(A)dd curve | |
(D)elete last | |
(R)emove all | |
(E)dit curve | |
(P)ostscript | |
(F)reeze | |
a(X)es opts | |
exp(O)rt | |
(C)olormap |
All subsequent integrations and restorations will include the new graph. Up to 10 per window are allowed.
You are then asked for a file name for the postscript file.
There are several options:
A parameter box pops up that asks you for the color (linetype) as well as the key name and the curve name. The curve name is for easy reference and should be a few characters. The key name is what will be printed on the graph if a key is present.
The file must be of the same format as is produced by the Write pts option in the AUTO menus.
The diagram is colored according to whether the points are stable/unstable fixed points or periodics. The diagram is ``frozen'' and there can only be one diagram at a time.