Episodic Ataxia (EA) pedigree: Haplotype
       Quick View of the Haplotype Analysis from SimWalk2 2.91
 Below you will find a quick view of the best haplotype vector found for each
 pedigree analyzed. Specifically, for each pedigree the quick view includes
 one line for each founder, listing their name, sex and trait value (if any).
 For each non-founder there is a set of two lines and then a blank line.
 The data lines contain the following information, in order: the letter
 'M' or 'P' (indicating whether this is the maternal or paternal haplotype),
 the child's name, their mother's name, their father's name, their sex,
 their trait value (if any), the haplotype's 'source information',
 a series of letters 'R' (one for each recombination in the haplotype),
 the run label, the number of the pedigree, and finally the pedigree name.
 The 'source information' for a haplotype is a string of digits, one for each
 allele in the haplotype, indicating the grandparental source of the allele.
 A '1' indicates the corresponding allele came from a grandmaternal haplotype,
 and a '2' indicates grandpaternal origin. Thus any transition from a '1' to a
 '2', or vice versa, in either the maternal or paternal haplotypes, implies
 a recombination event within that haplotype.
 The results for the pedigree named: 20                                         
 which is pedigree number:           001                                        
 This haplotype run has the label:   11                                         
 The number of individuals is:       29                                         
M 1        1000     1001     M 2        111111111     11 001 20                 
P 1        1000     1001     M 2        222222222     11 001 20                 
  1001                       M 1                                                
M 1000     2001     2002     F 2        222222222     11 001 20                 
P 1000     2001     2002     F 2        111111111     11 001 20                 
M 100      1000     1001     M 1        222222222     11 001 20                 
P 100      1000     1001     M 1        222211222 RR  11 001 20                 
  2002                       M 1                                                
  2001                       F                                                  
M 1002     2001     2002     M 1        111111111     11 001 20                 
P 1002     2001     2002     M 1        111111111     11 001 20                 
M 1006     2001     2002     F 2        222222222     11 001 20                 
P 1006     2001     2002     F 2        111111111     11 001 20                 
  1007                       M 1                                                
M 1008     2001     2002     F 2        222222222     11 001 20                 
P 1008     2001     2002     F 2        222222222     11 001 20                 
  1009                       M 1                                                
  199                        F 1                                                
M 1010     2001     2002     F 2        222222222     11 001 20                 
P 1010     2001     2002     F 2        222222222     11 001 20                 
  1011                       M 1                                                
M 102      1000     1001     M 2        111111111     11 001 20                 
P 102      1000     1001     M 2        111111111     11 001 20                 
  103                        F 1                                                
  104                        F 1                                                
M 113      1006     1007     F 2        111122222 R   11 001 20                 
P 113      1006     1007     F 2        222222222     11 001 20                 
M 114      1006     1007     F 2        111111111     11 001 20                 
P 114      1006     1007     F 2        111122222 R   11 001 20                 
M 115      1008     1009     M 2        111111111     11 001 20                 
P 115      1008     1009     M 2        111111111     11 001 20                 
M 116      1010     1011     M 2        111111111     11 001 20                 
P 116      1010     1011     M 2        111111111     11 001 20                 
M 117      1010     1011     F 1        222222222     11 001 20                 
P 117      1010     1011     F 1        222222222     11 001 20                 
M 9099     199      100      M 1        222222222     11 001 20                 
P 9099     199      100      M 1        222222222     11 001 20                 
M 9098     199      100      F          111111111     11 001 20                 
P 9098     199      100      F          111111111     11 001 20                 
M 9097     199      100      M 1        222222222     11 001 20                 
P 9097     199      100      M 1        222222222     11 001 20                 
M 9003     103      102      M 2        111111111     11 001 20                 
P 9003     103      102      M 2        111111111     11 001 20                 
M 9004     103      102      M 1        222222222     11 001 20                 
P 9004     103      102      M 1        111122222 R   11 001 20                 
M 9005     104      1        F 2        111111111     11 001 20                 
P 9005     104      1        F 2        111111111     11 001 20                 
M 9006     104      1        M          111111111     11 001 20                 
P 9006     104      1        M          222222222     11 001 20                 