Simulation of a Quantum
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Version 1.0: May 8, 2011
QCWAVEThis is an update of the QDENSITY package. QCWAVE updates QDENSITY in several ways:It is a Mathematica 7.0/8.0 package. It provides improved treatment of states and operators, with more emphasis on state vectors. It makes use of the slave-master parallel computing feature of Mathematica 7.0/8.0 It introduces a multiverse approach to noise. It provides a means of studying the affect of noise and of error correction on quantum algoritms It now includes improved amplitude displays, circuit diagram drawing and Dirac notation features. The package has been tested using Mathematica 7.0 and 8.0 Earlier versions of QDENSITY are available at: http://www.pitt.edu/~tabakin/QDENSITY Send Mail Frank Tabakin University of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy Pittsburgh, PA 15260 email: tabakin@pitt.edu Bruno Juliá Díaz CPAN Consolider-Ingenio Postdoc Departament de Estructura i Constituents de la Materia Universitat de Barcelona Diagonal 647 08028 Barcelona (Spain) email: bjulia@gmail.com |
(Last Modifed 8-May-2011) QCWAVE Version 1.0
QCWAVE is a Mathematica 7.0-8.0 package which extends the
package. The QCWAVE package and associated workbooks can be downloaded
by clicking on the following two lines: |