Rules: The Math Club Constitution
Purpose The Math Club is an organization designed to bring together students of the mathematical sciences in an environment that allows them to pursue their collective interests. The Math Club offers meetings, activities, and opportunities for its members to meet with faculty, staff, and professionals in the mathematical community who may provide assistance in their future endeavors. This organization hopes to provide support and enjoyment to all of those who take an interest in mathematics during their undergraduate careers at the University of Pittsburgh. Membership 1) New members must notify an officer of the Math Club and need to fill out an application form. The application form will provide the officers with the new member's name, e-mail address, major, year (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior), math course taken/taking, and permission to post this information on the Math Club website. They can also sign up at a math club meeting where a sign up sheet will be available. No hazing or illegal discrimination will be used as a condition of membership in the organization. 2)All active members must participate in at least one activity per term (activities include club meetings, Math Club online activities, social gatherings, and contests) to remain a member of the Math Club. Readmittance into the Math Club is permitted only once. 3)More than one readmittance into the Math Club is only permitted through medical emergencies/extreme circumstances. 4)Math Club recruitment is at the beginning of each term. If someone wants to be a member in the middle of term, then he/she can join the meetings but cannot earn points or prizes as a full fledged member. [Point system and prizes to be discussed.] 5)There are no dues to join the Math Club. 6)Associate Membership: Faculty, staff, and alumni of the University and non-University persons may participate in the meetings and activities but may not vote, hold office, earn points or prizes, or serve on formal leadership positions. 7)The role of Math Club Advisor is to make sure the officers are carrying out their duties as discussed by the Math Club Constitution. He/she must also check finances. They are not permitted to participate in online activities or earn prizes and points. If the Math Club Advisor is no longer able to serve, then the Math Club Officers and the Head of Math Department will elect the next advisor. Officers Officers must find at least one speaker once per month and host the "meeting" for the speaker. They are expected to take turns in organizing and running online activities. They must help prepare for Math Club social gatherings and meetings. They must attend the majority of club meetings. There will be four officers elected to the Math Club: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Although all officers are to jointly work on all activities and events together, each officer has the responsibility of overseeing the following: President: Orders food for club meetings and social gatherings, oversees sign-in, oversees important dates that are to be posted online and announced to the other members, keeps tallies of the point systerm, makes sure that the Math Club webpage is updated and running by working with the webmaster of the Math Club, and schedules necessary officer meetings to discuss the progress of the Math Club. [Webmaster will be discuessd.] Vice President: Sets speaker meetings and activities, oversees any social gatherings or contests that the Math Club will be involved with, and stands in if the Secretary cannot report on a club meeting. Treasurer: Deals with finances, updates other officers at least monthly on finances of the Math Club, submits a report every term on the financial standings of the club and an annual report for SORC. Secretary: Keeps records of each meeting to be submitted online, oversees the annual report and updates that will be submitted to SORC, oversees new member applications, and sends out e-mails of upcoming meetings and events to all members of the Math Club. The Math Club Webmaster oversees the Math Club webpage. This person will be responsible for all the programming codes that are involved in making the webpage run. He/she will work with the President to make sure that the information and activities are up-to-date and accessable online. The Webmaster is elected with the officers in the spring term. However, they do not need nomination. If no volunteers are found, then the Math Club Officers will work together in overseeing the Math Club webpage. Impeachment of Officer: If a Math Club Officer does not adhere to the above demands, they can be voted out by the majority of officers, members, and the advisor. The voting can be held at any time. After impeachment, the officer cannot be reinstated or run for office again. A new officer will be appointed by the current officers and advisor, and the newly elected officer(s) will immediately begin his/her role as a Math Club Officer. Election of New Officer(s) When an officer(s) is unable to serve, there will be an election for a new officer(s). At the end of February, those interested in becoming the new officer will submit a position paper on why they should be an officer and what will they contribute to the club. This should be no longer than one page double spaced. Following the deadline, usually the second week in March, the speeches will be posted on the Math Club webpage for other members to read. The Math Club will hold two consecutive meetings for voting to take place. The members must sign a sheet before placing a secret ballot in the box. There are no absentee or proxie ballots allowed. If a member wants to vote and cannot make the times of the meetings, they should contact one of the Math Club Officers for instructions on how and when they can vote during those two days. The winners will be announced within a week of voting and posted on the Math Club webpage. A majority of votes will decide the winner. The new officers will be notified by e-mail and given instructions on when to meet with the current Math Club Officers to discuss their new roles as a Math Club officer. If there is a tie, then the current officers will decide who will become the next officer. Their office begins at the end of the Spring Term. Officers should not serve more that 4 years (8 terms). Each officer wanting to continue to be an officer of the Math Club will have to be re-elected each year during elections. To be eligible for office: The member must have good academic and social standing within the University of Pittsbugh. They must be nominated by an official Math Club Member other than themselves (and thus accepting the nomination). Privileges to vote: Must be an official member of the Math Club. Math Club Officers, Associate Members, and Advisor may not vote. Meetings/Activities Meetings: There will be at least one meeting per month to discuss upcoming events, activities, speakers meetings, etc. Time and day is to be announced and posted on the Math Club webpage. There will be a sign in sheet at each club meeting. Speakers: There should be at least one guest speaker per month. At least one officer is to be present for the guest speaker meeting. Each officer must be the "host" of the guest speaker at least once during the year. Speakers should be from different areas of mathematics. For example: teaching, computer science, business/actuary, etc. Activities: There should be one Math Club activity posted on the Math Club webpage per week. These activities include but are not limited to: number puzzles, cryptograms, and math logic problems. (Officers, advisors, and associates are not allowed to participate to win prizes or points.) The members should submit their answers via e-mail to the Math Club e-mail address. The first correct winner will be announced on the website. Appropriate points will be handed out and recorded by the Math Club President. A person cannot win the first place points two consecutive weeks. However, he/she is allowed to receive the three points for getting the answer right. There will be two Math Club socials per term. This will be a chance for Math Club Members, Officers, Associate Members, and Advisor to get together, eat, and play games. Dates and time will be determine by the Math Club Officers. The Math Club will also take part in the Integration Bee that is held at the University in the spring. The Integration Bee is also open to those outside the Math Club. Study Groups: Those interested in forming study groups can contact the Math Club Officers either through e-mail or during a Math Club meeting/activity. The Math Club Officers will find a classroom available at a convient time for those intersted and try to finda professor or TA to provide assistance. Study groups can meet on a regular basis or by scheduling times at least one week in advanced. There will also be a message board available at the Math Club webpage that will allow different classes to post messages their concerns or questions about the class. Prizes and Rewards There will be prizes and rewards given out throughout the year to Math Club Members. Prizes and Rewards are limited to active Math Club members. Some prizes and rewards will be as follows: Most active Math Club Member of the semester: This is determined by the Math Club member that has the most points during term. He/she will receive a gift certificate to The Book Center at the University of Pittsburgh. There will also be a second and third place which will receive small prizes. These might include but are not limited to math supplies such as graphing paper, rulers, pencils, scientific calculator, etc. Another activity that is planned is the Math Club Treasure hunt. This activity will have mathematical clues that will lead members over campus. The Math Club Members can work in pairs to help solve the clues. The first one(s) to complete the treasure hunt will receive a basket of math supplies/goodies and a three point reward. Recognition and small prizes will be given to Math Club Members that participate in a math related contest (like integration bee). He/she can receive up to 4 points depending on place in the contest with a small math related reward such as a scientific calculator. Point System Points will be given out throughout the terms to Math Club Members. Members who wish to participate in the point system, thus becoming eligible for the most active Math Club Member reward, must sign their names on a Math Club sheet that will be provided at each activity. The following is the distribution of points to Math Club Members: Activity Points Signing up to be a Math Club Member-------------1 Voting at Math Club Elections-------------------1 Attending a regular Math Club Meeting-----------1 Attending a speaker Math Club Meeting-----------2 First Math Club Member to submit and------------5 answer correctly the online activity at the Math Club Webpage A Math Club Member to submit a correct----------3 (but not first) answer to the online activity at the Math Club Webpage A Math Club Member to submit a wrong------------1 answer to the online activity at the Math Club Webpage A Math Club Member that attends a Math Club-----1 social The Math Club Member(s) who wins the Math-------3 Club Treasure Hunt A Math Club Member that wins third place at-----2 math related contest A Math Club Member that wins second place at----3 math related contest A Math Club Member that wins first place at a---4 math related contest Math Club Officers can determine if any other activity acceptable to a point reward and decide how many points the activity is worth. Website The Math Club webpage could contain: 1)Information on the Math Club participants: officers, advisors, and those members that gave permission to post their information online 2)A link to and 3)Math help sites (non-Pitt) for example: 4)Math Assistance Center (MAC) hours and Teacher Assistance (TAs) available there. (It will also provide what classes the TAs will be able to help with) 5)Math Club activities, answers to previous online games, and upcoming contests News on meetings, speakers, and events as well as previous news Upcoming important university dates (registration, job fair, deadlines, etc.) 6)Elections information: Dates and deadlines of elections, officers (new, current, running) 7)Rules and information on the Math Club news which include the Math Club Constitution 8)Career and graduate school information (for math or related graduate school) 9)Study group information: classes, message board, TA schedules, and scheduled study groups Amendments New Math Club Amendments can be submitted with the nomination of officers and voted on at the elections. The amendment passes if there is a majority vote in favor of the new amendment. New amendment(s) go into effect the Fall Term and must be submitted to the SORC in the annual report. Amendments can be resubmitted the following year if they do not pass.