De Luxe and 150 other chess sets and tables available online.
Chess Solutions - Collection of Chess Problems.
The Chess Store - Online retailer of fine chess equipment from around the world.
Chess Strategies - Nine part email course.
Chess Tactics Server - Many thousands of tactical chess problems with a degree of difficulty ranging from trivial to ambitious are provided to be solved under time pressure.
Chess Tactics Tester - Series of chess positions, in frames, with a win available if you can find the right moves.
Chess Teaching - Chess lessons for chess players and teachers.
Chess Technologies - Chess Workbook, a chess training software based on the proven educational technique known as "FLASHCARDS".
Chess Tempo - Thousands of tactical positions.
Chess Tests - The best and most difficult positions to test your chess programs. Also includes Chess Advisor, a free service to solve your very own positions accurately and freely, as well as Amazing Problems, the best problems for human players.
ChessTheatre - View & publish PGN chess databases.
Chess Theory - A bilingual (English/French) general Chess Site, mainly devoted to Chess Theory, Chess Learning, Games Analysis, and Chess Practice.
Chesstown - Downloads of chess share and freeware programs for PC, Mac and Handhelds, links to commercial chess sites, databases, chess viewer, play on-line chess against integrated programs.
Chess Training Materials - Over 800 pages of downloadable exercises, score sheets, quizzes, certificates, and other items designed with scholastic programs in mind. Other site features include online quizzes and a chess epic.
ChessUp - Create chess diagrams online: save the image or create a link to them.
The Chess Variant Pages - Information about all kinds of chess variants, from historic predecessors of chess to modern 3d-variants. Also some programs, chess fonts, and more.
Chess Victory Free Email Chess Course - Free 9 Part Email Course on Opening and End Game Strategies.
Chess Videos - Free chess videos from beginners to experts, and forums to discuss and analyze your games.
Chess Visualisation Training - Online step-by-step exercises which help you to increase your chess visualisation.
ChessVU - ChessVU for Windows offers a comprehensive set of viewing and editing functions for chess databases in the two most common formats, PGN and CBF. It is a powerful viewer, and also a tool for game analysis, thanks to the interface to UCI engines.
ChessWorks - Online chess for Mac and PC including automatic PGN logging and save abilities, take backs, chess trackers, chess servers. Small growing chess community, customizable board, pieces and sounds.
ChessX - Free chess database for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
ChessZone - Free Online Chess School.
Club d'echecs de Pertuis - French web site : a few analysed games, lessons, exercises, a game every 15 days, ..., and a new section called "animated gifs theme chess".
Club Fianchetto de Ajedrez - El mejor club de ajedrez de Costa Rica.
Clube de Xadrez - Brazilian club including Chess as a school skill, News, Tournaments, Interviews.
Colorado Chess Informant - The official website of the Colorado State Chess Association. A nice site with all kinds of information about tournament and scholastic chess in Colorado, with a page about Wyoming chess activities.
Compuntoes - Chess news from Spain and the world (in Spanish).
Crestbook - Live chess coverage of chess tournaments by GM Sergey Shipov and other contributors.
Cursos de Ajedrez en Internet - Cursos de Ajedrez en la Red, aprende a jugar o perfecciona tu nivel aqui.
Dark Horse Chess - Organization from Melbourne, Australia dedicated to fostering junior chess.
The David Howell Chess Site - David is one of the highest rated British chess players in the Under-20 age group. Information is included concerning his career to date, with photographs and links to chess news sites.
David Levin Chess - The site of FIDE Master David H. Levin, containing his best games with his annotations, and analysis of some of his more noteworthy opening ideas.
Deutscher Fernschachbund (BdF) - The home page of Deutscher Fernschachbund (BdF), the German Correspondence Chess Federation, with results and tournaments.
DiagTransfer - A chess position editor (fen/EPD) which can copy diagrams from another program or web page using a semi-transparent window to overlay the diagram and "trace" the pieces, change pieces with drag 'n drop and print high quality diagrams.
Dimensionalized Chess - Instructions on a 3D chess variant.
Discount Chess Shop - Wide range of discounted chess equipment and books with the tournament player in mind.
Dubuque Chess Club - Founded by German Grandmaster Louis Paulsen in 1858, the Dubuque Chess Club is one of the oldest active chess clubs in North America. Our site offers links, downloadable lessons, club games and general chess happenings around the tri-state area of Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin.
Easychess - Daily prize puzzle, weekly multiple choice puzzle and monthly "Test your chess" in addition to a beginners guide and a webwatch.
Ecole d'Echecs et d'Informatique des Remparts (TAHITI) - A chess school at Tahiti, dream's island ...
Edinburgh Chess Club - One of the oldest chess clubs in the world, established in 1822, remains one of Scotland's top clubs.
Ed's ever-growing Chess Page! - Tidbits, opinions, essays, problems, links, humor, etc.
El Arte del Mate en Dos / The Art of Direct Mate - Direct mate chess problems database with over 22,000 problems.
Encyclopedia of Chess Openings - This site had ECO downloads from A00-E99, most of the games are good, but some are just horrible.
Enrocate - Chess in Venezuela: News, tournaments, results, chess utilities, pictures and more (in Spanish only).
ENROQUE - Theory, chess games, news of chess events, and links. In Spanish.
Everyman Chess - Publishers of chess books for all standards from beginner to grandmaster.
Everything About Petrov - Learn to play the "Petrov" : news, theory, variations, games databases to download, etc.
Exeter Chess Home Page - Links to coaching, FICS and local SW England pages. Dr. Dave aims to provide everything coaches and authors need to get started, and his club (Exeter) is always looking for Internet matches.
Fantasy Chess Game - Heard of Fantasy Football? Fantasy Baseball? Then play Fantasy Chess, a game based on your knowledge of chess and on the actual results of grandmaster games.
Fédération québécoise des échecs - The official site of the Quebec Chess Federation, in French.
FICGS - Free Internet Correspondence Games Server - Play class, rapid and special chess tournaments for free.
Finnish Chess News - Everything about Finnish chess.
50 Chess Games for Beginners - An interactive chess tutorial website for new players. Free chess competition.
Fly or Die Chess - Play Chess On-line.
4 Player Chess - If you can play chess, then you can play 4 Player Chess.
Franchess Chess - This site contains information and links to information on anything about chess: Play Chess Online Free, Chess News, Chess World Championship, Chess Tournaments, Chess Programs.
French Web International Chess Newspaper - French chess news site, for international and French chess news, updated daily, with pictures, links to games and results.
GensUnaSumus - Online chess database with 800,000 games..
Geo Chess - Three player chess game.
Gero H. Marten's Chess Links - Chess Links worldwide, news, special page on Aaron Nimzowitsch. Page in German and English.
Gif-sur-Yvette's Chess Club - Club information. Page in French.
Gilles's homepage - A chess page in French.
Gladiatoren ante Portas - Book on correspondence tournament. Page in German.
GMTA Chess - A free turn based chess site.
Grandmasters Chess Academy - Professional chess training, chess skills evaluations and improvement guides, chess software, free downloads and much more.
Grandpatzer's Chess Corner - Contains stories, commentaries, and historical accounts about chess events and personalities gleaned from 60 years of chess involvement in New York City, Niagara Falls, Pittsburgh & Murrysville.
Greekbase - Download Greek chess games (pgn format).
Greenville Chess Club - The Greenville Chess Club meets every Thursday evening at 7:30 PM upstairs in The Pavilion, located on Scottswood Drive, just off of East North Street, Greenville, SC.
Grob's Attack - Information on 1. g4.
Gunther Ossimitz: Chess Page - Contains collections of games, annotated with Fritz5; also some collections of games related to books (like Bobby Fischer's "My 60 Memorable Games"). All collections in CBH format.
Hemmers' Chess Blog - Chess News, Links, Book Reviews & Adventures.
The House of Staunton - The House of Staunton offers a complete line of chess sets and boards. These sets and boards are absolutely the best buys available today - in every price range. And our premium lines are the finest ever made.
ICD/Your Move Chess & Games - Your Move Chess & Games is America's largest chess store. It was established in 1978 and the website hosts the Computer Chess Club.
iNetChess - Online correspondence chess using a web browser interface.
IECC - International E-mail Chess Club.
IM Denis Salinnikov - Russian IM Denis Salinnikov: Professional chess teacher/coach; Chess lessons; Games; and Analysis over the Internet.
IM Jovan Petronic - Chess Software Reviews.
Indian Chess Academy - Chess lessons, Database of games, Annotated games, Combinations, Multimedia lessons, Chess problems, Links, Chess records, Chess quotes and more.
InterChess - INTERNATIONAL CHESS CLUB, headed by Grandmaster Yuri Averbakh! Everyday tournaments with different time controls, on-line popular chess lectures of GM Averbakh and other GMs and masters, virtual tournaments with real prizes, chess dictionary, chess poetry, etc.
Internet Collegiate Chess League - This is the home page of the the Internet Collegiate Chess League (ICCL), which organizes matches and tournaments between colleges and universities all over the world using the Internet.
IRC KARPOV Chess Page - IRCCHESS, famous games, screen shots of programs, openings, chess archive, links, hacking, tournaments and more.
It's Your Turn - Turn-based gaming web site, where you enter moves when it's convenient for you.
Jesters Games - Team Chess.
John Elburg's Chess Book Reviews - Gives monthly reviews on new chessbooks, magazines, CD-ROMs, etc. by all leading publishers. More then 175 reviews can be found on theme, publisher and author. Weekly news also provided. So come around often.
Judit Polgar - Greatest Woman Player - Comprehensive tournament news, dozens of photos, games (PGN & Java), statistics, biography, quotes, dozens of links and more!.
Karel Mokry Chess Bookshop - Normally several thousands items in online stock.
Klaus Wrba`s Chess Site - Links to download sites.
Lars Balzer's Links - A collection of links to sites where you can download games in various formats (pgn, cbf, cbv, nic, ...) for free.
LetsPlayChess.com - A friendly online chess club where you can play chess with players from all over the World.
Limerick Chess - Chess activities in the Limerick region of Ireland. Updated by John Alfred.
MailChess - Correspondence chess program MailChess, Tool PGNtoJS to create chess websites, 3500 tactical problems, Screensaver which replays (pgn) chess games, Delphi chess components, Fischer-Random-Chess-Program.
Masterman Chess Team - Information on the Masterman School chess team from Philadelphia.
Marek Trokenheim's home page - Especially for 1.b4 fans!
Master Chess Games - Chess database of 2.6 million+ games free to download as pgn files or replayed on our site.
Matuj.pl - Chess server that offers chess leagues, tournaments, customizable chess client, English and Polish translation.
MetroWest Chess Club - A great club in Metro West Boston area. Monthly tournaments (one game every Tues night), average 30 players, $200 top prize! CHECK OUT our rating calculator!
Minnesota State Chess Association [MSCA] - Updated chess calendar for Minnesota and surrounding areas, articles, games.
MyChessLand - Chess news, world champions, the rules of chess and more.
myChess.de - A correspondence chess server with additional features.
My Chess Set - Variety of chess equipment for sale.
MyChessSite - Play chess online or by email, read chess news, download free PGN files, and much more for the chess lover.
My Chess Store - Chess sets, boards, pieces, books and bags for clubs and schools.
Nebraska Chess History - Local Nebraska Chess History - Lists & Games.
New in Chess - Home page of the famous Chess Magazine New in Chess with more than 800 links. You can also add a link or sign our guest book. You can even place a free personal ad.
New Mexico Chess Organization - Official home page of the New Mexico USCF State Affiliate.
New York Open Website - The website for the New York Open, traditionally the strongest open swiss event in the U.S. each year. The 1997 event featured 57 grandmasters. The web site has complete coverage of the 1997 event, plus games from all NY Opens 1988-97, and will be announcing the 1998 NY Open this summer.
Nick Beqo's Website - Chess Lessons.
North Gwent Chess Club - North Gwent Chess Club in South Wales.
Nova Scotia Chess - Home page for the chess organization in the Province of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Ohio Chess Gateway - Information for Ohio chess enthusiasts, including a calendar of upcoming events as well as tournament results and news.
Pakistan Chess Player - Online chess publication with global news.
PlayChess - Rated chess tournaments, Casual games, Contests, News.
Ponti Chess Club - Chess classes by e-mail (free); e-mail tournaments; web classes and news on chess.
Post Card Chess - PostCardChess.Com provides a great way to play correspondence chess with automatic Internet Chess PostCards. Also challenge the MACHINE.
PowerChess - Chess Variants, in German.
Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics - Very large body of instruction on basic chess tactics.
Problemas de Ajedrez - Chess problems published daily.
Pudsey Chess Club - Club in Leeds, England. Also contains annotated, games, puzzles, articles and links of general interest.
Pushed Pawn - You have to fight for your right to play chess.
Recent PGN - Over 3000 high quality recent games at a reasonable price.
Red Hot Pawn - Free online correspondence chess.
Richmond Chess - Covers chess in central Virginia.
Richmond Junior Chess Club - Chess Club for children in Richmond, South West London, England.
Rochade Kuppenheim - The chess club Rochade Kuppenheim. We feature some regular columns (Hartmut Metz, John Henderson, Harald Fietz), offer various information about our club, some chess humour, cartoons and links.
The Rochesster Chess Center - Scholastic and tournament chess supplies.
Rooty Hill RSL Chess Club (Australia) - Games and results of over-the-board activities of Rooty HIll RSL Chess Club (west of Sydney, Australia).
RoSystem Chess Club - Here you can interact live with Rebel 9.0, the strongest chess program.
Satranc Dunyasi - Turkish Chess Portal.
Scacchistica Partenopea Club - Chess club in Naples, Italy.
Scalise Chess Page - All chess information about Argentina and the World, in Spanish.
Schach - In German.
Schachaufgaben und Schachprobleme - Peter Vogel - 120,000 chess problems for free download.
Schach Forum - Austrian Chess Board containing news about tournaments and results, in German.
SchemingMind - Online Correspondence Chess Club.
SilverPawn - Chess Combinations, Tactics, Studies and Endgames.
SIR - Free e-mail chess tournament.
Slough Sharks - 4NCL chess team.
Slugfest Chess - Fighting for a win every game.
Something about Chess - This Russian site contains information on chess, chess players, the history of chess, the history of the chess Oscar, statistics of the world championship, photos of the champions, old literature, and a large collection of links to popular chess sites.
Stan's NetChess - Like correspondence chess, but with a nice graphical interface.
St Petersburg Chess Club - Our club is one of the oldest in the United States. We host regular and scholastic rated tournaments, and our members are some of the strongest chessplayers in Florida.
Supreme-Chess - Tutorials, articles, downloads, problems.
TaL's Chess Page - Annotations of the famous game between Kasparov and Topalov in Wijk aan Zee 1999.
Test Your Chess - Play free chess games, tutorials and checkmate puzzles.
Texas Chess Association - The home page of the Texas Chess Association. Much stuff! (Future & past events, games, problems, details, club lists, state links, etc.)
The Study Simul - Weekly simul game against chess teacher GM Viktor Gavrikov.
Think Like A King School Chess Software System - Chess teaching tools for homes and schools.
Turn Play - Turn-based and live internet chess games.
uChess - Real-time, speed or blitz chess online for free.
Ulas Oncul - Turkish website.
U.E.C.C. (Universal Email Chess Club) - An Email Chess Club with prizes for the winners.
UruChess - A chess engine that is Winboard compatible and plays at FICS.
Vincent's Chessproblems - Over a hundred of the best chessproblems.
Virtual Chess Club - On-line chess.
Vlaamse Schaak-Philatelisten - Belgian philatelist.
Watauga Chess Club - Watauga, Texas Chess Club.
Webchess - Chess Portal in Russian.
WebDesign Chess - Free Microsoft Windows Chess Game.
Western PA Youth Chess - Information on scholastic classes and tournaments in the Pittsburgh area.
Wholesale Chess - Chess supplies at wholesale prices.
WIM Sanja Petronic - a professional chess player, trainer & coach and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.
World Chess Championship - A complete history of the World Chess Championship. Crosstables, games, and anecdotes from interzonal tournaments, candidate matches, and title matches.
World Chess Links - Italian chess site.
World Chess Network - You can play free chess, attend Lectures, watch Banter Chess, chat, view live games, and much more!