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Cultural Studies


Recent Announcements

'EMPIRE: A Retrospective' Conference

Please join the Cultural Studies Program as we host the second biannual faculty and graduate students colloquium. The conference will address the 10th anniversary of the publication of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri's seminal book Empire.

New Cultural Studies Association Website

Please visit the new Cultural Studies Association website where you can register for and get updates about the upcoming conference in Chicago.

Cultural Studies Association 8th Annual Meeting

The Eighth Annual Meeting of the Cultural Studies Association (U.S.) took place March 18-20, 2010 at the University of California at Berkeley.

Please Welcome Our New Director

Dr. Giuseppina Mecchia of Pitt's French and Italian Department has just begun a three-year appointment as Director of the Program for Cultural Studies. Dr. Nancy Condee has stepped down after serving as the Program Director for more than a decade.

9/11 Anniversary: Critical Quarterly Special Issue

This special issue of Critical Quarterly examines the events of 9/11 from a broad range of disciplinary perspectives, including Islamic theory, media studies, philosophy, war theory, architecture, and film studies. Articles by J.L. Camp, Eric O. Clarke, Paul Hirst, Ronald Judy, Terry Smith, Sami Zubaida, and others; interview with Christopher Hitchens. This publication was produced in conjunction with a research seminar jointly organized at the Tate Modern by the Cultural Studies Program (University of Pittsburgh) and the London Consortium.

For copies of the special issue, please send $8 (includes shipping) to:

University of Pittsburgh

Cultural Studies Program

Attn: Karen Lillis

2205 Wesley W. Posvar Hall

Pittsburgh, PA 15260

E-mail or call 412-624-7232 if you require more information.
