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                                                                     Jan23,09    Apr17,09


Computer science                                       312, 084        301,727

Algorithm                                                       16,700          15,900                                                           

Artificial intelligence                                       1,780            1,750

Artificial neural network                                     75                  65

Automata theory                                                   22                 19

Automated reasoning                                           54                  57

Cognitive science                                                 477               490

Compiler                                                           3,460            3,440

Computational biology                                       507               485

Computational chemistry                                  341                301

Computational complexity theory                        7                    6

Computational economics                                    16                 15

Computational finance                                         13                 14

Computational geometry                                      37                 36

Computational mathematics                                29                 28

Computational neuroscience                                32                 35

Computational physics                                         58                  59

Computational science                                        642               611

Computer architecture                                       318               312

Computer graphics                                             594               600

Computer networking                                        222               229

Computer science                                             8,250            7,910

Computer security                                           1,060             1,150

Computer vision                                                  243                215

Computer-aided engineering                                45                 53

Concurrency                                                      1,480            1,510

Concurrent programming                                   41                    41

Cryptography                                                  1,410               1,480

Data management                                          10,600             10,600

Data mining                                                      4,530               4,700

Data structure                                                   2,490              2,470

Database                                                          69,300            68,300

Distributed algorithms                                          44                   47

Distributed computing                                     1,680              1,710

Distributed database                                           313                 300

Expert system                                                      407                  403

Fault-tolerant computing                                     18                    17

Finite element method                                          51                    61

Formal methods                                                  342                   309

Formal semantics                                                  11                     12

Functional programming                                     40                     65

Grid computing                                                2,390              10,300  

Health informatics OR medical Informatics1,180                 1,170

High-performance computing                        1,270                1,240

Human-computer interaction i                         470                   486  

Image processing                                             1,520                1,420

Information management                               7,080                6,980

Information retrieval                                      1,980                1,960

Information science                                         1,740                1,800

Information systems                                      15,100              14,300

Information theory                                             469                   402               

Internet                                                           85,600              88,900

Knowledge management                                 5,980                5,800

Machine learning                                             1,220                1,200

Management information system                   1,130                1,050

Multimedia                                                     14,700              14,200

Natural language processing                              451                  476

Numerical analysis                                              174                  172

Object database                                                     83                    86

Object-oriented programming                           553                  515

Operating system                                              6,250               5,940

Parallel algorithms                                                63                     61

Parallel computing                                              440                    467

Programming language                                   2,420                 2,300  

Programming paradigm                                       64                     67

Quantum computer                                               42                     42

Randomized algorithm                                         16                     12

Relational database                                          1,900                1,830

Robotics                                                             2,710                2,720

Scientific visualization                                         207                   186

Software engineering                                       3,160                 3,050

Symbolic computation                                          18                      17

Theory of computation                                         16                      17

Type theory                                                           26                      34

Very-large-scale integration OR VLSI             573                    492

Wireless network                                             2,220                 2,190

World Wide Web                                             4,400                 4,140


The index of academic disciplines used in the Scientific Supercourse
is derived from Wikipedia's List of All Academic Disciplines at

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