(T)otal -- Change total time |
(S)tart time -- Change start time of simulation |
t(R)ansient -- Only store after this much time |
(D)t -- Integration timestep |
n(C)line ctrl -- nullcline grid |
s(I)ng pt ctl -- fixed point accuracy |
n(O)ut -- frequency of output |
(B)ounds -- global bounds for all variables |
(M)ethod -- integration method |
d(E)lay -- delay equations params |
(C)olor code -- color code trajectories |
(P)oincare map -- c'mon you should know! |
r(U)elle plot -- make delayed embedding plots |
stoc(H)astic -- all sorts of statistics, curve fitting, miscellany! |
loo(K)up -- change tables |
bndry(V)al -- params for BVP solver |
(A)djoint -- weakly coupled oscillator stuff. |
y2'' = f2(y1,...,yn)
yn'' = fn(y1,...,yn)