Google Books Computer Sciences

Google Book Search retrieves some 2.5 million links to books,
journals, archives.  The option is "ALL Books". When this option is reset to
"Full View Only" some 253,256 links are retrieved.  A further option allows
the user to set the dates e.g. year 2005 through 2009.

In countries such as in the USA, where copyright law permits,  this
capability will put books at the disposition of students and lecturers.

Stats to follow are for "Full View" unspecified as to date.
The listing tends to present the oldest texts first, the newest last.

Eric Marler for Scientific Supercourse


Bookmarks Google Book Search Computer Sciences



Artificial intelligence
Artificial neural network
Automated reasoning
Cognitive science
Community informatics
Computability theory
Computational biology
Computational chemistry
Computational economics
Computational finance
Computational fluid dynamics -
Computational geometry
Computational mathematics
Computational neuroscience
Computational number theory
Computational physics
Computational science
Computational sociology
Computer and society
Computer architecture
Computer graphics
Computer networking
Computer science -
Computer security
Computer vision -
Computer-aided engineering
Concurrent programming
Data management
Data mining”
Data structure
Distributed algorithms
Distributed computing
Distributed database
Expert system
Fault-tolerant computing
Finite element method
Formal Semantics
Formal Semantics
Functional programming
Grid computing
Health informatics OR Medical Informatics
High-performance computing
History of computer science
History of computing hardware
Human-computer interaction
Human-computer interaction
Image processing
Information management
Information retrieval
Information science
Information theory
Knowledge management
Machine learning
Natural language processing
Numerical analysis
Object database
Object-oriented programming
Operating system
Operating system”
Parallel algorithms
Parallel computing
Programming language
Programming language
Quantum computer
Randomized algorithm
Relational database
Scientific visualization
Software engineering -
Software engineering
Symbolic computation
Theory of computation
Type theory
Very-large-scale integration OR VLSI
Wireless network
World Wide Web
“Computational complexity theory
“Information systems
“Management information system


STATS BOOKS Computer Sciences (Full View)

Unspeified as to Date. Dates are readily added through Google Books
Advanced Search e.g. Years 2005 through 2009.




    50,441 on “Computer Science” Total Full View


      1,676 on "Computer science"

           88 on "Theory of computation"

             2 on "Computability theory"

             4 on “Computational complexity theory"

         664 on "Concurrency"

         903 on "Algorithm"

             1 on "Randomized algorithm"

           10 on "Distributed algorithms"

           51 on "Parallel algorithms"

         360 on "Data structure"

         221 on "Computer architecture"

         764 on "Very-large-scale integration" OR "VLSI".

         811 on "Operating system”

         289 on "Computer networking"

         487 on "Information theory"

    12,700 on "Internet"

         916 on "World Wide Web"

         224 on "Wireless network"

         565 on "Computer security"

         994 on "Cryptography"

           12 on "Fault-tolerant computing"

         236 on "Distributed computing"

           53 on "Grid computing"

         145 on "Parallel computing"

         374 on "High-performance computing"

           28 on "Quantum computer"

         572 on "Computer graphics"

         562 on "Image processing"

           80 on "Scientific visualization"

           42 on "Computational geometry"

             1 on "Computer and society"

             1 on "History of computing hardware"

             5 on "History of computer science"

           14 on "Community informatics"

      1,061 on Software engineering"

         661 on "Formal methods"

         467 on "Programming language"

           17 on "Programming paradigm"

        188 on "Object-oriented programming"

          34 on "Functional programming"

          10 on "Concurrent programming"

          23 on "Formal Semantics"

        642 on "Type theory"

     6,060 on "Compiler"

     3,359 on "Information science"

        640 on "Data management"

        445 on "Data mining”

     2,660 on "Database”

        308 on "Relational database"

          61 on "Distributed database"

          21 on "Object database"

        634 on "Information retrieval"

        883 on "Information management" 

        647 on "Knowledge management"

        773 on "Multimedia"

        747 on "Artificial intelligence"

        352 on "Cognitive science"

          33 on "Automated reasoning"

        179 on "Machine learning"

          50 on "Artificial neural network"

        145 on "Natural language processing"

        175 on "Computer vision"

        551 on "Expert system"

        547 on "Robotics"

     1,302 on “Information systems"

        670 on “Management information system”

        160 on "Health informatics" OR "Medical Informatics"

        153 on "Human-computer interaction"

         788 on "Numerical analysis"

           45 on "Symbolic computation"

             3 on "Computational number theory"

           94 on "Computational mathematics"

         108 on "Computational science"

           49 on "Computational biology"

           92 on "Computational physics"

         108 on "Computational chemistry"

             7 on "Computational neuroscience"

         173 on "Computer-aided engineering"

         183 on "Finite element method"

         264 on "Computational fluid dynamics"

           24 on "Computational economics"

             0 on "Computational sociology"

             0 on "Computational finance"


Eric Marler for Scientific Supercourse

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