90-745: Decision Support Systems for Public Managers

Spring 1998, Mondays, 5:30pm - 8:30pm, Hamburg Hall 1004, Carnegie Mellon University
Instructor: Marek J. Druzdzel


90-722 Management Science. The course presumes a reasonable awareness of decision analysis (e.g., as taught 90-787, Decision Analysis), basic probability theory and statistics (e.g., as taught in 90-801 Data Analysis for Managers), and modeling techniques that are a pre-requisite for analytical decision making. The course will also assume knowledge of basic modeling technology such as spreadsheets. Students who do not have these prerequisites should consult with the teacher.


"The average man's judgment is so poor, he runs a risk every time he uses it." --- Edgar W. Howe

The course focuses on the use of computer-based systems to assist human decision making. As such, we will be concerned with a) human decision making in the organizational context, b) the methods that can be used to support it, and c) the issues associated with the use of computer-based systems that deliver the relevant technology. One of the central foci of the course will be so called "normative systems," i.e., systems based on the normative principles of decision analysis.

The intended participants are students who want to learn more about decision making in organizational context and tools that can be used to support it. Knowledge of these tools may prove useful in your personal decision making and in decisions that you will be making during your professional career as a public manager. Should you choose to become a professional supporting decisions of others (and this is a good way to make a living), this course will lay foundations for your future studies.

The syllabus (HTML)

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