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Our Sponsors


The Global Health Network Supercourse could not exist without the continued generous support from the funding agencies and individual donors and friends. We would like to take this opportunity to thank funding agencies and individuals who donated their resources to our global effort. If you are interested in sponsoring the Supercourse, please visit our donations page at



Funding Agencies



Funding source/years


Library of Alexandira, Egypt


Supercourse of science, agriculture, and SWAT teams



Development of the Supercourse of Science; development of specialized Supercourse in the area of agriculture; building prevention SWAT teams

World Diabetes Foundation

Diabetes Supercourse (DS) for the MENA Region


Establishment of the Network of Diabetes Professionals and holding Diabetes Research Methods Training Seminar in Alexandria

Scientific Networking and the Global Health Network Supercourse Advanced Research Workshop, NATO



Holding a conference in Lithuania on scientific networking and the Supercourse, publishing a book


Short term exchange with Kazakhstan



Holding a Supercourse on interconnectivity of women�s health organizations in Almaty, Kazakshtan

Epidemiology and the Internet, NLM, NIH





Building a library of PowerPoint lectures in the area of public health and medicine, focusing on prevention

Global Health Network (GHNet) Project, NASA


Development of the Global Health Network, Start of the Supercourse Library


Individual Donors and Friends (listed alphabetically by last name)


Nelson A. Athehortua

Henry Blackburn

Steven N. Blair

Joan E. Britten

Christopher M. Buttery

Tom D. Y. Chin

Wen-Ta Chiu

Apryl Eshelman

Eugene Garfield Foundation

Frank Franklin

K. L. Gupta

Thomas L. Hall

Robert Lee Hewitt

The Injury Prevention and Disaster Medicine(c/o Wan-Chen Tsai)

Ronald E. LaPorte and Janice S. Dorman

I Min Lee

James Malezi

MCG Nursing Faculty Practice Group, Inc.

Danielle C. Ompad

Trevor J. Orchard

 Jose Rigau-Perez

Lori Spisak

 Claudine P. Torfs

Theodora Tsongas


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