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What is Health? |
WHO definition of health in the WHO official languages - |
Definition of Health - Translations by native speakers |
Definition of Health - Google Translations- |
Arabic -
Chinese -
健康不仅为疾病或羸弱之消除,而系体格,精神与社会之完全健康 English - Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity French - La sant� est un �tat de complet bien-�tre physique, mental et social, et ne consiste pas seulement en une absence de maladie ou d'infirmit� Russian - Здоровье является состоянием полного физического, душевного и социального благополучия, а не только отсутствием болезней и физических дефектов Spanish - La salud es un estado de completo bienestar f�sico, mental y social, y no solamente la ausencia de afecciones o enfermedades Include your local language definition for poster here for Poster |
WHO Definition of Health:
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تقرب ماهو بعيد الصحه الكونيه
Global Health. So near, So far
La sant� mondiale. Si proche, si loin
Всемирная охрана Здоровья. Так близко! Так далеко?
Salud Global. Tan cerca, tan lejos
Include your local language translation of text "Global Health. So near, So far" here for Poster |
Donald S. Burke, M.D., Dean, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh - Origins of the WHO Definition of Health: Pittsburgh Threads Lecture Do you have questions, new or corrected definition? Please contact Supercourse Team Need free help with research methods, and how to publish? Visit the Research methods Library of Alexandia |
What is Health Poster created by MSc in Global Health students under directions of Prof Ib C. Bygbjerg, The University of Copenhagen
Original situated in WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen
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