Episodic Ataxia (EA) pedigree: NPL      
    Results of the Non-Parametric Linkage (NPL) Analysis from SimWalk2 2.91
 The results for the pedigree named: 20                                       ##
 which is pedigree number:           001                                      ##
 This run has the integer label:     33                                       ##
 The number of individuals is:       29
 The number of affecteds is:         12
 Please see the overall NPL analysis output file: STATS-33.ALL   
 for a brief description of the statistics in the following tables.
                               BLOCKS    MAX-TREE  ENTROPY   NPL_PAIR  NPL_ALL 
                               ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
 NUM  NUM    NAME     NAME     -Log(P)   -Log(P)   -Log(P)   -Log(P)   -Log(P) 
 33   001   20      S91         0.7917    0.0008    0.0188    0.0008    0.0008
                                0.1014    3.1211    1.7266    3.1086    3.1240
 33   001   20      S100        0.8040    0.0007    0.0186    0.0007    0.0007
                                0.0947    3.1400    1.7304    3.1424    3.1485
 33   001   20      CACNL1A1    0.8079    0.0018    0.0226    0.0019    0.0016
                                0.0927    2.7512    1.6451    2.7257    2.8005
 33   001   20      S372        0.5764    0.0047    0.0235    0.0042    0.0025
                                0.2393    2.3244    1.6288    2.3817    2.6072
 33   001   20      pY2/1       0.3926    0.0086    0.0265    0.0076    0.0042
                                0.4060    2.0655    1.5773    2.1169    2.3752
 33   001   20      pY21/1      0.3831    0.0080    0.0253    0.0073    0.0042
                                0.4167    2.0969    1.5969    2.1367    2.3768
 33   001   20      KCNA5       0.3807    0.0081    0.0247    0.0079    0.0044
                                0.4194    2.0915    1.6073    2.1024    2.3565
 33   001   20      S99         0.3805    0.0078    0.0235    0.0079    0.0040
                                0.4196    2.1079    1.6289    2.1024    2.3979
 33   001   20      S93         0.3871    0.0178    0.0375    0.0185    0.0115
                                0.4122    1.7495    1.4258    1.7320    1.9400
   MARKER   ,     POSITION  ,     -LOG10(p-values)
    NAME    , in Haldane cM ,  BLOCKS  , MAX-TREE, ENTROPY , NPL_PAIR, NPL_ALL
  S91       ,       0.0000  ,   0.101  ,  3.121  ,  1.727  ,  3.109  ,  3.124 ##
  S100      ,       1.0101  ,   0.095  ,  3.140  ,  1.730  ,  3.142  ,  3.148 ##
  CACNL1A1  ,       2.0203  ,   0.093  ,  2.751  ,  1.645  ,  2.726  ,  2.801 ##
  S372      ,       5.1140  ,   0.239  ,  2.324  ,  1.629  ,  2.382  ,  2.607 ##
  pY2/1     ,       8.2078  ,   0.406  ,  2.066  ,  1.577  ,  2.117  ,  2.375 ##
  pY21/1    ,       9.2179  ,   0.417  ,  2.097  ,  1.597  ,  2.137  ,  2.377 ##
  KCNA5     ,      10.2281  ,   0.419  ,  2.092  ,  1.607  ,  2.102  ,  2.357 ##
  S99       ,      11.2382  ,   0.420  ,  2.108  ,  1.629  ,  2.102  ,  2.398 ##
  S93       ,      12.2484  ,   0.412  ,  1.749  ,  1.426  ,  1.732  ,  1.940   