The Supercourse program consists of:
- Open Source: A Global faculty is developing and sharing their best, most passionate lectures in the area of Prevention and the Internet using an open source model. This benefits all. The experienced faculty member can beef up their lectures that are not cutting edge. New instructors reduce preparation time and have better lectures. Faculty in developing countries have access to current prevention information for the first time
- Statistical Quality Assurance: We have established a Deming Model of statistical quality control to monitor lectures over time.
- "Support" for Educators: The Library of Lectures consists of exciting lectures by academic prevention experts in the field. The classroom teacher “takes” them out for free like a library book. We "coach" the teacher rather than directly teaching students from a distance.
- Text books: British Medical Association put text books on line for us.
- Multilingual Lectures: For global use, the first lecture is in 8 languages. We are experimenting with machine translation as well. We have lectures in 37 languages.
- Faculty: 70 Nobel Prize winners, the US Surgeon General, 39 IOM members, 200 AES members, 55 NAS members and other top people contributed lectures.
- JIT lectures: Within days after a disaster lectures are provided, e.g. the Bam Earthquake, Tsunami, H1N1, Haiti Earthquake.
- Mirrored Servers and CDs: We have many mirrored servers in Egypt, Sudan, China, Mongolia and others. We have distributed 20,000 Supercourse CDs.