Academic Journals
Lee S. Weinberg, "A Participation Technique for Teaching the Legislative Process", Teaching Political Science, April, 1994.
Lee S. Weinberg, "Stability and Change Among Pittsburgh Precinct Politicians: 1954-1970", Social Science, Winter, 1975.
Lee S. Weinberg and Richard E. Vatz, "Szasz and the Law: An Alternative View", Journal of Psychiatry and Law, Winter, 1976.
Richard E. Vatz, Lee S. Weinberg, Ron Rabin and Irene Shipman, "The Vice-Presidential Debate and the Theories of Paul I. Rosenthal", Exitasis, November 2, 1976.
Lee S. Weinberg, "Askew v. American Waterways, Inc: The Emerging New Federalism", Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Fall, 1978, Vol. 8, No. 4.
Lee S. Weinberg and Richard E. Vatz, "Law, Language, and Forensic Psychiatry", Duquesne University Law Review, Summer, 1978, Vol 16, No. 4.
Lee S. Weinberg and Richard E. Vatz, "Psychotherapy and the Three R's: Rhetoric, Religion, and Repression", American Legal Studies Association Forum, May, 1978.
Richard E. Vatz and Lee S. Weinberg, "Taking Law On Faith", American Legal Studies Association Forum, Spring, 1980.
Lee S. Weinberg and Richard E. Vatz, "The Mental Illness Debate: The Critical Faith Assumptions", The Journal of Psychiatry and Law, Fall, 1981, vol. 9., No. 3.
Lee S. Weinberg and Richard E. Vatz, "The Insanity Defense: Szaszian Ethics and Epistemology", Metamedicine, Fall, 1982.
Richard E. Vatz and Lee S. Weinberg, "A Szaszian View of Death", Journal of Humanistic Psychology (Spring, 1977): Reprinted in Theta: A Journal of Psychical Research (1982).
Lee S. Weinberg and Richard E. Vatz, "Raoul Berger, Interpretivism, and The Death Penalty", The American Legal Studies Association Forum, Fall, 1983.
Richard E. Vatz and Lee S. Weinberg, "The Psychiatric Will: Illogic and Hidden Agendas," Journal of Psychiatry and Law, Fall, 1983.
Richard E. Vatz and Lee S. Weinberg, "Is Compulsive Gambling Really A Disease?", Postgraduate Medicine, October 7, 1987.
Richard E. Vatz and Lee S. Weinberg, "Fantasy Analysis and Psychiatry," Journal of Communication, Autumn, 1987.
Richard E. Vatz and Lee S. Weinberg, "Media and Polling: Measuring and Creating the Salience of George Bush as 'Wimp'", Mass Communication Review, Fall, 1989.
Richard E. Vatz and Lee S. Weinberg, "The Conceptual Bind in Defining the Volitional Component of Alcoholism: Public Policy and Scientific Research Consequences," Journal of Mind and Behavior, Spring/Summer, 1990.
Richard E. Vatz and Lee S. Weinberg, "Biochemistry and Power-seeking," Politics and the Life Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 1, August, 1991.
John F. Karns, Lee S. Weinberg, "The Death Penalty in Pennsylvania (1978-1990): A Preliminary Analysis of the Effects of Race, Gender, and Urbanization", Dickinson Law Review, 95: 4, Summer, 1991.
Richard E. Vatz and Lee S. Weinberg, "Psychiatry and Rhetoric," in The Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Communication, Theresa Enos, ed., (New York: Garland Publishing, 1996).
Lee S. Weinberg, "Constitutional Law," Jay M. Shafritz, ed., The International Encyclopedia of Public Policy and Administration, New York: Westview Press (forthcoming).
Richard E. Vatz and Lee S. Weinberg, "Critiques of Szaszian Criticisms of Psychiatry: Nonengagement and Irrelevant Theses," Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry, forthcoming, 1998.