SimWalk2 version 2.91                                                   
       Type of data analysis:         Haplotyping                              
       Locus data INPUT file:         LOCUS.DAT                                
       Pedigree data INPUT file:      PEDIGREE.DAT                             
       Map data INPUT file:           MAP.DAT                                  
       Individual OUTPUT files:       HAPLO-11.mmm                             
       Overall OUTPUT file:           QUICK-11.ALL                             
       Summary OUTPUT file:           TABLE-11.ALL                             
       Copy of all screen output:     VIDEO-11.TXT                             
       Here 'mmm' is from the order within the input pedigree file,            
       e.g., '001' for the first pedigree, etc.                                
  Working on data initialization ...                                           
   WARNING. In the locus file: LOCUS.DAT                                       
            for the following loci, minor adjustments had to be made           
            to the allele frequencies to force them to sum to 1.0:             
            CACNL1A1  pY2/1     KCNA5     S93                                  
   Map data file 'MAP.DAT' completed initialization;                           
   Locus data file 'LOCUS.DAT' completed initialization;                       
   Pedigree #001 completed initialization;                                     
  All data completed initialization.                                           
  Working on pedigree analysis ...                                             
   Pedigree #001 ('20') working on haplotyping ...                             
      (Found an initial consistent state.)                                     
          25% done ...                                                         
          50% done ...                                                         
          75% done ...                                                         
   Pedigree #001 ('20') completed haplotyping.                                 
  All individual pedigrees completed analysis.                                 
  Now combining individual results into overall results...                     
  Overall results completed.                                                   
  Please see the following output files.                                       
       Individual OUTPUT files:       HAPLO-11.mmm                             
       Overall OUTPUT file:           QUICK-11.ALL                             
       Summary OUTPUT file:           TABLE-11.ALL                             
       Copy of all screen output:     VIDEO-11.TXT                             
       Here 'mmm' is from the order within the input pedigree file,            
       e.g., '001' for the first pedigree, etc.                                
  Program run completed!