The software is somewhat tolerant of deviations in how individual letters are supposed to look. However, it is not foolproof. For example, a smudged "a" may not be recognized or a sample of handwriting may feature a number of different characters that are not recognized. The proofreading/recognition function of OmniPage works in the same way that spell checking works in word processing applications. OmniPage will identify what it thinks are questionable character interpretations or misspelled words. Unknown letters will be represented by the tilde (~) character. The "Proofread OCR" window will allow you to edit questionable words by editing the text in the "Change to" section of the window or ignore the word with the "Ignore" button. If OmniPage has any entries in its dictionary that resemble the word in question, the "Suggestions" pop-up menu will be available so you can select one of the suggestions rather than type in every correction.
To skip the proofreading, click the close box in the upper left corner of the "Proofread OCR" window. To bring up this window, select the "Proofread OCR" command under the Edit menu.
This window can perform some editing and other word processing functions such as minor formatting (bold, italics, etc...) as well as setting tabs and margins. However, if you plan to do major work on text that is scanned, you should make only minor modifications in this window and then save the document to be used in a larger, more complex word processing program such as Microsoft Word or WordPerfect.