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The case fatality ratios of untreated patients exceded 40% but reach around 90% when opportunistic infection with Salmonella spp occurs. In a recent study the attack rate was 13.8% (123 cases) and the case-fatality rate was 0.7%. Classically, the first choice treatment has been cloramphenicol 10 mg/kg/day for 10-14 days. But Bartonella bacilliformis is sensible to a lot of antibiotics, including quinolones. Sobraques M, Maurin M, Birtles RJ, Raoult D. In vitro susceptibilities of four Bartonella bacilliformis strains to 30 antibiotic compounds. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1999; 43:2090-2. 1. Ellis B, Rotz L, Lake J, Samalvides F, Bernable J, Ventura G, Padilla C, Villaseca P, Beati L, Regnery R, Childs J, Olson J, Carrillo C. An outbreak of acute bartonellosis (Oroya fever) in the Urubamba region of Perú, 1998. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999; 61: 344-349. 2. Mallqui V, Speelmon E, Verastegui M, et al. Sonicated diagnostic immunoblot for bartonellosis. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 2000; 7:1-5. 3. Henríquez C, Infante B, Merello J, Maguiña C, Guerra H, Samalvides F, Montoya M, Birtles R, Ventosilla P. Sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests for Bartonella bacilliformis in rural population of peruvian andeans. Diagostico(in press). |