ECE3795-Fall 2017 Power Electronics Conversion 2

(Go Back to Prof. Alexis Kwasinski's website or go back to e-LEAdERS website)

New Announcements

- Homework #2 has been posted in Courseweb.

Old Announcements

- Homework #1 has been posted in Courseweb.
- I have uploaded the class videos for 9/12 and 9/14 to course web. The video for 9/14 has two parts.
- Welcome to ECE2795. I will post course materials and announcements here and in CourseWeb. Please check both regularly.
- Course syllabus is posted below. Please, be specially aware about prerequisites and students approach to coursework in terms of independence and research independence.

Course documents:

Week 1:

Weeks 2 and 3:
Week 4:

Week 5:

Weeks 6 and 7: