Ethnographic Studies in Medical Anthropology
Series Editors: Professor Andrew Strathern and Dr. Pamela J. Stewart (University of Pittsburgh)
Medical Anthropology is a burgeoning field within anthropology as a whole, combining perspectives from the domains of cultural and biological anthropology, as well as history, gender studies, critical theory, and sociology. The Ethnographic Studies in Medical Anthropology Series seeks to include ethnographically-oriented works that can be readily used for undergraduate teaching but are also of appeal to professionals who use these books for instruction. The books in the Series also address contemporary issues in theory and analysis within cultural anthropology generally. These works include either single-society monographs or topically-oriented writings.
Prospective authors should contact the Series Editors, Professor Strathern and Dr. Stewart, (
To order titles in the series contact Carolina Academic Press, 700 Kent Street, Durham, NC 27701
Titles in the Series are listed below and at http://Series http://Titles
Andrew Strathern and Pamela J. Stewart
Curing and Healing: Medical Anthropology in Global Perspective
Curing and Healing draws on a rich array of ethnographic cases around the world to show the complexities of the ideas and practices that surround the health of the human body, and how a person's health is impacted by the beliefs and practices of his or her community. Special attention is paid to the Hagen and Duna peoples in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, but cases are also drawn from Japan, Mexico, South America, the United States, Australia, and elsewhere.
1999 paper 232pp ISBN 0-89089-942-8
Douglass Drozdow-St. Christian
Elusive Fragments: Making Power, Propriety, and Health in Samoa
In Elusive Fragments: Making Power, Propriety, and Health in Samoa, Douglass Drozdow-St. Christian argues that the body is the key site at which, and through which, culture is made possible. Based on his ongoing field research in Samoa, the book links everyday practices of cultural ambodiment with Samoan concerns for dignity, humility, and strength.
2002 ISBN 0-89089-746-8
Steve Ferzacca
Healing the Modern in a Central Javanese City
Healing the Modern in a Central Javanese City examines health practices and perceptions encountered in the city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia viewing urban medicine through pangalaman, the Javanese structure of experience. Using observations, interviews, and portraits of Javanese lives, Ferzacca illustrates Javanese approaches to their health and the health of urban modernity.
2001 paper ISBN 0-89089-220-2
Kaja Finkler
Physicians at Work, Patients in Pain. Biomedical Practice and Patient Response in Mexico, Second edition
This book addresses two interrelated questions. How is biomedicine practiced in a developing nation and how do people respond to its treatment? By means of detailed ethnography, the author identifies the ways in which biomedicine is shaped by universal, cultural and idiosyncratic beliefs and practices. The study shows the specific aspects of the doctor patient encounter that influence people's responses to treatment, and aspects of people's lives that influence their recovery.
2001 paper ISBN 0-890890-749-2
Janice Harper
Endangered Species: Health, Illness, and Death among the Forest People of Madagascar.
This book will appeal to social scientist interested in issues of environmental change and justice, critical medical anthropology, health and environmental relationship, international development, gender, and ethnicity.
2002 paper ISBN 0-89089-238-5
John Traphagan
The Practice of Concern: Ritual, Well-Being and Aging in Rural Japan
This book explores ideas and practices related to religious ritual and health among older people in northern Japan. Drawing on more than three years of ethnographic fieldwork, Traphagan considers various forms of ritual performance and contextualizes these in terms of private and public spheres of activity. The Practice of Concern provides a detailed examination of Japanese religious practices both within the home and in the community, as well as a thorough discussion of Japanese concepts of health, well-being, and aging.
2004 paper ISBN 0-89089-406-X
Verena Keck
Social Discord and Bodily Disorders: Healing among the Yupno of Papua New Guinea,
This monograph, which is based on two years of field research carried out in collaboration with medical doctors, explores Yupno conceptions of the link between personal illness and disturbed social relations. This book will be of interest for all scholars working in the field of medical anthropology, and for a general readership interested in Melanesia and the Pacific.
2005 ISBN 0-89089-404-3
Aviad Raz
The Gene and the Genie: Tradition, Medicalization, and Genetic Counseling in a Bedouin Community in Israel.
2005 ISBN 0-89089-448-5
Mariana Ferreira and Gretchen C. Lang (eds.)
Indigenous Peoples and Diabetes: Community Empowerment and Wellness.
2005 ISBN 0-89089-580-5
- Sylvia Wing �nder
We have no Microbes Here: Healing Practices in a Turkish Black Sea Village
2007 ISBN 0-89089-573-2
- Nigel Rapport
Of Orderlies and Men: Hospital Porters, Achieving Wellness at Work
Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press.
2009 ISBN 978-1-59460-532-1
- Frances Norwood
The Maintenance of Life. Preventing Social Death through Euthanasia Talk and End-of-Life Care -- Lessons from the Netherlands
Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press.
2009 ISBN 978-1-59460-518-5
- Anne Sigfrid Gronseth
Lost Selves and Lonely Persons .
2010 Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press.
- Andrew Strathern and Pamela J. Stewart
2nd Edition, Curing and Healing: Medical Anthropology in Global Perspective
2010 paper ISBN 978-1-59460-592-5 paperback
-2012 Vulnerability and the Art of Protection. Embodiment and Health Care in Moroccan Households,
by Marybeth J. MacPhee.
-2013 Genetic Disorders and Islamic Identity among British Bangladeshis,
by Santi Rozario
-2015 A Tale of an Amulet.
by Ariela Popper-Giveon
-2017 Living Well in Los Duplex: Critical Reflections on Medicalization, Migration and Health Sovereignty.
by Anna Waldstein
-2017 Wellbeing Machine: How Heatlh Emerges from the Assemblages of Everyday Life.
by Kim McLeod
-2018 Tibetan Medicine, Buddhism and Psychiatry: Mental Heatlh and Healing in a Tibetan Exile Community.
by Susannah Deane
-2018 Living in the Tension: Care, Selfhood, and Wellbeing among Faith-Based Youth Workers.
by Susan Wardell
-2019 Chronic Illness in a Pakistani Labour Diaspora
by Kaveri Qureshi
-2019 Adventure as Education: John W. Bennett and Anthropology in the Early Twentieth Century
by Laura L. Cochrane
-2020 The Maintenance of Life. Preventing Social Death through Euthanasia Talk and End-of-Life Care—Lessons from The Netherlands Second Edition (forthcoming)
by Frances Norwood
Other titles in the Medical Anthropology Series that are forthcoming are listed at the Carolina Academic Press's webpage:
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