Teaching History
2010— University of Pittsburgh, Department of Anthropology:
- Basic Archaeological Laboratory Analysis (ANTH 1537) | Syllabus
- Introduction to Archaeology (ANTH 0582) | Syllabus
- Archaeological Data Analysis I (ANTH 1534/2534) | Syllabus
- Archaeological Data Analysis II (ANTH 2524) | Syllabus
- Social Organization (ANTH 1757) | Syllabus
- Introduction to Physical Anthropology (ANTH 0680) | Syllabus
2018—2021 Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Department of Anthropology:
- World Archaeology (ANTH 213) | Syllabus
- Contemporary Anthropology (ANTH 110) | Syllabus
- Cultural Anthropology (ANTH 211) | Syllabus
- Mesoamerican Archaeology (ANTH 323) | Syllabus
- Language and Culture (ANTH 233) | Syllabus
- Anthropological Data Analysis (ANTH 481) | Syllabus
2016 Colorado State University, Semester at Sea Study Abroad Program:
- Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (ANTH 100) | Syllabus
- Human Origins and Variation (ANTH 120) | Syllabus
- Cultural Change (ANTH 329) | Syllabus
2011 University of Virginia, Semester at Sea Study Abroad Program:
- Emergence of States and Cities (ANTH 2820) | Syllabus
- Contemporary Archaeological Research and Exploration | Syllabus
- Human Origins (ANTH 2810) | Syllabus
2006—2007 Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Escuela de Ciencias Humanas:
- Andean Archaeology.
- Archaeological Theory I (History of Archaeological Thought)
- Archaeological Theory II (Contemporary Archaeological Research and Exploration)
- Statistical Data Analysis
International Field Practica
2016 Dakar, Senegal:
Visit to the Reserve de Bandia and Hann Zoological Park to study primate social structure, behavior, and conservation efforts in Senegal. Semester at Sea Study Abroad Program, Colorado State University (30 students).
2016 Salvador, Brazil:
Question and answer session with Candomble Priestess and Candomble dance workshop to study religious expression, change, and cultural resistance in Brazil. Semester at Sea Study Abroad Program, Colorado State University (30 students).
2016 Guayaquil, Ecuador:
Question and answer session with favela founders to study community organization, cultural change, and ethno-genesis in Ecuador; mapping of favela layout and neighborhood organization including indicators of commerce, socio-economic status, security, and intra-community interaction. Semester at Sea Study Abroad Program, Colorado State University (30 students)
2011 Kemchapuram, India:
Visit to the Mamallapuram archaeological site to study temple layouts and religious political economies in India. Semester at Sea Study Abroad Program, University of Virginia (20 students).
2011 Kakum National Park, Ghana:
Visit to the Kakum National Park to study primate social structure and conservation efforts in Ghana. Semester at Sea Study Abroad Program, University of Virginia (20 students).
2007 Manabí, Ecuador:
Undergraduate student participation in the Machalilla National Park Archaeological Survey. University of Pittsburgh (20 students).
2006 San Ramón de Alajuela Survey, Costa Rica:
Undergraduate student participation in the San Ramón de Alajuela Archaeological Survey (Auxiliary Instructor). University of Pittsburgh (6 students). Field School Director: Professor Mauricio Murillo Herrera.
2005 Manabí, Ecuador:
Archaeological Field School (Field Instructor). Florida Atlantic University (20 students). Field School Director: Valentina Martínez.

Ceibo tree,
Machalilla National Park,
Manabí, Ecuador