Article VI. Election and Initiation of Members
Article VII. Suspension, Expulsion and Reinstatement of Members
Article VIII. By-Laws
Part VI. The Alumni Senates
Article I. Organization
Article II. Officers
Article III. Sessions
Article IV. Membership
Article V. Finances
Article VI. By-Laws
Part VII. The Ritual
Article I. Authority for Preparation
Part VIII. By-Laws
Article I. Authority and Procedure
Part IX. Amendments
Article I. Authority and Procedure
Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be "The Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, International".
Section 2.
The Object of this organization shall be to unite fraternally congenial students of the law, to lead them and their fellow students to high scholarship and legal learning, to surround them with an environment such that the traditions of the law and of the profession may descend upon them, to promote justice, to inspire respect for the noblest qualities of mankind and to advance the interests of every college of law with which this Fraternity shall be associated.
Section 3.
The Purpose of this organization shall be to perpetuate in every member of this Fraternity, the application of the highest standards of personal integrity, diligence, candor and trust, of individual responsibility, of respect for law, rights and property of others and the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct in the study, practice, and teaching of the law.
Section 4.
The further Purpose of this organization shall be to associate together individuals like the Founders of this Fraternity for fraternal, scholastic, and social purposes.
Section 5.
Each person initiated into membership in this Fraternity shall have adopted and subscribed to the foregoing Object and Purposes.
Section 1.
The membership of the Fraternity shall consist of all such persons as shall have been heretofore initiated into and retained as members of the Delta Phi Delta, Theta Lambda Phi, Alpha Kappa Phi, and Sigma Nu Phi fraternities and such persons as have heretofore been and shall hereafter be initiated into membership in this Fraternity, provided that membership shall be divided into three classes namely, student, alumni, and honorary.
Section 2.
Student members are those members who have received the degrees of initiation and who are enrolled as undergraduate or postgraduate students of the college of law in which a student senate is located; provided that a member changing from one college to another shall not become a member of the student senate located in the second school until such member shall have been elected to a membership therein by unanimous vote of the members thereof; and provided that no person shall hereafter be elected to student membership in this Fraternity, who is not a bona fide undergraduate or post-graduate student of law in the college in which the student senate electing such person is organized, or in a college of law in which a student senate is to be installed, provided that anyone who is taking work required as a preparatory for the study of law may be elected to membership upon making affidavit, subject to the approval of the Vice-Chancellor that it is said person�s bona fide intention to study law; and provided further that to be eligible for student membership in the Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity a candidate must possess the following qualifications and be subject to the following conditions:
Not be a member of another law fraternity
Be deemed a fit exponent of the Object and Purposes of this Fraternity by personality, character and example.
Be free of attributes which make one unacceptable to the Fraternity as a whole in recognition of the excellent membership standards and the international character of The Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, International.
Have a reputatiuon for the highest standards of personal integrity, diligence, candor, and trust, of individual responsibility, and of respect for the law, rights and property of others, and for the accepted and recognized canons of professional ethics.
Receive the unanimous vote of the Senate electing such person into membership.
Nothing in the Constitution shall be construed to bar admittance of Women into the Fraternity in any category.
Any member of the Fraternity may question the procedures followed in connection with the pledging or initiating of any other member of this Fraternity or the eligibility for membership of any pledge, or prospective member by submitting to the Senate involved a Complaint in writing, under oath, setting forth the facts which form the basis of the complaint. Every such complaint must be served upon the Senate within ten (10) days of the last event or occurrence which forms the basis of the complaint and shall set forth the complainant�s recommendations as to the appropriate and proper procedures or sanctions to be applied in the circumstances. Within fifteen (15) days after service of the complaint, the Senate involved shall respond in writing, under the oath of either the Dean or the Tribune. If the complainant is not reasonably satisfied, or if the questions raised in the complaint are not mutually and satisfactorily resolved, copies of both the complaint and the Senate�s response shall be forwarded by the complainant to the Master of rolls for review and, at said officer�s sole discretion and judgment, for certification to the Supreme Court of The Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, International, for decision. The decision of the Supreme Court on the matters at issue shall be final and conclusive with respect to all matters and questions presented.
Student membership in The Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, International shall not be denied solely on account of sex.
Section 3.
Alumni members are all who have heretofore become alumni members of the Delta Phi Delta, Theta Lambda Phi, Alpha Kappa Phi, and Sigma Nu Phi Fraternities and those student members of the Fraternity who, either by graduation or withdrawl, have heretofore or shall hereafter sever their connection with the college of law in which the student senate of which they have been or are members is located and all student members who have been transferred to alumni membership by the Supreme Senate, provided that any student senate at its installation or within one year thereafter (1) with the approval of the Supreme Senate, may elect to alumni membership any former student of the school of law at which that senate is located, and (2) with the special approval of the Supreme Senate by an affirmative vote of at least six of its members, may elect to alumni membership any former student of the school of law at which that senate is located, upon such conditions and upon payment of only such fees, notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, as shall be specifically determined by the Supreme Senate by such extraordinary vote of at least six on its members, but only provided further that any such former student of that school of law is not a member of any other law fraternity listed as a professional fraternity in "Baird�s Manual of American College Fraternities".
Student Senates, with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor, may elect to alumni membership any member of the faculty of the department of law at the law school at which the senate is located and any eligible member of the bar in good standing upon recommendation of an alumni senate.
Either a student or alumni senate may propose initiation of a member of the bar eligible for membership. An alumni senate proposing membership shall propose same directly to the Vice-Chancellor and may conduct the initiation of the new member.
Section 4.
Honorary members may be elected by any student senate, subject to the approval of the Supreme Senate.
Section 5.
No member shall be considered in good standing unless such member�s current annual international dues shall have been paid.
Section 6.
Upon appropriate written request to the Master of Rolls and subject to the approval of the Vice-Chancellor, Member Emeritus may be bestowed upon any member who has reached the age of 65 years and has been a member of the Fraternity for more than 35 years. There shall be no international alumni dues for an Emeritus member. Such member shall receive a Fraternity Emeritus membership certificate in such form as approved by the Supreme Senate.
Section 1.
This Fraternity shall be governed by an International Senate, a Supreme Senate, a Supreme Court, Student Senates, and Alumni Senates.
Section 1.
The officers of the Fraternity shall be a Chancellor, a Vice-Chancellor, a Master of Rolls, a Master Inspector, a Master Scholar, a Master Alumnus, a Marshal, Two Student Members, Justices, and District and Deputy Chancellors.
Section 2.
The officers of the Fraternity with the exception of District and Deputy Chancellors, shall be elected by the International Senate in convention assembled at each regular biennial session. They shall hold office until the next regular biennial session or until their successors are duly elected and qualified.
No member shall be eligible for the office of Chancellor for more than two terms.
A vacancy in any office of the Fraternity occurring when the International Senate is not in session shall be filled by the Supreme Senate and the officer thus elected shall hold office until the next meeting of the International Senate, except that in case there shall be a vacancy in the office of Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor shall succeed to that office.
The Supreme Senate may, for good cause shown and by a vote of five of its members, at any time declare the term of any incumbent ended, and it shall elect a successor who would hold office until the next meeting of the International Senate; provided, however, that the incumbent whose term was so ended shall have the right to appeal to the Supreme Court of the Fraternity within sixty days from the date of the mailing of the notice by registered mail of the action taken hereunder to the incumbent at said officer last known address.
Section 3.
Student and alumni members in good standing shall be eligible to hold the office of District and Deputy Chancellors.
With the exception of the Student Members, the Supreme Senate at the time of their election, only alumni members in good standing shall be eligible to hold office in the Supreme Senate and Supreme Court. Each Student Member of the Supreme Senate shall be a student member of the Fraternity at the time of his or her election, and shall continue to hold such office even if he or she graduates from law school during the term for which elected.
Section 4.
The Chancellor is the chief executive officer of the Fraternity, having general supervision over all the affairs of the Fraternity, being responsible for executing the constitution and laws, and having access to all the books and property of the officers of the Fraternity, of all the student and alumni senates and of all subsidiary organizations authorized by the Fraternity. The Chancellor may delegate any portion of this authority to a duly designated deputy, provided that the delegation of such power shall be specific. The official acts of the Chancellor shall be designated as "Chancellor�s Orders" and they shall bear a serial number.
The Vice-Chancellor is the ritualist and the historian of the Fraternity responsible for supervising all the ritualistic work of the Fraternity and the instruction of initiates in the history, constitution, laws, ritual, traditions and usages of the Fraternity, and serving as the custodian of the ritual and secret work of the Fraternity, as well as being further responsible for compiling chapters covering the history of the Fraternity, from time to time. The Vice-Chancellor is specifically responsible for examining carefully the qualifications of all proposed members, providing blanks for reports in regard thereto, and promptly issuing permits of initiation to the same through the tribunes of the senates. Said officer shall have the power necessary to carry out all of such duties and, in case of disability or incapacity of the Chancellor, theVice-Chancellor shall act as Chancellor.
The Master of Rolls is the recording and financial officer of the Fraternity, having general charge of the property of the Fraternity not in use by other officers and responsible for collecting or receiving all monies from the student and alumni senates or all and any other monies or property of any kind whatsoever, real, personal, or mixed due to, given to, bequeathed or devised to the Fraternity or to the officers or members thereof, or otherwise for the benefit of or belonging to the Fraternity, and keeping the same in such funds or places and manner as the Supreme Senate shall determine and making payments and disbursements from the said funds after approval by the Master Inspector.
The Master Inspector is the auditor of the Fraternity, responsible for auditing the books and accounts of each officer of the Supreme Senate who handles funds of the Fraternity, supervising the finances of the student and alumni senates, and having the power to require a uniform system of accounting and the filing of such reports as deemed necessary.
The Master Scholar shall supervise the scholastic work of the student members of the Fraternity and devise ways and means to improve the same, including encouraging the serious and earnest study of the law by all means deemed advisable and promoting a hearty cooperation between the officers of this Fraternity and the heads of the colleges and universities in which this Fraternity is located for the purpose of raising the scholastic standing of the members of this Fraternity.
The Master Alumnus shall devise ways and means to retain the interest of the alumni of the Fraternity in activities of the Fraternity and to make the Fraternity of value to its alumni, encouraging the organization of alumni senates and providing for and supervising an accredited list of attorneys to facilitate the exchange of legal business among the members of the Fraternity, as well as assisting young attorneys to select a location for practice, whenever called upon. The Master Alumnus shall represent the Supreme Senate in all cases before the Supreme Court.
The Marshal when requested shall advise student and alumni senates regarding senate property and shall have general control of established Fraternity policy concerning paraphernalia. The Marshal shall insure that an effective pre-law program is available for all senates to offer to the undergraduate colleges and universities in their respective areas.
Each Student Member shall be a more specific representative of the student members of the Fraternity and shall assist the other members of the Supreme Senate in maintaining open channels of communication. Each student member shall also have such other duties as are prescribed from time to time by the Chancellor.
Notwithstanding the designation of specific duties to officers of the Supreme Senate in the above paragraphs of this section, the Supreme Senate may, with the concurrence of at least five of its members, redistribute, transfer, enlarge or reduce the expressed and implied duties of the several officers of the Supreme Senate when, at the sole discretion of the Supreme Senate, it deems this advisable or necessary for the efficient administration of the Fraternity, and may, in like manner, delegate the administrative duties of any officer of the Supreme Senate to any person, persons, or corporation.
Section 5.
The officers of the Fraternity shall receive such compensation for their services as the Supreme Senate shall direct.
Section 1.
Each alumni member shall pay the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) annually to the Fraternity for the first two years after graduation from law school, the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) annually to the Fraternity for the next five years, and the sum of Forty Dollars ($40.00) annually thereafter, as annual international dues; provided, however, that each alumni member may pay at any time such member�s annual international dues for life by paying the sum of Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($450.00) as life international dues which shall include the cost of a life membership certificate plaque.
The method of collecting the annual international dues shall be determined by the Supreme Senate.
Section 2.
There shall be no annual international dues for student members of the Fraternity, all such dues having been included and made a part of the registration fee provided for in Section 3(a) of this Article.
Section 3.
Before initiating any candidate into student membership, each student senate shall pay the Fraternity as a registration fee, the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each initiate. However, each student senate locates in a country other than the United States of America shall pay only the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00), in United States currency for each initiate.
Before initiating any candidate into alumni membership, a student senate shall pay to the Fraternity, as a registration fee, the sum of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) for each alumni initiate.
There shall be no registration fee charged or collected for honorary membership in the Fraternity, but no student senate shall initiate more than two (2) honorary members each calendar year, except that upon appropriate request and statement of reasons, the limitation of two (2) honorary members per year per student senate may be waived buy the Supreme Senate.
Section 1.
The publications of the Fraternity shall be under the supervision of the Supreme Senate.
Section 2.
The Publications of the Fraternity shall consist of:
The Paperbook, a magazine.
The Syllabus, a bulletin.
The International Directory.
The Song Book.
The Constitution.
The Ritual.
The History.
Section 3.
The Paperbook shall be sent to all members in good standing.
The price of all other publications shall be fixed by the Supreme Senate.
Section 1.
The Supreme Senate, by resolution, shall divide the student and alumni senates of the Fraternity into districts for the purpose of administration. A redistricting of the senates may be made at any time.
Section 2.
The Chancellors shall appoint a District Chancellor for each District. Each District Chancellor shall possess such supervisory powers as are conferred upon such officer by the Chancellor.
Section 1.
The Official Fraternity badge shall be a triangle, whose three sides are interrupted by a circle in the center of which are the letters "Dqf". Above the letters is a scales of justice. Below the letters is an open book.
Student members shall wear the uniform official badge without jewel settings.
Alumni members, who have received the degree of Bachelor of Laws or its equivalent in law or who have been admitted to the bar, are permitted to crown the badge with a setting of pearls.
Alumni or honorary members who have rendered distinguished services to the Fraternity or who have attained distinction in the practice or teaching of the law, may, by vote of the International Senate, be permitted to crown the badge with a setting of diamonds.
Members who have held office in the Supreme Senate are permitted to place a diamond at the base of the badge.
The badge of the Fraternity or the recognition pin shall be worn upon the left lapel or on the left side of the member�s shirt or blouse, over the heart.
Only members of the Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, International may wear the badge of the Fraternity or the recognition pin. Their spouses, fiancees, fiances, mothers and sisters may wear the sister or brother pin of the Fraternity, which is hereby designated to be a small replica of the official badge hereinbefore described, except that the said pin shall be adorned with pearls in either of the following ways:
With three pearls, one of the pearls superimposed on each of the three apexes of the imaginary triangle projecting beyond the circle, or
With twelve pearls set about the beveled border of the circle, four such pearls being set upon such beveled edge in each of the three spaces between the apexes of the imaginary triangle.
Section 2.
The Supreme Senate shall designate the jewelers of the Fraternity, contracting with them for the manufacture of the badges and recognition pins. Such contracts shall provide that all badges and recognition pins manufactured shall be sold to the Fraternity.
Recognition pins shall be issued, free of charge, by the Master of Rolls to the members of the Fraternity upon initiation.
All official badges, recognition pins or jewelry shall be purchased through the Master of Rolls or such other officer as the Supreme Senate may designate.
The badges and recognition pins remain the property of the Fraternity at all times and they may be recalled for just cause at any time by the Supreme Senate or student senate.
Section 3.
(a). The Certificate of Membership shall bear the coat of arms and shall have imprinted thereon the following words: Certificate of Membership. This certifies that�����.. has been duly initiated a member of The Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, International and is entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership therein. Initiated by ������� Senate. Given under our hand and the seal of the Fraternity this ���� day of ����., 19�.
Chancellor Vice-Chancellor Master of Rolls
Each initiate shall be issued a Certificate of Membership free of charge and all other members shall be entitled to a Certificate of Membership upon payment of a fee; but a Certificate of Membership may be recalled for just cause by the Supreme or student Senates.
Section 4.
Charters shall bear the coat of arms of the Fraternity and they shall have imprinted thereon the following words: "The Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, International Founded A. D. 1900 as DFD, A. D. 1902 as AKF, A. D. 1903 as QLF. Consolidated in 1913. Merged with SNF, Founded A. D. 1903, in 1989. Be it known to all persons: That the International Senate of the Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, International, reposing special confidence in Brothers and Sisters���.. does hereby direct them to organize, work, and perpetuate����.. Senate at ������� according to the constitution, laws, ritual, traditions and usages of the Fraternity and for this purpose confers upon them and their successors all the rights and privileges of a ����. Senate of this Fraternity. Given under our hands and the seal of the Fraternity this ��. Day of ������. In the Year of Our Lord the ������.. and of the Fraternity the ���������
Signatures of the following
Master of Rolls
Master Inspector
Master Scholar
Master Alumnus
Student Member
Student Member
Section 5.
The pledge button shall be a geometric shield with the dexter and sinister corners erased, while across the shield is a bend dexter. The bend dexter shall be green and the remainder of the shield shall be white.
Section 6.
The colors of the Fraternity shall be green and white.
Section 7.
The seal of the Fraternity shall bear the legend: "The Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, International, founded A. D. 1900, A. D. 1902, and A. D. 1903."
Section 8.
The Coat of Arms shall be as follows: The center shall be a geometric shield with the dexter and sinister corners erased. Crossing the shield is a bend dexter, upon which appears a fasces. The bend dexter is interrupted by a seven pointed shield upon which appears an open book and a scales of justice, the inner shield, open book and scales of justice being united by a triangle. Dividing the sinister chief point is a per bend which does not continue on the dexter side of the orle. In the middle chief point is a circle. On the sinister side of the orle are a crossed quill and key, while below the bend is a flaming sword. Above the shield is a braid, which supports a crest, which is an owl, while the lambrequin mantles the shield. Below and supporting the lower base points of the shield is a scroll upon which appears the Greek letters: DFD, AKF, QLF, SNF, and DQF.
Section 9.
The official Fraternity flower shall be the white carnation with a background of green leaves.
Section 10.
The Master of Rolls shall issue an annual dues card to each alumni member upon the payment of the annual international dues.
Section 1.
The International Senate is the sovereign body of the Fraternity.
Section 2.
The International Senate shall be composed of the members of the Supreme Senate, the deans of the student senates and the deans of the alumni senates which are in good standing, all Past Chancellors and all those persons who have ever held the chief executive office in or who are Founders of the DFD, AKF, QLF, or SNF fraternities.
Section 1.
The officers of the Supreme Senate shall by the officers of the International Senate.
Section 1.
The regular sessions of the International Senate shall be held biennially at a day and an hour to be designated by the Supreme Senate.
Section 2.
Special sessions of the International Senate may be called at any time either by the Supreme Senate or by a two-thirds vote of the members of the International Senate.
Section 3.
The expenses of the sessions of the International Senate shall be determined by the Supreme Senate and shall be paid from the treasury of the Fraternity.
Section 1.
The International Senate shall have supreme sovereign power, subject only to those powers granted by this Constitution to the Supreme, student and alumni senates.
Section 2.
The actions of the International Senate shall be designated "Acts" and they shall bear a serial number. All "Acts" shall be adopted by a majority vote, except as otherwise provided herein.
Section 3.
The International Senate when not in session may transact business and vote on any matter by correspondence, and all ballots to be counted must be received within thirty days from the date they are mailed to the International Senate.
Section 1.
Charters for student and alumni senates shall not be granted until a formal petition for the same shall have been filed with the Master of Rolls. The petition shall conform to the provisions of this article. No senate shall be established in any law school unless the law school requires two years of pre-legal training or its equivalent and a pre-requisite to admission and which further requires three years of study, if it be a day school, and four years of study, if it be a night school, in order to secure a degree from said school. This article shall in no affect any senate now in existence and shall not prevent the reestablishment of a senate in any law school where one has at any time existed prior to the adoption of this article.
Each body petitioning for a charter to become a student senate shall choose as its name, subject to the approval of the Supreme Senate, the name of an eminent jurist or distinguished citizens of the United State of America, or, if a senate in another country, an eminent jurist or distinguished citizen of the country in which such senate is located.
Student senate charters shall be granted or annulled by either (1) by an affirmative vote of six or more members of the Supreme Senate, but only after the expiration of fifteen days after the written notice of the taking of such vote shall have been sent by ordinary mail to all members of the Supreme Senate and to all Past Chancellors, or (2) after a three-fourths vote of the members of the International Senate, provided further, however, under this alternative, that all votes not filed with the Master of Rolls within thirty (30) days after the mailing of the resolution shall be cast by the Chancellor.
Section 2.
Whenever two or more colleges of law at which the Fraternity shall have heretofore established student senates has heretofore been, or shall hereafter be, in any manner united into one college of law, the student senates in such colleges of law shall be continued and perpetuated as one consolidated student senate under such terms and conditions and under such name which may be a combination of the name of eminent jurists, as the Supreme Senate by resolution shall prescribe. The Supreme Senate shall prescribe the form of, and issue a charter to, such consolidated senate, the fee for which (to be paid by such consolidated senates) shall be the actual cost thereof. Alumni members of the constituent senates which are of hereafter shall be consolidated by the provisions of this section shall be to all intents and purposes alumni members of such consolidated senates.
Section 3.
Each petition for a student senate shall include the following:
The history of the college or university
The history of the department of law.
A discussion of fraternity conditions.
The petition, which shall be signed by each petitioner.
A statement of the information in regard to each petitioner that is required of all candidates for membership in a student senate.
The proposed name of the senate, a biography of the person whose name is selected and a statement of the reasons for the selection.
The formal approval of the petition by such members of the faculty as is advisable.
General endorsements of the petitioners and of the school by officers of this Fraternity.
Section 4.
Each petition for a charter for an alumni senate shall include the following:
A discussion of the advisability of the organization of the senate.
The proposed name of the senate.
The petition, which shall be signed by each of the petitioners, giving the name, address, and business of each applicant.
Section 5.
There shall be required not less than seven petitioners for the grant of a charter to a student senate.
There shall be required not less than ten petitioners for the grant of a charter to an alumni senate.
Section 6.
The original and two copies of the petition shall be furnished to the Master of Rolls of the Fraternity.
Section 7.
After the charter shall have been granted, the Chancellor shall designate the date of installation and shall then, either in person or by deputy properly designated, install the senate and report to the International Senate the day and hour on which the senate is established.
Section 8.
The fees for the granting of a charter shall be as follows:
For a student senate, the per capita registration fee for each initiated member.
For the alumni senate, a charter fee of fifty dollars ($50.00).
Section 1.
The Supreme Senate is the executive department of the Fraternity. It shall have such powers as are granted by this constitution.
Section 2.
The Supreme Senate shall consist of the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, the Master of Rolls, the Master Inspector, the Master Scholar, the Master Alumnus, the Marshal and two Student Members.
Section 3.
The Supreme Senate shall meet in session at the call of the Chancellor. The reasonable expenses of the Student members in attending sessions of the Supreme Senate, and other reasonable expenses of the Student Members authorized in advance by the Chancellor or the Supreme Senate, shall be paid by the Fraternity.
Section 4.
The Supreme Senate may transact its business by correspondence.
Section 5.
Each official act of the Supreme Senate shall be in the form of a resolution, which shall bear a serial number.
Section 6.
Whenever a resolution shall be submitted to the Supreme Senate for a vote by mail, all votes not filed with the Master of Rolls within fifteen days after the mailing of the resolution shall be cast by the Chancellor.
Section 1.
The Supreme Senate shall have the following powers:
To grant and to declare suspended or revoked the charter of any alumni senate.
To suspend any member from any or all rights and privileges in the Fraternity.
To expel any member of the Fraternity upon good cause shown.
To remove elected officers of student senates. Any student member holding such an elective office in this Fraternity shall be subject to removal from office, for good and sufficient cause, by the Supreme Senate. The following may constitute good and sufficient cause for removal from office of any such student senate officer or officers: violation of the oath of office, including malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance; any failure to render necessary reports, to liquidate indebtedness due the Fraternity, or to promptly forward new membership applications and registration fees to the International Office; willful disregard or violation of this Constitution; failure or inability of a student senate officer or officers to conduct operations so as to perpetuate that senate�s existence; or any action tending to discredit the Fraternity. Upon learning or being advised of any such detrimental actions or inactions, the Supreme Senate shall promptly appoint one or more impartial alumni members of the Fraternity to ascertain the facts, hold any necessary hearings, take charge, if necessary, of all appropriate Fraternity records, funds, and other assets, and conduct the removal of the officer or officers in question and the election of their successor officers.
To assess fines for the failure of any senate to carry out the provisions of this constitution and the laws of the Fraternity, provided that such fines shall not be excessive.
Provided, however, that the senate or any member adversely affected by any action taken under subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), or (e) hereinabove shall have the right of direct appeal to the Supreme Court of the Fraternity, by filing same with the Clerk of the Supreme Court. Such right of appeal must be exercised no later than thirty days after the date that notice of such action is sent to that senate and/or to that member or members.
To transfer any member from student to alumni membership.
To make all appropriations from the treasury.
To collect or receive or cause to be collected or received all monies or property of any kind whatsoever, real, personal, or mixed and wherever situate which is or shall become due to the Fraternity, its officers or members, either by agreement, assessment, gift, devise, bequests and grants by will or otherwise, for the general or special benefit of the Fraternity or its members, objectives or purposes, either directly or indirectly, or in pursuance of the provisions of this constitution.
To borrow money for the benefit of and in the name of the Fraternity, pledge, hypothecate or mortgage the properties of the Fraternity as security therefor, to invest the funds of the Fraternity and to transfer, sell, lease or exchange the properties and investment of the Fraternity.
To authorize and to promulgate, whenever it deems imperative (1) a different membership structure with regard to student members and senates located in any country other than the United States of America, where it overwhelmingly appears to the Supreme Senate that the term "fraternity" and/or other specific local concerns present an insuperable barrier to normal recruitment, such different membership structure, at the sole discretion of the Supreme Senate, to permit, for example, student members in that country to be called International Affiliate members or some similar term, student senates to be called clubs or societies or some similar term, and membership applications and the ritual, if any, to be simplified and shortened or otherwise modified, retaining only the most basic distinctive elements of membership in Delta Theta Phi; and (2) different biennial convention attendance reimbursements for student delegates from such senates, clubs, societies, or similar entities.
To establish awards and other means of recognizing pre-law associations for the purpose of furthering the name and ideals of The Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, International.
To perform any and all acts necessary to carry out the provisions of this constitution.
Section 1.
The Supreme Court shall consist of five Justices, who shall be elected by the International Senate and who shall hold office for two years.
Section 2.
The presiding Justice shall be called a Chief Justice and the other Justices shall be called Associate Justices.
Section 3.
The Chief Justice shall be elected by the Supreme Court.
Section 4.
The Master of Rolls shall be the Clerk of the Supreme Court.
Section 1.
The Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction in all judicial matters, except in those matters delegated to the Supreme and student senates, and such appellate jurisdiction as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this constitution.
Section 2.
The decisions of the Supreme Court, including the interpretation of the constitution and the laws of the Fraternity, shall be final.
Section 3.
The Supreme Court shall transact its business by correspondence, unless called together by the Supreme Senate or by the request of two Justices. All decisions shall be in writing.
Section 4.
The Supreme Court shall have the power to issue such writs as are necessary.
Section 5.
In all cases affecting the acts of the officers of the Fraternity or of the Supreme and International Senates, over which the Supreme Court has jurisdiction, the procedure shall be that of the United States Courts.
Section 6
In all other cases the procedure shall be that of the state in which the senate or member is a resident.
Section 7
All testimony shall be introduced by deposition, unless otherwise ordered by the said court.
Section 8
The Supreme Court shall have the power to adopt additional rules of procedure not inconsistent with the provisions of the foregoing sections of this article.
Section 1.
The student senates shall be named after eminent jurists or other distinguished persons.
Section 2.
Each student senate shall consist of all those student members who are enrolled as undergraduates or postgraduate students in the college of law in which the student senate is located, subject to the provisions of Section 2 and Section 3 of Article II of Part I of this constitution.
Section 1.
The officers of each student senate shall be a Dean, a Vice-Dean, a Clerk of the Rolls, a Clerk of the Exchequer, a Master of the Ritual, a Bailiff, and a Tribune. Unless otherwise provided by the senate by-laws, the senate officers shall be elected annually during the second semester or the third quarter of the school year of the law school at which the student senate is located, fixing the date therefor by a duly adopted by-law, and they shall be installed at the same or next session.
Section 2.
The installation of the officers of a student senate shall be made by the Tribune holding a proper certificate of election or by some member of the International Senate, Supreme Court, or District Chancellor, or the installing officer being a Deputy Chancellor for this purpose.
Section 3.
The Dean shall be the executive officer of the student senate, and a member of the International Senate. As a member of the International Senate, the Dean shall cast each vote without any instructions whatever, but shall counsel with the members of the senate at all times. The Dean shall also enforce the requirements of the constitution, and any instructions received from officers of the Supreme Senate. All disbursements of the Clerk of the Exchequer must be countersigned by the Dean.
Section 4.
The Vice-Dean shall be charged specifically with the duty of rushing, pledging, and initiation of new members with full power to plan, organize, delegate and supervise all rushing, pledging, and initiation activities of the student senate. The Vice-Dean shall also be the chaplain of the student senate, and shall act as Dean in the absence of the Dean or when that officer is unable to perform the duties of Dean. The Vice-Dean shall further insure that an effective pre-law program is made available for all area undergraduate colleges and universities.
Student senates may, in accordance with Article VIII hereof, adopt an order of succession for future elections.
Section 5.
The Clerk of the Rolls shall be the recording officer of the student senate, serving as the custodian of the records, and rendering such reports as the Tribune shall require.
Section 6.
The Clerk of the Exchequer shall be the financial officer of the student senate, keeping the money of the senate, making disbursements only with the countersignature of the Dean, and also, rendering such reports as the Tribune shall require.
Section 7.
The Master of the Ritual shall be the ritualist of the student senate, supervising all initiations (under the advice and direction of the Dean), signing all minutes and registrations of initiates as an attestation that the session has been opened and closed as provided by the ritual, and serving as the custodian of the ritual and secret work.
Section 8.
The Bailiff shall guard the Senate Chamber and permit none but duly qualified members to enter during sessions of the senate.
Section 9.
The tribune shall take office as soon as notice of such officer�s election, certified by the retiring Tribune or some other officer known to the Master of Rolls, shall have been filed with the Master of Rolls and a certificate of election has been issued by the Master of Rolls, confirming the authority of the new Tribune to serve:
As an officer of the student senate; and
As a Deputy Chancellor for the purpose of installing the officers of the student senate.
The Tribune shall file a yearly report with the Master Scholar showing the individual scholastic standing of the members of the senate. This report is to show the class standing, average obtained, and degrees conferred.
The Tribune shall be the corresponding secretary of the student senate. The Tribune shall render such reports as the officers of the Supreme Senate shall require.
In case of the inability of the Tribune to perform the duties of Tribune, the Dean of the senate shall have the power to appoint a substitute.
Section 1.
Regular sessions shall be held at least semi-monthly during the college year.
Section 2.
Special sessions may be called any time, either by the Dean or by one-fifth of the members, provided that every student member shall be notified. No matter shall be acted upon unless it shall be specified in the call for the special session.
Section 3.
A quorum for the transaction of all business shall consist of one-half of the student members of the senate who are entitled to vote, three of whom must be officers.
Section 1.
The standing committees of each student senate shall be a membership committee, a social committee, and a finance committee. The members of the standing committees shall be appointed by the Dean at the first session following said officer�s installation. They shall hold office at the Dean�s pleasure.
Section 2.
Special committees may be appointed by the Dean at any time or at the order of the senate.
Section 3.
It shall be the duty if the membership committee to canvass the various classes of the college of law in which the student senate is located in order to secure the names of candidates to propose for election to membership in the Fraternity, to investigate the qualifications of each candidate proposed for election to membership and to make a recommendation upon each candidate investigated by it.
Section 4.
The social committee shall prepare a social program and, after approval of the program by the senate, the social committee shall execute the same.
Section 5
It shall be the duty of the finance committee to recommend the amount of monthly dues, the amount of the initiation fee, the amount of all special assessments, to prepare a budget for the year at the opening of each school year and to audit all bills.
Section 1.
All obligations to the Supreme Senate shall be paid immediately as they become due.
Section 2.
Each initiate shall be required to pay a senate initiation fee. The amount of the initiation fee shall be determined by vote of the senate, after recommendation by the finance committee, but no charge shall be made thereafter until the proposed change shall have been read in at least two regular sessions held prior to the vote.
Section 3.
Each student member shall pay such senate dues as are prescribed in the by-laws of the senate. The amount of the dues and the frequency of their payment shall be determine by the by-laws of the senate, or by majority vote of the senate. No changes in student dues shall be made by vote of the senate until the proposed changes shall have been read in at least two regular sessions of the senate, held prior to the session at which the voting occurs.
Section 4.
Special assessments may be levied at any time by vote of the senate, after recommendation by the finance committee, provided that the proposed amendments shall have been read in one regular session held prior to the vote.
Section 5.
All dues, fees, and assessments shall be payable in accordance with the by-laws of the senate. No member who is in arrears more than 60 sixty (60) days in the payment of dues to the senate shall be entitled to vote in senate sessions, unless otherwise provided in the by-laws of the senate.
New members shall not be charged dues for the semester or similar academic period in which they are initiated, unless otherwise provided in the by-laws of the senate.
Article VI. Election and Initiation of Members
Section 1.
Each student may elect and initiate student, alumni, and honorary members into its senate subject to the provisions of Part I, Article II, of this constitution and to the provisions of this article. The election of all members shall be by unanimous ballot of the members present.
Section 2.
Candidates may be proposed by the membership committee or by any member of the student senate but no name shall be balloted upon at the session at which it is proposed and no name shall be balloted upon until the membership committee shall render a favorable report thereon after investigation.
Section 3.
After a candidate shall have been elected top membership, the Dean shall appoint a committee to interview the candidate and to notify said candidate of such election. When the candidate�s acceptance shall have been received, the senate shall designate a time for the pledging ceremony.
Section 4.
At or after the pledging ceremony, and before the date set for the initiation ceremony, the Tribune shall procure a signed statement, in triplicate, from the candidate, in such form as the Vice-Chancellor may prescribe. The statement shall be sworn to by the candidate before the Tribune. One copy shall be sent to the Vice-Chancellor, who if satisfied that the candidate is qualified for membership, shall issue a permit to initiate, forwarding such permit to the Master of Rolls for transmission to the Tribune when the registration fee for such candidate shall have been paid. If the Vice-Chancellor knows that the required registration has already been paid, the permit to initiate may be sent directly to the Tribune.
Section 5.
At the time that a copy of the statement required by the preceding section is sent to the Vice-Chancellor another a copy of the statement shall be sent with the registration fee to the Master of the Rolls, who, upon receiving the permit to initiate from the Vice-Chancellor or upon being advised by the Vice-Chancellor that such permit has been duly issued, shall issue a Certificate of Membership and a recognition pin and shall send them to the Tribune. The senate may then, but not before, initiate such candidate. The Tribune shall immediately notify the Master of Rolls of the completion of the initiation or, if for any reason the initiation does not take place, shall return the permit to initiate, the Certificate of Membership and the recognition pin to the Master of Rolls with a report of the facts.
Section 6.
Upon the election of an honorary or alumni member and the approval thereof by the Supreme Senate or the Vice-Chancellor, as applicable, and upon payment to the Master of Rolls of the required registration fee and the furnishing of such statements or information as the Vice-Chancellor may direct, the Vice-Chancellor shall issue a permit to initiate and the Master of Rolls shall issue a Certificate of Membership and a recognition pin. The senate may then, but not before, initiate such honorary or alumni member as provided in the ritual. No alumni member shall be elected until provision is made to pay the registration fee.
Section 7.
The pledging ceremony may be omitted in the case of alumni members elected in the pursuance of Part I, Article II, Sec. 3, but the statement required by Sec. 4 and by Sec. 5 of this article shall be procured and submitted to the Vice-Chancellor and Master of Rolls unless the Vice-Chancellor shall direct otherwise.
Section 8.
As soon as the initiation of any candidate is completed, the initiate is a member of the initiating senate, but no persona elected or initiated contrary to the provision of this constitution is a member of this Fraternity.
Section 9.
No senate shall be considered in good standing or entitled to representation in the International Senate which shall be in arrears in its registration fees or which shall have elected or initiated members contrary to this constitution or the ritual.
Article VII. Suspension, Expulsion and Reinstatement of Members
Section 1.
Each student senate may suspend or expel any member of the senate who advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States by force or violence or who violates a senate by-law which provides grounds and procedures for suspension or expulsion for financial delinquency to the senate or for other offenses susceptible of explicit definition, and which are explicitly defined in that senate�s by-laws. In any case falling within this section, the by-laws specifying the grounds for suspension or expulsion must have been enacted prior to the commission of the offense for which the penalty is imposed, or if a continuing offense or delinquency, prior to the continuance.
Section 2.
A student member may be suspended for a period not exceeding six months or expelled from membership in the Fraternity by a three-fourths vote of all of the student members in good standing of the student senate of which said person is a member. Before a vote of the senate is taken on the question of such suspension or expulsion the complainant or complainants shall file a written complaint setting forth the charges upon which said action of the senate is sought and, if the senate entertains the complaint, it shall cause a written notice to be delivered personally to the accused or to be sent by registered mail or delivered to said accused�s last known place of abode, properly addressed, at least seven days before the time set for such hearing. The complaint may be amended at any time upon notice to the accused, served as aforesaid, but the accused shall be allowed such additional time, not to exceed seven days as shall be reasonable under all the circumstances to defend against the amended complaint. A hearing on the complaint shall be held at the time set, or at any time to which the hearing may from time to time be continued, before the senate or some committee thereof (as the senate may by by-law, or in the absence of a by-law on the subject, in a particular instance, direct) and the accused shall have the right to appear either in person or by counsel, to introduce evidence, examine and cross-examine witnesses and to argue the matter. If the accused shall not appear and defend, the accused may be defaulted and the charges may be taken as confessed. After such default or such hearing (and if heard by committee after receiving the report of the committee) the senate shall vote on the question of such suspension or expulsion. If a penalty be imposed under this section, a summary of the evidence shall be prepared by the Clerk of the Rolls or other person and signed by the Dean or other person who presided at the hearing, and shall, with the result of the vote on such charges, be entered in the records of the student senate.
Section 3.
The Tribune of the student senate shall immediately notify the Master of Rolls of the suspension or expulsion of any member of the senate and the cause thereof and, if the proceedings shall have been pursuant to Sec. 2 of this article and shall have resulted in expulsion, shall file with the Master of Rolls the original or certified copies of the written charges, notices of hearing and proof of service thereof, a summary of the evidence on the hearing, a report of the committee to the senate (if heard by a committee), action of the senate on the charges and the last known place of abode of the accused. The Master of Rolls shall make a record of the action of the senate and, if the judgment of the senate be that of expulsion, shall notify the accused by a notice mailed to such person at the most recent mail address in the records or within the knowledge of the Master or Rolls and the accused may, within forty days of the mailing of such notice, appeal from such expulsion to the Supreme Court.
Section 1.
Student senates may adopt such by-laws as are not in conflict with the provisions of this constitution, but no changes shall be made therein after adoption until the proposed changes shall have been read in two regular sessions held prior to the adoption of the change.
Section 1.
Each alumni senate shall be named in such manner so as to indicate its geographical location.
Section 2.
Each alumni senate shall consist of all those alumni members and honorary members of the Fraternity who have been elected to membership in such senate.
Section 1.
The officers of each alumni senate shall be a Dean, Vice-Dean, a Clerk of the Rolls, a Clerk of the Exchequer, a Master of the Ritual, a Bailiff, a Tribune, and such additional officers as the by-laws of each senate provide.
Section 2.
Unless otherwise provided by the senate by-laws, the officers of each alumni senate shall be elected annually during the month of May and they shall hold office until their successors are installed. The qualifications of such officers may be provided by the senate by-laws.
Section 3.
The officers shall be installed by any member of the International Senate, Supreme Court or by a District Chancellor. The installing officer shall be a Deputy Chancellor for this purpose.
Section 4.
Unless otherwise provided by the senate by-laws, the duties of the officers of the alumni senate shall be those provided by this constitution for like-named officers of student senates, including that the Dean, of the alumni senate shall be the voting member of the International Senate and the representative of the Supreme and International Senate.
Section 5.
The Tribune shall take office as soon as notice of such officer�s election shall have been filed with the Master of Rolls. A certificate of election shall be issued by the Master of Rolls, authorizing said person to exercise all the duties of Tribune of the alumni senate and as member of the International Senate.
Section 6.
The Tribune shall be the corresponding secretary of the alumni senate and the representative of the Supreme and International Senates. As a member of the International Senate, the Tribune shall cast each vote without any binding instructions whatever, but shall counsel with the members of the senate insofar as practicable at all times. The Tribune shall also render such reports as the officers of the Supreme Senate shall require, and shall enforce their lawful instruction and this constitution.
In case of the inability of the Tribune to perform such duties or in case of a vacancy occurring in said office between elections, the Dean of the senate shall have the power to appoint in writing:
A temporary substitute at act as Tribune until the Tribune becomes able to perform such duties, or
A permanent Tribune to fill the incumbent�s unexpired term. The Dean shall certify such appointment to the Master of Rolls and, where the appointment is to fill the unexpired term, the Master of Rolls shall immediately issue a certificate similar to that provided by Sec. 5 of this article, which certificate shall have the force and effect provided by said election.
Section 1.
Sessions may be called and held in the manner and at such times as the senate by-laws provide but, if the by-laws make no different provision therefor, the senate shall meet at the call of the Dean, Vice-Dean or any of five members in good standing, which call shall be communicated personally or by mail to each member of the senate in good standing.
Section 2.
A quorum shall consist of such number as the senate by-laws may provide or, if the by-laws make no provision therefor, shall consist of five members in good standing.
Section 1.
Alumni and honorary members of the Fraternity in good standing may be admitted to membership in the senate upon a unanimous vote of the members present; provided further, that members who are seniors in their school of law may, if so provided by the by-laws, be admitted into membership of the alumni senate.
Section 2.
Suspension or expulsion of a member of any alumni senate from membership therein shall conform to its by-laws and shall not itself affect the membership of such a member in the international fraternity.
Section 3.
An alumni member shall not be permitted initiation into an alumni senate until the alumni senate is satisfied that such member has paid all monies owed to such member�s student senate.
Section 4.
A student member of an alumni senate as a condition for continued membership in the alumni senate must maintain active membership in the student senate until graduation or withdrawal from the law school with which the student senate is affiliated.
Section 1.
Fees, dues, and special assessments shall be such as may be imposed from time to time in accordance with the senate by-laws. Unless prohibited by such by-laws, special assessments may be levied at any time by a majority vote of the members present at a duly called meeting of the senate, a quorum being present, if the call for such meeting contained a statement that a special assessment would be voted upon.
Section 2.
The Dean of an alumni senate shall not be entitled to vote in the International Senate unless at least ten members of such senate are in good standing.
Section 1.
Alumni senates may adopt, and from time to time amend, by-laws not in conflict with the provisions of this constitution by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present and voting at any meeting, a quorum being present, but the call for such meeting shall contain a statement that such by-laws or amendments will be voted upon at such meeting.
Article I. Authority for Preparation
Section 1.
A ritual shall be adopted by the Supreme Senate and the Supreme Senate shall have the authority to amend the ritual from time to time.
Article I. Authority and Procedure
Section 1.
The International Senate, when in regular or special session, may adopt, and from time to time, amend, by-laws not in conflict with the provisions of this constitution, by simple majority vote of the members present and voting at any meeting, a quorum being present.
Section 2.
When the International Senate is not in session, the Supreme Senate, in regular or special meeting, may amend by-laws previously adopted by the International Senate where that amendment is not inconsistent with the original intent of the by-law previously adopted by the International Senate; and may adopt and from time to time amend other by-laws not in conflict with the provisions of this constitution by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, a quorum being present, or if by correspondence, a two-thirds vote of those returning ballots. Provided, however, that copies of proposed by-laws or proposed amendments to said by-laws, must be mailed to all Supreme Senate members at least fourteen days in advance of the regular or special meeting at which they are to be considered and, provided further, that if the by-laws or amendments thereto are to be considered by correspondence then copies of such by-laws or amendments thereto, must be mailed to all Supreme Senate member at least fourteen days in advance of the mailing of ballots.
Section 3.
Any by-laws amendment made by the Supreme Senate shall be subject to review by the International Senate at the next biennial convention and must be affirmed by simple majority vote of the members present and voting at any meeting, a quorum being present.
Article I. Authority and Procedure
Section 1.
Subject to the succeeding section, this constitution may be amended at any regular or special session of the International senate by a two-thirds vote of the members of the International Senate them present a quorum being present. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, this constitution may be amended by mail to provide for the merger of another law fraternity or law sorority into the Fraternity if the Fraternity is the surviving entity, and if such amendment is sponsored by a unanimous resolution of the Supreme Senate. The vote by mail shall only be under the following procedures:
The Master of Rolls after receiving such resolution shall promptly mail to each member of the International Senate the proposed amendment with a ballot and a statement that for all such ballots to be counted, they must be received at the International Office within sixty days of the date the ballot was originally mailed by the Master of Rolls, and from at least one-half of the members of the International Senate.
All remaining ballots, not received by the Master of Rolls within the above-stated time limit, shall be voted by the Chancellor in the same proportion as those votes cast by the members of the International Senate who timely filed their ballots with the Master of Rolls at the International Office.
A two-thirds majority of the total votes cast and counted shall be required for the approval of any such proposed constitutional amendment for merger by mail.
Section 2.
Amendments to this constitution, which any senate or member of the Fraternity desires to have submitted to the International Senate at any regular or special session thereof, shall be filed with the Master of Rolls at least sixty days before the convening of any such session and the Master of Rolls shall publish all proposed amendments to the International Senate immediately after the time for filing the same with him shall have expired. Proposed amendments so filed may in turn be amended in any respect germane thereto, without further notice before being adopted by the International Senate. The decisions of the International Senate that any such amendment is germane to the original amendment shall be conclusive evidence that in respect of such amendment this section has been obeyed.